
# How to get orders

You can access your site’s orders from your templates via craft.commerce.orders It returns an ElementCriteriaModel object.

{% set orders = craft.commerce.orders.find() %}

{% for order in orders %}
    {{ order.number }} - {{ order.totalPrice}} <br>
{% endfor %}

# Parameters

craft.commerce.orders supports the following parameters:

# type

Product Type model or handle.

# typeId

Product type ID.

# number

The unique hash of the order.

# completed

Accepts true. e.g {% set orders = craft.commerce.orders.completed(true).find() %} would return completed orders since they have isCompleted set to true.

# isCompleted

Accepts 1 or not 1. e.g {% set orders = craft.commerce.orders.isCompleted('not 1').find() %} would return incomplete orders (carts) since they have isCompleted set to false.

# dateOrdered

The date the order was completed.

# orderStatus

accepts an orderStatus model.

# orderStatusId

Accepts the ID of an order status.

# customer

A customer Model can be passed to get orders for that customer only. e.g {% set orders = craft.commerce.orders.customer(craft.commerce.customer).find() %} Do not use this to get a cart, as the default response does not include orders that are still carts (use {% set cart = craft.commerce.getCart %} to get the current user’s cart).

# user

A customer Model can be passed to get orders for that user only. e.g {% set orders = craft.commerce.orders.user(currentUser).find() %} Do not use this to get a cart, as the default response does not include orders that are still carts (use {% set cart = craft.commerce.getCart %} to get the current user’s cart).

# customerId

Accepts an ID of a customer.

# updatedAfter

Only fetch orders with an Updated Date that is on or after the given date.

You can specify dates in the following formats:

  • YYYY
  • A Unix timestamp
  • A DateTime variable

# updatedBefore

Only fetch orders with an Updated Date that is before the given date.

You can specify dates in the following formats:

  • YYYY
  • A Unix timestamp
  • A DateTime variable

# isPaid

Accepts true. Limits results to only orders where totalPaid is >= totalPrice

# isUnPaid

Accepts true. Limits results to only orders where totalPaid is < totalPrice

# datePaid

The date the order was paid.

# hasPurchasables

Returns orders that contains specific purchasables.

Accepts: An array of models that implement the Purchasable interface (like variants), or an array of purchasable element IDs.

For example:

{% if currentUser %}
    {% set order = craft.commerce.orders.user(currentUser).hasPurchasables([product.defaultVariant]).first() %}
    {% if order %}
        I already own this product:  <a href="shop/order?orderNumber={{ order.number }}">Order #{{ order.shortNumber }}</a>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}


{% set  orders = craft.commerce.orders({
  hasPurchasables: [32,34,35]
}) %}