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Feed Overview

Go to the main Feed Me section via your CP sidebar menu. You'll be presented with a table listing of your saved feeds, or none if you haven't set any up yet.

This overview shows the following:

  • Name — Name your feed something useful so you'll remember what it does.
  • Feed URL — The URL (or filesystem path) to your feed.
  • Type — The data type you're importing.
  • Element Type — The element type you are importing into.
    • Depending on the element type chosen. Entries will show Section/Entry Type, Categories will show Group, etc.
  • Target Site — Which site content should be imported into. Each import targets a single site.
  • Strategy — One or more descriptos of how Feed Me reconciles entries in initial and subsequent runs. See import strategy for more information.
  • Process — Quickly queue a background import job, without adjusting settings.

The final column displays a few actions:

  • Settings (icon) — See below.
  • Move (icon) — Drag and drop the row to organize your feeds.
  • Delete (icon) — Delete the feed.

Settings Pane

Clicking on the settings “cog” icon will expand additional settings for a feed:

  • Debug — Opens in a new window and runs the Debug action.
  • Feed Status — Takes you to an overview screen showing the process of your feed (if it’s currently running).
  • Duplicate Feed — Duplicates the feed into a new feed, preserving all its settings.
  • Direct Feed URL — Can be used in your Cron job setup to directly trigger the job.

Creating and Editing Feeds

Create a new feed by pressing the red + New Feed button. To edit an existing feed’s settings, click its name in the first column.