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Gql ​

craft\commerce\helpers\Gql » craft\helpers\Gql

Class Commerce Gql

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Public Methods ​

applyDirectives()Apply directives (if any) to a resolved value according to source and resolve info.
canMutateAssets()Return true if active schema can mutate assets.
canMutateCategories()Return true if active schema can mutate categories.
canMutateGlobalSets()Return true if active schema can mutate global sets.
canMutateTags()Return true if active schema can mutate tags.
canQueryAssets()Return true if active schema can query assets.
canQueryCategories()Return true if active schema can query categories.
canQueryDrafts()Return true if active schema can query for drafts.
canQueryEntries()Return true if active schema can query entries.
canQueryGlobalSets()Return true if active schema can query global sets.
canQueryInactiveElements()Return true if active schema can query for inactive elements.
canQueryProducts()Return true if active schema can query products.
canQueryRevisions()Return true if active schema can query for revisions.
canQueryTags()Return true if active schema can query tags.
canQueryUsers()Return true if active schema can query users.
canSchema()Returns whether the given component is included in a schema, for the given action.
createFullAccessSchema()Creates a temporary schema with full access to the GraphQL API.
eagerLoadComplexity()Shorthand for returning the complexity function for an eager-loaded field.
extractAllowedEntitiesFromSchema()Extracts all the allowed entities from a schema for the given action.
extractEntityAllowedActions()Return a list of all the actions the current schema is allowed for a given entity.
getAllowedSites()Get a list of all allowed sites by Schema.
getFieldNameWithAlias()Looking at the resolve information and the source queried, return the field name or it's alias, if used.
getSchemaContainedEntryTypes()Return all entry types a given (or loaded) schema contains.
getSchemaContainedNestedEntryFields()Returns all nested entry fields a given (or loaded) schema contains.
getSchemaContainedSections()Returns all sections a given (or loaded) schema contains.
getUnionType()Get (and create if needed) a union type by name, included types and a resolver function.
isIntrospectionQuery()Returns whether the given GraphQL query looks like an introspection query.
isSchemaAwareOf()Returns whether the given component(s) are included in a schema’s scope.
nPlus1Complexity()Shorthand for returning the complexity function for a field that will generate a single query for every iteration.
prepareTransformArguments()Prepare arguments intended for asset transforms.
relatedArgumentComplexity()Shorthand for returning the complexity function for a field that will add a single query to execution.
singleQueryComplexity()Shorthand for returning the complexity function for a field that will add a single query to execution.
wrapInNonNull()Wrap a GQL object type in a NonNull type.

canQueryProducts() ​

Return true if active schema can query products.

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