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Trigger Import via Cron


Triggering an import via Cron still uses Craft's queue system.

Once your feed is configured properly, you can trigger the feed processing directly using a special URL. Find this URL by copying the Direct Feed Link from the Feed Overview screen. You'll receive a URL that looks something like this:


  • direct (required) - Must be set to 1 or true. Tells Feed Me this is a externally-triggered queue job.
  • feedId (required) - The ID of the feed you wish to process.
  • passkey (required) - A unique, generated identifier for this feed. Ensures not just anyone can trigger the import.
  • url (optional) - If your feed URL changes (or is split/parameterized in some way, like using the current date), you can override it here. Ensure the structure of the feed matches your field mappings.


Feed IDs and passkeys may not be the same, across environments. Always refer to the control panel for the complete URL.


To setup this feed to run via cron, use one of the following commands - replacing the URL with the one for your feed. Which command you use will depend on your server capabilities, but wget is the most common.

/usr/bin/wget -O - -q -t 1 ""
curl --silent --compressed ""

Console command

You can also trigger your feed via Craft’s CLI by passing a comma-separated list of feed IDs:

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue 1

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue 1,2,3

You can also use limit and offset parameters:

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue 1 --limit=1

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue 1 --limit=1 --offset=1

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue 1 --continue-on-error

Use the --all flag to push all your feeds into the queue. This parameter ignores --limit and --offset settings.

php craft feed-me/feeds/queue --all


The feed-me/feeds/queue command only queues import jobs. To actually execute those jobs, the queue must be running—by default, the queue is triggered when your site is loaded by a client, or a control panel user is active. Projects with many feeds may benefit from setting up a daemonized runner, or manually running the queue on a schedule.