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Field Types

The registerFeedMeFields event

Plugins developers can add support for their field types via the craft\feedme\services\Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_FEED_ME_FIELDS event:

use craft\feedme\events\RegisterFeedMeFieldsEvent;
use craft\feedme\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_FEED_ME_FIELDS, function(RegisterFeedMeFieldsEvent $e) {
    $e->fields[] = my\plugin\feedme\fields\MyFieldType::class;

Your MyFieldType class must extend craft\feedme\base\Field, and implement at least the following properties and methods:

namespace my\plugin\feedme\fields;

use craft\feedme\base\Field;
use my\plugin\fields\MyFieldType;

class MyFieldType extends Field
     * @var string
    public static string $name = 'My Custom Field Type';

     * @var string
    public static string $class = MyFieldType::class;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getMappingTemplate(): string
        // Return a valid template path for your plugin:
        return 'my-plugin/feedme/mapping-template';

     * @inheritdoc
    public function parseField(): mixed
        // Take the incoming item’s data...
        $data = $this->feedData;

        $value = 

Your mapping template should include HTML inputs for any options that affect how incoming data is parsed—like delimiters or formats. Those inputs’ name attributes should begin with options, and their values should be retrieved from the same property of the feed.fieldMapping.options:

{% import '_includes/forms' as forms %}

{% extends 'feed-me/_includes/fields/_base' %}

{% block extraSettings %}
    {{ forms.selectField({
        name: 'options[delimeter]',
        value: hash_get(feed.fieldMapping, "#{optionsPath}.delimeter", ','),
        options: [
            { value: ',', label: 'Comma (,)'|t('my-plugin') },
            { value: '/', label: 'Slash (/)'|t('my-plugin') },
            { value: '|', label: 'Pipe (|)'|t('my-plugin') },
    }) }}
{% endblock %}

Inputs will be namespaced by the extended template. Use the hash_get() helper function to dynamically retrieve preexisting settings with the provided optionsPath variable.


See the built-in field types and field settings templates to see how we handle different types of data.

The beforeParseField event

Plugins can get notified before a field's data has been parsed.

use craft\feedme\events\FieldEvent;
use craft\feedme\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_BEFORE_PARSE_FIELD, function(FieldEvent $e) {


The afterParseField event

Plugins can get notified after a field's data has been parsed.

use craft\feedme\events\FieldEvent;
use craft\feedme\services\Fields;
use yii\base\Event;

Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_AFTER_PARSE_FIELD, function(FieldEvent $e) {
    $parsedValue = $e->parsedValue;