
Craft\HtmlHelper » CHtml (opens new window)

Class HtmlHelper

See also

View source (opens new window)

# Public Properties

Property Description
$afterRequiredLabel (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The HTML code to be appended to the required label.
$beforeRequiredLabel (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The HTML code to be prepended to the required label.
$closeSingleTags (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether to close single tags.
$count (opens new window) integer (opens new window) – The counter for generating automatic input field names.
$errorContainerTag (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The tag name for the error container tag.
$errorCss (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The CSS class for highlighting error inputs.
$errorMessageCss (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The CSS class for displaying error messages (see {@link error}).
$errorSummaryCss (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The CSS class for displaying error summaries (see {@link errorSummary}).
$liveEvents (opens new window) – Sets the default style for attaching jQuery event handlers.
$renderSpecialAttributesValue (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether to render special attributes value.
$requiredCss (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The CSS class for required labels.

# Public Methods

Method Description
activeCheckBox() (opens new window) Generates a check box for a model attribute.
activeCheckBoxList() (opens new window) Generates a check box list for a model attribute.
activeColorField() (opens new window) Generates a color picker field input for a model attribute.
activeDateField() (opens new window) Generates a date field input for a model attribute.
activeDateTimeField() (opens new window) Generates a datetime field input for a model attribute.
activeDateTimeLocalField() (opens new window) Generates a datetime-local field input for a model attribute.
activeDropDownList() (opens new window) Generates a drop down list for a model attribute.
activeEmailField() (opens new window) Generates an email field input for a model attribute.
activeFileField() (opens new window) Generates a file input for a model attribute.
activeHiddenField() (opens new window) Generates a hidden input for a model attribute.
activeId() (opens new window) Generates input field ID for a model attribute.
activeLabel() (opens new window) Generates a label tag for a model attribute.
activeLabelEx() (opens new window) Generates a label tag for a model attribute.
activeListBox() (opens new window) Generates a list box for a model attribute.
activeName() (opens new window) Generates input field name for a model attribute.
activeNumberField() (opens new window) Generates a number field input for a model attribute.
activePasswordField() (opens new window) Generates a password field input for a model attribute.
activeRadioButton() (opens new window) Generates a radio button for a model attribute.
activeRadioButtonList() (opens new window) Generates a radio button list for a model attribute.
activeRangeField() (opens new window) Generates a range field input for a model attribute.
activeSearchField() (opens new window) Generates a search field input for a model attribute.
activeTelField() (opens new window) Generates a telephone field input for a model attribute.
activeTextArea() (opens new window) Generates a text area input for a model attribute.
activeTextField() (opens new window) Generates a text field input for a model attribute.
activeTimeField() (opens new window) Generates a time field input for a model attribute.
activeUrlField() (opens new window) Generates a url field input for a model attribute.
activeWeekField() (opens new window) Generates a week field input for a model attribute.
ajax() (opens new window) Generates the JavaScript that initiates an AJAX request.
ajaxButton() (opens new window) Generates a push button that can initiate AJAX requests.
ajaxLink() (opens new window) Generates a link that can initiate AJAX requests.
ajaxSubmitButton() (opens new window) Generates a push button that can submit the current form in POST method.
asset() (opens new window) Generates the URL for the published assets.
beginForm() (opens new window) Generates an opening form tag.
button() (opens new window) Generates a button.
cdata() (opens new window) Encloses the given string within a CDATA tag.
checkBox() (opens new window) Generates a check box.
checkBoxList() (opens new window) Generates a check box list.
closeTag() (opens new window) Generates a close HTML element.
colorField() (opens new window) Generates a color picker field input.
css() (opens new window) Encloses the given CSS content with a CSS tag.
cssFile() (opens new window) Links to the specified CSS file.
dateField() (opens new window) Generates a date field input.
dateTimeField() (opens new window) Generates a datetime field input.
dateTimeLocalField() (opens new window) Generates a local datetime field input.
decode() (opens new window) Decodes special HTML entities back to the corresponding characters.
dropDownList() (opens new window) Generates a drop down list.
emailField() (opens new window) Generates an email field input.
encode() (opens new window) Encodes special characters into HTML entities.
encodeArray() (opens new window) Encodes special characters in an array of strings into HTML entities.
encodeParams() Will take an HTML string and an associative array of key=>value pairs, HTML encode the values and swap them back into the original string using the keys as tokens.
endForm() (opens new window) Generates a closing form tag.
error() (opens new window) Displays the first validation error for a model attribute.
errorSummary() (opens new window) Displays a summary of validation errors for one or several models.
fileField() (opens new window) Generates a file input.
form() (opens new window) Generates an opening form tag.
getIdByName() (opens new window) Generates a valid HTML ID based on name.
hiddenField() (opens new window) Generates a hidden input.
htmlButton() (opens new window) Generates a button using HTML button tag.
image() (opens new window) Generates an image tag.
imageButton() (opens new window) Generates an image submit button.
label() (opens new window) Generates a label tag.
link() (opens new window) Generates a hyperlink tag.
linkButton() (opens new window) Generates a link submit button.
linkTag() (opens new window) Generates a link tag that can be inserted in the head section of HTML page.
listBox() (opens new window) Generates a list box.
listData() (opens new window) Generates the data suitable for list-based HTML elements.
listOptions() (opens new window) Generates the list options.
mailto() (opens new window) Generates a mailto link.
metaTag() (opens new window) Generates a meta tag that can be inserted in the head section of HTML page.
modelName() (opens new window) Generates HTML name for given model.
normalizeUrl() (opens new window) Normalizes the input parameter to be a valid URL.
numberField() (opens new window) Generates a number field input.
openTag() (opens new window) Generates an open HTML element.
pageStateField() (opens new window) Generates a hidden field for storing persistent page states.
passwordField() (opens new window) Generates a password field input.
radioButton() (opens new window) Generates a radio button.
radioButtonList() (opens new window) Generates a radio button list.
rangeField() (opens new window) Generates a range field input.
refresh() (opens new window) Registers a 'refresh' meta tag.
renderAttributes() (opens new window) Renders the HTML tag attributes.
resetButton() (opens new window) Generates a reset button.
resolveName() (opens new window) Generates input name for a model attribute.
resolveNameID() (opens new window) Generates input name and ID for a model attribute.
resolveValue() (opens new window) Evaluates the attribute value of the model.
script() (opens new window) Encloses the given JavaScript within a script tag.
scriptFile() (opens new window) Includes a JavaScript file.
searchField() (opens new window) Generates a search field input.
setModelNameConverter() (opens new window) Set generator used in the {@link CHtml::modelName()} method. You can use the null value to restore default generator.
statefulForm() (opens new window) Generates a stateful form tag.
submitButton() (opens new window) Generates a submit button.
tag() (opens new window) Generates an HTML element.
telField() (opens new window) Generates a telephone field input.
textArea() (opens new window) Generates a text area input.
textField() (opens new window) Generates a text field input.
timeField() (opens new window) Generates a time field input.
urlField() (opens new window) Generates a URL field input.
value() (opens new window) Evaluates the value of the specified attribute for the given model.
weekField() (opens new window) Generates a week field input.

# encodeParams()

Will take an HTML string and an associative array of key=>value pairs, HTML encode the values and swap them back into the original string using the keys as tokens.

View source (opens new window)



string (opens new window) – The HTML string with the encoded variable values swapped in.


public static string encodeParams ( $html, $variables = [] )

# Protected Methods

Method Description
activeInputField() (opens new window) Generates an input HTML tag for a model attribute.
addErrorCss() (opens new window) Appends {@link errorCss} to the 'class' attribute.
clientChange() (opens new window) Generates the JavaScript with the specified client changes.
inputField() (opens new window) Generates an input HTML tag.

# Constants

Constant Description