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TaxEngineInterface ​

Implemented by
craft\commerce\engines\Tax, craft\commerce\services\Taxes

Tax Engine Interface

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Public Methods ​

cpTaxNavSubItems()The tax subNav items
createTaxCategories()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be created by users.
createTaxRates()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be created by users.
createTaxZones()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be created by users.
deleteTaxCategories()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be deleted.
deleteTaxRates()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be deleted.
deleteTaxZones()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be deleted.
displayName()Returns the display name of this class.
editTaxCategories()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be edited.
editTaxRates()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be edited.
editTaxZones()Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be edited.
extraFields()Returns the list of additional fields that can be returned by toArray() in addition to those listed in fields().
fields()Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.
instance()Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information.
isSelectable()Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects.
taxAdjusterClass()Return class name for the Adjuster to be used for tax
taxCategoryActionHtml()Any action html to be added to the tax categories index header
taxRateActionHtml()Any action html to be added to the tax rates index header
taxZoneActionHtml()Any action html to be added to the tax zones index header
toArray()Converts the object into an array.
viewTaxCategories()Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax categories interface and allow tax categories to be edited.
viewTaxRates()Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax rates interface and allow tax rates to be edited.
viewTaxZones()Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax zones interface and allow tax zones to be edited.

cpTaxNavSubItems() ​

The tax subNav items

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createTaxCategories() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be created by users.

will not be called if viewTaxCategories is returned as false;

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createTaxRates() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be created by users.

will not be called if viewTaxRates is returned as false;

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createTaxZones() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be created by users.

will not be called if viewTaxZones is returned as false;

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deleteTaxCategories() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be deleted.

will not be called if viewTaxCategories is returned as false;

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deleteTaxRates() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be deleted.

will not be called if viewTaxRates is returned as false;

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deleteTaxZones() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be deleted.

will not be called if viewTaxZones is returned as false;

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editTaxCategories() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax categories to be edited.

will not be called if viewTaxCategories is returned as false;

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editTaxRates() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax rates to be edited.

will not be called if viewTaxRates is returned as false;

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editTaxZones() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should allow tax zones to be edited.

will not be called if viewTaxZones is returned as false;

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taxAdjusterClass() ​

Return class name for the Adjuster to be used for tax

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taxCategoryActionHtml() ​

Any action html to be added to the tax categories index header

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taxRateActionHtml() ​

Any action html to be added to the tax rates index header

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taxZoneActionHtml() ​

Any action html to be added to the tax zones index header

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viewTaxCategories() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax categories interface and allow tax categories to be edited.

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viewTaxRates() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax rates interface and allow tax rates to be edited.

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viewTaxZones() ​

Whether Craft Commerce should show the tax zones interface and allow tax zones to be edited.

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