
craft\commerce\elements\Subscription » craft\base\Element (opens new window) » craft\base\Component (opens new window) » craft\base\Model (opens new window) » yii\base\Model (opens new window) » yii\base\Component (opens new window) » yii\base\BaseObject (opens new window)
ArrayAccess (opens new window), IteratorAggregate (opens new window), craft\base\ComponentInterface (opens new window), craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), yii\base\Arrayable (opens new window), yii\base\Configurable (opens new window), yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface (opens new window)
Uses traits
craft\base\ClonefixTrait (opens new window), craft\base\ElementTrait (opens new window), yii\base\ArrayableTrait (opens new window), yii\base\StaticInstanceTrait (opens new window)

Subscription model.

View source (opens new window)

# Public Properties

Property Description
_subscriptionData array (opens new window) – The subscription data from gateway
activeValidators (opens new window) yii\validators\Validator (opens new window) – The validators applicable to the current scenario (opens new window).
allPayments craft\commerce\models\subscriptions\SubscriptionPayment[]
alternativePlans craft\commerce\base\Plan[]
ancestors (opens new window) craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window), craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window)
archived (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is archived
attributes (opens new window) array (opens new window) – Attribute values (name => value).
awaitingFieldValues (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is still awaiting its custom field values
behaviors (opens new window) yii\base\Behavior (opens new window) – List of behaviors attached to this component
billingIssueDescription mixed
billingIssueResolveFormHtml mixed
children (opens new window) craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window), craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window)
contentId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s content row ID
contentTable (opens new window) string (opens new window)
cpEditUrl string (opens new window), null (opens new window)
currentRevision (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
dateCanceled DateTime (opens new window) – Time when subscription was canceled
dateCreated (opens new window) DateTime (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The date that the element was created
dateDeleted (opens new window) DateTime (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The date that the element was trashed
dateExpired DateTime (opens new window) – Time when subscription expired
dateSuspended DateTime (opens new window) – Time when subscription was put on hold
dateUpdated (opens new window) DateTime (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The date that the element was last updated
descendants (opens new window) craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window), craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window)
dirtyAttributes (opens new window) string (opens new window)[]
dirtyFields (opens new window) string (opens new window)[]
draftId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The ID of the draft’s row in the drafts table
duplicateOf (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element that this element is being duplicated by.
editorHtml (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The HTML for the editor HUD
enabled (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is enabled
enabledForSite (opens new window) boolean (opens new window), null (opens new window) – Whether the element is enabled for the given site.
errors (opens new window) array (opens new window) – Errors for all attributes or the specified attribute.
fieldColumnPrefix (opens new window) string (opens new window)
fieldContext (opens new window) string (opens new window)
fieldLayout craft\models\FieldLayout (opens new window), null (opens new window)
fieldLayoutId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s field layout ID
fieldParamNamespace (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The field param namespace
fieldValues (opens new window) array (opens new window) – The field values (handle => value)
firstErrors (opens new window) array (opens new window) – The first errors.
gateway craft\commerce\base\SubscriptionGatewayInterface
gatewayId integer (opens new window) – Gateway id
gqlTypeName (opens new window) string (opens new window)
hardDelete (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is being hard-deleted.
hasBillingIssues mixed
hasDescendants (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
hasFreshContent (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element’s content is fresh
hasStarted boolean (opens new window) – Whether the subscription has started
id (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s ID
isCanceled boolean (opens new window) – Whether the subscription is canceled
isDraft (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
isEditable (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
isExpired boolean (opens new window) – Whether the subscription has expired
isHomepage (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
isOnTrial boolean (opens new window)
isRevision (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
isSuspended boolean (opens new window) – Whether the subscription is on hold due to payment issues
isUnsavedDraft (opens new window) boolean (opens new window)
iterator (opens new window) ArrayIterator (opens new window) – An iterator for traversing the items in the list.
level (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s level within its structure
lft (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s left position within its structure
link (opens new window) \Twig\Markup, null (opens new window)
name null (opens new window), string (opens new window)
newSiteIds (opens new window) integer (opens new window)[] – The site IDs that the element was just propagated to for the first time.
next (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
nextPaymentAmount string (opens new window)
nextPaymentDate DateTime (opens new window) – Date of next payment
nextSibling (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
order null (opens new window), craft\commerce\elements\Order
orderEditUrl string (opens new window)
orderId integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – Order id
parent (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
plan craft\commerce\base\PlanInterface
planId integer (opens new window) – Plan id
planName string (opens new window)
prev (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
prevSibling (opens new window) craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window), null (opens new window)
previewTargets (opens new window) array (opens new window)
previewing (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is currently being previewed.
propagateAll (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether all element attributes should be propagated across all its supported sites, even if that means overwriting existing site-specific values.
propagating (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is being saved in the context of propagating another site's version of the element.
ref (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window)
reference string (opens new window) – Subscription reference on the gateway
resaving (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element is being resaved by a ResaveElement job or a resave console command.
revisionId (opens new window) integer (opens new window) – The ID of the revision’s row in the revisions table
rgt (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s right position within its structure
root (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s structure’s root ID
route (opens new window) mixed – The route that the request should use, or null if no special action should be taken
scenario (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The scenario that this model is in.
searchScore (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s search score, if the craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::search() (opens new window) parameter was used when querying for the element
serializedFieldValues (opens new window) array (opens new window)
siblings (opens new window) craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window), craft\base\ElementInterface (opens new window)
site (opens new window) craft\models\Site (opens new window)
siteId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The site ID the element is associated with
slug (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s slug
sourceId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window)
sourceUid (opens new window) string (opens new window)
status string (opens new window), null (opens new window)
structureId (opens new window) integer (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s structure ID
subscriber craft\elements\User (opens new window)
subscriptionData array (opens new window)
supportedSites (opens new window) integer (opens new window)[], array (opens new window)
tempId (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s temporary ID (only used if the element's URI format contains {id})
title (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s title
totalDescendants (opens new window) integer (opens new window)
trashed (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the element has been soft-deleted.
trialDays integer (opens new window) – Trial days granted
trialExpires DateTime (opens new window)
uiLabel (opens new window) string (opens new window)
uid (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s UID
uri (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The element’s URI
uriFormat (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window)
url (opens new window) string (opens new window), null (opens new window)
userId integer (opens new window) – User id
validators (opens new window) ArrayObject (opens new window), yii\validators\Validator (opens new window) – All the validators declared in the model.

# _subscriptionData

array (opens new window)

The subscription data from gateway

View source (opens new window)

# allPayments


View source (opens new window)

# alternativePlans


View source (opens new window)

# billingIssueDescription


View source (opens new window)

# billingIssueResolveFormHtml


View source (opens new window)

# cpEditUrl

string (opens new window), null (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# dateCanceled

DateTime (opens new window)

Time when subscription was canceled

View source (opens new window)

# dateExpired

DateTime (opens new window)

Time when subscription expired

View source (opens new window)

# dateSuspended

DateTime (opens new window)

Time when subscription was put on hold

View source (opens new window)

# fieldLayout

craft\models\FieldLayout (opens new window), null (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# gateway


View source (opens new window)

# gatewayId

integer (opens new window)

Gateway id

View source (opens new window)

# hasBillingIssues


View source (opens new window)

# hasStarted

boolean (opens new window)

Whether the subscription has started

View source (opens new window)

# isCanceled

boolean (opens new window)

Whether the subscription is canceled

View source (opens new window)

# isExpired

boolean (opens new window)

Whether the subscription has expired

View source (opens new window)

# isOnTrial

boolean (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# isSuspended

boolean (opens new window)

Whether the subscription is on hold due to payment issues

View source (opens new window)

# name

null (opens new window), string (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# nextPaymentAmount

string (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# nextPaymentDate

DateTime (opens new window)

Date of next payment

View source (opens new window)

# order

null (opens new window), craft\commerce\elements\Order

View source (opens new window)

# orderEditUrl

string (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# orderId

integer (opens new window), null (opens new window)

Order id

View source (opens new window)

# plan


View source (opens new window)

# planId

integer (opens new window)

Plan id

View source (opens new window)

# planName

string (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# reference

string (opens new window)

Subscription reference on the gateway

View source (opens new window)

# status

string (opens new window), null (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# subscriber

craft\elements\User (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# subscriptionData

array (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# trialDays

integer (opens new window)

Trial days granted

View source (opens new window)

# trialExpires

DateTime (opens new window)

View source (opens new window)

# userId

integer (opens new window)

User id

View source (opens new window)

# Protected Properties

# Public Methods

Method Description
__call() (opens new window) Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__clone() (opens new window)
__construct() (opens new window) Constructor.
__get() (opens new window) Returns the value of a component property.
__isset() (opens new window) Checks if a property is set.
__set() (opens new window) Sets the value of a component property.
__unset() (opens new window) Sets an object property to null.
actions() (opens new window) Returns the available element actions (opens new window) for a given source.
activeAttributes() (opens new window) Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario.
addError() (opens new window) Adds a new error to the specified attribute.
addErrors() (opens new window) Adds a list of errors.
addModelErrors() (opens new window) Adds errors from another model, with a given attribute name prefix.
afterDelete() (opens new window) Performs actions after an element is deleted.
afterMoveInStructure() (opens new window) Performs actions after an element is moved within a structure.
afterPropagate() (opens new window) Performs actions after an element is fully saved and propagated to other sites.
afterRestore() (opens new window) Performs actions after an element is restored.
afterSave() Performs actions after an element is saved.
afterValidate() (opens new window) This method is invoked after validation ends.
attachBehavior() (opens new window) Attaches a behavior to this component.
attachBehaviors() (opens new window) Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
attributeHints() (opens new window) Returns the attribute hints.
attributeLabels() (opens new window) Returns the attribute labels.
attributes() (opens new window) Returns the list of attribute names.
beforeDelete() (opens new window) Performs actions before an element is deleted.
beforeMoveInStructure() (opens new window) Performs actions before an element is moved within a structure.
beforeRestore() (opens new window) Performs actions before an element is restored.
beforeSave() (opens new window) Performs actions before an element is saved.
beforeValidate() (opens new window) This method is invoked before validation starts.
behaviors() (opens new window) Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
canGetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canReactivate() Returns whether this subscription can be reactivated.
canSetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className() (opens new window) Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
clearErrors() (opens new window) Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute.
createValidators() (opens new window) Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in rules() (opens new window).
datetimeAttributes() Returns the names of any attributes that should hold DateTime (opens new window) values.
defaultTableAttributes() (opens new window) Returns the list of table attribute keys that should be shown by default.
defineSources() Defines the sources that elements of this type may belong to.
detachBehavior() (opens new window) Detaches a behavior from the component.
detachBehaviors() (opens new window) Detaches all behaviors from the component.
displayName() (opens new window) Returns the display name of this class.
eagerLoadingMap() Returns an array that maps source-to-target element IDs based on the given sub-property handle.
ensureBehaviors() (opens new window) Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() (opens new window) are attached to this component.
exporters() (opens new window) Returns the available export options for a given source.
extraFields() (opens new window) Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by toArray() (opens new window).
fields() (opens new window) Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() (opens new window) when no specific fields are specified.
find() Creates an craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window) instance for query purpose.
findAll() (opens new window) Returns a list of elements that match the specified ID(s) or a set of element criteria parameters.
findOne() (opens new window) Returns a single element instance by a primary key or a set of element criteria parameters.
formName() (opens new window) Returns the form name that this model class should use.
generateAttributeLabel() (opens new window) Generates a user friendly attribute label based on the give attribute name.
getActiveValidators() (opens new window) Returns the validators applicable to the current scenario (opens new window).
getAllPayments() Returns an array of all payments for this subscription.
getAlternativePlans() Returns possible alternative plans for this subscription
getAncestors() (opens new window) Returns the element’s ancestors.
getAttributeHint() (opens new window) Returns the text hint for the specified attribute.
getAttributeLabel() (opens new window) Returns the text label for the specified attribute.
getAttributeStatus() (opens new window) Returns the status of a given attribute.
getAttributes() (opens new window) Returns attribute values.
getBehavior() (opens new window) Returns the named behavior object.
getBehaviors() (opens new window) Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
getBillingIssueDescription() Return a description of the billing issue (if any) with this subscription.
getBillingIssueResolveFormHtml() Return the form HTML for resolving the billing issue (if any) with this subscription.
getChildren() (opens new window) Returns the element’s children.
getContentTable() (opens new window) Returns the name of the table this element’s content is stored in.
getCpEditUrl() Returns the element’s edit URL in the control panel.
getCurrentRevision() (opens new window) Returns the element’s current revision, if one exists.
getDescendants() (opens new window) Returns the element’s descendants.
getDirtyAttributes() (opens new window) Returns a list of attribute names that have changed since the element was first loaded.
getDirtyFields() (opens new window) Returns a list of custom field handles that have changed since the element was first loaded.
getEagerLoadedElementCount() (opens new window) Returns the count of eager-loaded elements for a given handle.
getEagerLoadedElements() (opens new window) Returns the eager-loaded elements for a given handle.
getEditorHtml() (opens new window) Returns the HTML for the element’s editor HUD.
getEnabledForSite() (opens new window) Returns whether the element is enabled for the current site.
getError() (opens new window) Returns the first error of the specified attribute.
getErrorSummary() (opens new window) Returns the errors for all attributes as a one-dimensional array.
getErrors() (opens new window) Returns the errors for all attributes or a single attribute.
getFieldColumnPrefix() (opens new window) Returns the field column prefix this element’s content uses.
getFieldContext() (opens new window) Returns the field context this element’s content uses.
getFieldLayout() Returns the field layout used by this element.
getFieldParamNamespace() (opens new window) Returns the namespace used by custom field params on the request.
getFieldStatus() (opens new window) Returns the status of a given field.
getFieldValue() (opens new window) Returns the value for a given field.
getFieldValues() (opens new window) Returns the element’s normalized custom field values, indexed by their handles.
getFirstError() (opens new window) Returns the first error of the specified attribute.
getFirstErrors() (opens new window) Returns the first error of every attribute in the model.
getGateway() Returns the product type for the product tied to the license.
getGqlTypeName() (opens new window) Returns the GraphQL type name for this element type.
getHasBillingIssues() Return whether this subscription has billing issues.
getHasDescendants() (opens new window) Returns whether the element has descendants.
getHasFreshContent() (opens new window) Returns whether the element’s content is "fresh" (unsaved and without validation errors).
getHtmlAttributes() (opens new window) Returns any attributes that should be included in the element’s DOM representation in the control panel.
getId() (opens new window) Returns the element’s ID.
getIsDraft() (opens new window) Returns whether this is a draft.
getIsEditable() (opens new window) Returns whether the current user can edit the element.
getIsHomepage() (opens new window) Returns whether this element represents the site homepage.
getIsOnTrial() Returns whether this subscription is on trial.
getIsRevision() (opens new window) Returns whether this is a revision.
getIsUnsavedDraft() (opens new window) Returns whether the element is an unsaved draft.
getIterator() (opens new window) Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model.
getLink() (opens new window) Returns an anchor pre-filled with this element’s URL and title.
getNext() (opens new window) Returns the next element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria.
getNextPaymentAmount() Returns the next payment amount with currency code as a string.
getNextSibling() (opens new window) Returns the element’s next sibling.
getOrder() Returns the order that included this subscription, if any.
getOrderEditUrl() Returns the link for editing the order that purchased this license.
getParent() (opens new window) Returns the element’s parent.
getPlan() Returns the subscription plan for this subscription
getPrev() (opens new window) Returns the previous element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria.
getPrevSibling() (opens new window) Returns the element’s previous sibling.
getPreviewTargets() (opens new window) Returns the additional locations that should be available for previewing the element, besides its primary URL (opens new window).
getRef() (opens new window) Returns the reference string to this element.
getRoute() (opens new window) Returns the route that should be used when the element’s URI is requested.
getScenario() (opens new window) Returns the scenario that this model is used in.
getSearchKeywords() (opens new window) Returns the search keywords for a given search attribute.
getSerializedFieldValues() (opens new window) Returns an array of the element’s serialized custom field values, indexed by their handles.
getSiblings() (opens new window) Returns all of the element’s siblings.
getSite() (opens new window) Returns the site the element is associated with.
getSourceId() (opens new window) Returns the element’s ID, or if it’s a draft/revision, its source element’s ID.
getSourceUid() (opens new window) Returns the element’s UUID, or if it’s a draft/revision, its source element’s UUID.
getStatus() Returns the element’s status.
getSubscriber() Returns the User that is subscribed.
getSupportedSites() (opens new window) Returns the sites this element is associated with.
getTableAttributeHtml() (opens new window) Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in Table View.
getThumbUrl() (opens new window) Returns the URL to the element’s thumbnail, if there is one.
getTotalDescendants() (opens new window) Returns the total number of descendants that the element has.
getTrialExpires() Returns the datetime of trial expiry.
getUiLabel() (opens new window) Returns what the element should be called within the control panel.
getUriFormat() (opens new window) Returns the URI format used to generate this element’s URI.
getUrl() (opens new window) Returns the element’s full URL.
getValidators() (opens new window) Returns all the validators declared in rules() (opens new window).
gqlScopesByContext() (opens new window) Returns the GraphQL scopes required by element's context.
gqlTypeNameByContext() (opens new window) Returns the GraphQL type name by an element's context.
hasContent() Returns whether elements of this type will be storing any data in the content table (titles or custom fields).
hasEagerLoadedElements() (opens new window) Returns whether elements have been eager-loaded with a given handle.
hasErrors() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error.
hasEventHandlers() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
hasMethod() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined.
hasStatuses() Returns whether elements of this type have statuses.
hasTitles() (opens new window) Returns whether elements of this type have traditional titles.
hasUris() (opens new window) Returns whether elements of this type can have their own slugs and URIs.
indexHtml() (opens new window) Returns the element index HTML.
init() (opens new window) Initializes the object.
instance() (opens new window) Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information.
isAncestorOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is an ancestor of another one.
isAttributeActive() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario.
isAttributeRequired() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required.
isAttributeSafe() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments.
isChildOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is a direct child of another one.
isDescendantOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is a descendant of another one.
isFieldDirty() (opens new window) Returns whether a custom field value has changed since the element was first loaded.
isFieldEmpty() (opens new window) Returns whether a field is empty.
isLocalized() (opens new window) Returns whether elements of this type store content on a per-site basis.
isNextSiblingOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is the direct next sibling of another one.
isParentOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is a direct parent of another one.
isPrevSiblingOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is the direct previous sibling of another one.
isSiblingOf() (opens new window) Returns whether this element is a sibling of another one.
load() (opens new window) Populates the model with input data.
loadMultiple() (opens new window) Populates a set of models with the data from end user.
lowerDisplayName() (opens new window) Returns the lowercase version of displayName() (opens new window).
markAsClean() (opens new window) Resets the record of dirty attributes and fields.
markAsDirty() (opens new window) Marks all fields and attributes as dirty.
off() (opens new window) Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
offsetExists() (opens new window) Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset.
offsetGet() (opens new window) Returns the element at the specified offset.
offsetSet() (opens new window) Sets the element at the specified offset.
offsetUnset() (opens new window) Sets the element value at the specified offset to null.
on() (opens new window) Attaches an event handler to an event.
onUnsafeAttribute() (opens new window) This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned.
pluralDisplayName() (opens new window) Returns the plural version of displayName() (opens new window).
pluralLowerDisplayName() (opens new window) Returns the plural, lowercase version of displayName() (opens new window).
refHandle() (opens new window) Returns the handle that should be used to refer to this element type from reference tags.
rules() Returns the validation rules for attributes.
safeAttributes() (opens new window) Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario.
scenarios() (opens new window) Returns a list of scenarios and the corresponding active attributes.
searchableAttributes() (opens new window) Defines which element attributes should be searchable.
setAttributes() (opens new window) Sets the attribute values in a massive way.
setDirtyAttributes() (opens new window) Sets the list of dirty attribute names.
setEagerLoadedElementCount() (opens new window) Sets the count of eager-loaded elements for a given handle.
setEagerLoadedElements() Sets some eager-loaded elements on a given handle.
setEnabledForSite() (opens new window) Sets whether the element is enabled for the current site.
setFieldParamNamespace() (opens new window) Sets the namespace used by custom field params on the request.
setFieldValue() (opens new window) Sets the value for a given field.
setFieldValues() (opens new window) Sets the element’s custom field values.
setFieldValuesFromRequest() (opens new window) Sets the element’s custom field values, when the values have come from post data.
setNext() (opens new window) Sets the default next element.
setParent() (opens new window) Sets the element’s parent.
setPrev() (opens new window) Sets the default previous element.
setRevisionCreatorId() (opens new window) Sets the revision creator ID to be saved.
setRevisionNotes() (opens new window) Sets the revision notes to be saved.
setScenario() (opens new window) Sets the scenario for the model.
sortOptions() (opens new window) Returns the sort options for the element type.
sources() (opens new window) Returns the source definitions that elements of this type may belong to.
tableAttributes() (opens new window) Defines all of the available columns that can be shown in table views.
toArray() (opens new window) Converts the model into an array.
trackChanges() (opens new window) Returns whether Craft should keep track of attribute and custom field changes made to this element type, including when the last time they were changed, and who was logged-in at the time.
trigger() (opens new window) Triggers an event.
validate() (opens new window) Performs the data validation.
validateCustomFieldAttribute() (opens new window) Calls a custom validation function on a custom field.
validateCustomFieldContentSize() (opens new window) Validates that the content size is going to fit within the field’s database column.
validateMultiple() (opens new window) Validates multiple models.

# __toString()

View source (opens new window)


null (opens new window), string (opens new window)

# afterSave()

Performs actions after an element is saved.

View source (opens new window)


# canReactivate()

Returns whether this subscription can be reactivated.

View source (opens new window)


boolean (opens new window)


# datetimeAttributes()

Returns the names of any attributes that should hold DateTime (opens new window) values.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window)[]

# defineSources()

Defines the sources that elements of this type may belong to.

View source (opens new window)



array (opens new window) – The sources.

# eagerLoadingMap()

Returns an array that maps source-to-target element IDs based on the given sub-property handle.

This method aids in the eager-loading of elements when performing an element query. The returned array should contain the following keys:

  • elementType – the fully qualified class name of the element type that should be eager-loaded
  • map – an array of element ID mappings, where each element is a sub-array with source and target keys.
  • criteria (optional) – Any criteria parameters that should be applied to the element query when fetching the eager-loaded elements.

View source (opens new window)



array (opens new window), false (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The eager-loading element ID mappings, false if no mappings exist, or null if the result should be ignored

# find()

Creates an craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window) instance for query purpose.

The returned craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window) instance can be further customized by calling methods defined in craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface (opens new window) before one() or all() is called to return populated \craft\commerce\elements\ElementInterface instances. For example,

// Find the entry whose ID is 5
$entry = Entry::find()->id(5)->one();
// Find all assets and order them by their filename:
$assets = Asset::find()

If you want to define custom criteria parameters for your elements, you can do so by overriding this method and returning a custom query class. For example,

class Product extends Element
    public static function find()
        // use ProductQuery instead of the default ElementQuery
        return new ProductQuery(get_called_class());

You can also set default criteria parameters on the ElementQuery if you don’t have a need for a custom query class. For example,

class Customer extends ActiveRecord
    public static function find()
        return parent::find()->limit(50);

View source (opens new window)


craft\commerce\elements\db\SubscriptionQuery – The newly created craft\commerce\elements\db\SubscriptionQuery instance.

# getAllPayments()

Returns an array of all payments for this subscription.

View source (opens new window)




# getAlternativePlans()

Returns possible alternative plans for this subscription

View source (opens new window)



# getBillingIssueDescription()

Return a description of the billing issue (if any) with this subscription.

View source (opens new window)




# getBillingIssueResolveFormHtml()

Return the form HTML for resolving the billing issue (if any) with this subscription.

View source (opens new window)




# getCpEditUrl()

Returns the element’s edit URL in the control panel.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window), null (opens new window)

# getFieldLayout()

Returns the field layout used by this element.

View source (opens new window)


craft\models\FieldLayout (opens new window), null (opens new window)

# getGateway()

Returns the product type for the product tied to the license.

View source (opens new window)




# getHasBillingIssues()

Return whether this subscription has billing issues.

View source (opens new window)




# getIsOnTrial()

Returns whether this subscription is on trial.

View source (opens new window)


boolean (opens new window)

# getName()

View source (opens new window)


null (opens new window), string (opens new window)

# getNextPaymentAmount()

Returns the next payment amount with currency code as a string.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window)


# getOrder()

Returns the order that included this subscription, if any.

View source (opens new window)


null (opens new window), craft\commerce\elements\Order

# getOrderEditUrl()

Returns the link for editing the order that purchased this license.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window)

# getPlan()

Returns the subscription plan for this subscription

View source (opens new window)



# getPlanName()

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window)

# getStatus()

Returns the element’s status.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window), null (opens new window)

# getSubscriber()

Returns the User that is subscribed.

View source (opens new window)


craft\elements\User (opens new window)

# getSubscriptionData()

View source (opens new window)


array (opens new window)

# getTrialExpires()

Returns the datetime of trial expiry.

View source (opens new window)


DateTime (opens new window)


# hasContent()

Returns whether elements of this type will be storing any data in the content table (titles or custom fields).

View source (opens new window)


boolean (opens new window) – Whether elements of this type will be storing any data in the content table.

# hasStatuses()

Returns whether elements of this type have statuses.

If this returns true, the element index template will show a Status menu by default, and your elements will get status indicator icons next to them. Use statuses() to customize which statuses the elements might have.

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boolean (opens new window) – Whether elements of this type have statuses.

# rules()

Returns the validation rules for attributes.

Validation rules are used by validate() (opens new window) to check if attribute values are valid. Child classes may override this method to declare different validation rules.

Each rule is an array with the following structure:

    ['attribute1', 'attribute2'],
    'validator type',
    'on' => ['scenario1', 'scenario2'],
    //...other parameters...


  • attribute list: required, specifies the attributes array to be validated, for single attribute you can pass a string;
  • validator type: required, specifies the validator to be used. It can be a built-in validator name, a method name of the model class, an anonymous function, or a validator class name.
  • on: optional, specifies the scenarios (opens new window) array in which the validation rule can be applied. If this option is not set, the rule will apply to all scenarios.
  • additional name-value pairs can be specified to initialize the corresponding validator properties. Please refer to individual validator class API for possible properties.

A validator can be either an object of a class extending \craft\commerce\elements\Validator, or a model class method (called inline validator) that has the following signature:

// $params refers to validation parameters given in the rule
function validatorName($attribute, $params)

In the above $attribute refers to the attribute currently being validated while $params contains an array of validator configuration options such as max in case of string validator. The value of the attribute currently being validated can be accessed as $this->$attribute. Note the $ before attribute; this is taking the value of the variable $attribute and using it as the name of the property to access.

Yii also provides a set of built-in validators (opens new window). Each one has an alias name which can be used when specifying a validation rule.

Below are some examples:

    // built-in "required" validator
    [['username', 'password'], 'required'],
    // built-in "string" validator customized with "min" and "max" properties
    ['username', 'string', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 12],
    // built-in "compare" validator that is used in "register" scenario only
    ['password', 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => 'password2', 'on' => 'register'],
    // an inline validator defined via the "authenticate()" method in the model class
    ['password', 'authenticate', 'on' => 'login'],
    // a validator of class "DateRangeValidator"
    ['dateRange', 'DateRangeValidator'],

Note, in order to inherit rules defined in the parent class, a child class needs to merge the parent rules with child rules using functions such as array_merge().

View source (opens new window)


array (opens new window) – Validation rules

# setEagerLoadedElements()

Sets some eager-loaded elements on a given handle.

View source (opens new window)


# setSubscriptionData()

View source (opens new window)


# statuses()

View source (opens new window)

# Protected Methods

Method Description
defineActions() (opens new window) Defines the available element actions for a given source.
defineDefaultTableAttributes() Returns the list of table attribute keys that should be shown by default.
defineExporters() (opens new window) Defines the available element exporters for a given source.
defineRules() (opens new window) Returns the validation rules for attributes.
defineSearchableAttributes() Defines which element attributes should be searchable.
defineSortOptions() Returns the sort options for the element type.
defineTableAttributes() Defines all of the available columns that can be shown in table views.
extractFieldsFor() (opens new window) Extract nested fields from a fields collection for a given root field Nested fields are separated with dots (.). e.g: "" The previous example would extract "id".
extractRootFields() (opens new window) Extracts the root field names from nested fields.
fieldByHandle() (opens new window) Returns the field with a given handle.
fieldLayoutFields() (opens new window) Returns each of this element’s fields.
findByCondition() (opens new window) Finds Element instance(s) by the given condition.
htmlAttributes() (opens new window) Returns any attributes that should be included in the element’s DOM representation in the control panel.
normalizeFieldValue() (opens new window) Normalizes a field’s value.
prepElementQueryForTableAttribute() Preps the element criteria for a given table attribute
previewTargets() (opens new window) Returns the additional locations that should be available for previewing the element, besides its primary URL (opens new window).
resolveFields() (opens new window) Determines which fields can be returned by toArray() (opens new window).
route() (opens new window) Returns the route that should be used when the element’s URI is requested.
tableAttributeHtml() Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in Table View.

# defineDefaultTableAttributes()

Returns the list of table attribute keys that should be shown by default.

View source (opens new window)



string (opens new window)[] – The table attributes.

# defineSearchableAttributes()

Defines which element attributes should be searchable.

View source (opens new window)


string (opens new window)[] – The element attributes that should be searchable

# defineSortOptions()

Returns the sort options for the element type.

View source (opens new window)


array (opens new window) – The attributes that elements can be sorted by

# defineTableAttributes()

Defines all of the available columns that can be shown in table views.

View source (opens new window)


array (opens new window) – The table attributes.

# prepElementQueryForTableAttribute()

Preps the element criteria for a given table attribute

View source (opens new window)


# tableAttributeHtml()

Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in Table View.

This method can be used to completely customize what actually shows up within the table’s body for a given attribute, rather than simply showing the attribute’s raw value.

For example, if your elements have an email attribute that you want to wrap in a mailto: link, your getTableAttributesHtml() method could do this:

switch ($attribute) {
    case 'email':
        return $this->email ? Html::mailto(Html::encode($this->email)) : '';
    // ...
return parent::tableAttributeHtml($attribute);


All untrusted text should be passed through craft\helpers\Html::encode() (opens new window) to prevent XSS attacks.

By default the following will be returned:

  • If the attribute name is link or uri, it will be linked to the front-end URL.
  • If the attribute is a custom field handle, it will pass the responsibility off to the field type.
  • If the attribute value is a DateTime (opens new window) object, the date will be formatted with a localized date format.
  • For anything else, it will output the attribute value as a string.

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string (opens new window) – The HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in Table View.


# Constants

Constant Description
SCENARIO_DEFAULT The name of the default scenario.