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Primary Element

The primary element can be confusing at first, but its vitally important to ensure Feed Me can hone in on the content in your feed correctly.

Take the following example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <title>My Title</title>

            <title>Another Title</title>
    "channel": {
        "item": [
                "title": "My Title",
                "slug": "my-title"
                "title": "Another Title",
                "slug": "another-title"

Your Primary Element would be item. This is the node that's repeatable, and you can usually pick it as it'll be the node thats one level above the content you want to import (title and slug in this case). In the JSON example, you'll see its a plain array, but the same applies.

As a helper, Feed Me will show you how many elements on each node, which will give you a clue as to which node you want to select as the primary element. As each feed can be vastly different, this step seeks to normalise them for Feed Me to effectively process.

Pagination URL

Some feeds paginate their content due to their sheer size. This is also a good idea for performance, where instead of a massive feed to update 600 items, there are 6 feeds with 100 items each. In this instance, your feed should contain the full URL to the next collection of items for Feed Me to fetch.

Use this option to select the node in your feed that contains the full URL to the next collection of items. Feed Me will automatically spawn a new queue job to process this new set of data after the first page has finished.


Your pagination URL can’t be nested within an array or numerically-indexed key in your feed.

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