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MemoizableArray ​

ArrayAccess, Countable, IteratorAggregate, craft\base\Serializable

MemoizableArray represents an array of values that need to be run through craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::where() or craft\helpers\ArrayHelper::firstWhere() repeatedly, where it could be beneficial if the results were memoized.

Any class properties that are set to an instance of this class should be excluded from class serialization:

public function __serialize()
    $vars = get_object_vars($this);
    return $vars;

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Public Methods ​

all()Returns all items.
append()Appends the value
asort()Sort the entries by value
count()Get the number of public properties in the ArrayObject
exchangeArray()Exchange the array for another one.
firstWhere()Returns the first value where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to a given value.
getArrayCopy()Creates a copy of the ArrayObject.
getFlags()Gets the behavior flags.
getIterator()Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance
getIteratorClass()Gets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
ksort()Sort the entries by key
natcasesort()Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm
natsort()Sort entries using a "natural order" algorithm
offsetExists()Returns whether the requested index exists
offsetGet()Returns the value at the specified index
offsetSet()Sets the value at the specified index to newval
offsetUnset()Unsets the value at the specified index
serialize()Serialize an ArrayObject
setFlags()Sets the behavior flags.
setIteratorClass()Sets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
uasort()Sort the entries with a user-defined comparison function and maintain key association
uksort()Sort the entries by keys using a user-defined comparison function
unserialize()Unserialize an ArrayObject
where()Filters the array to only the values where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to a given value.
whereIn()Filters the array to only the values where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to one of a given range of values.

__construct() ​

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Arguments ​

all() ​

Returns all items.

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Returns ​


append() ​

Appends the value

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $value

asort() ​

Sort the entries by value

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $sort_flags

count() ​

Get the number of public properties in the ArrayObject

See also source

exchangeArray() ​

Exchange the array for another one.

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $input

firstWhere() ​

Returns the first value where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to a given value.

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Arguments ​

  • $key (string) – The column name whose result will be used to index the array
  • $value (mixed) – The value that $key should be compared with
  • $strict (boolean) – Whether a strict type comparison should be used when checking array element values against $value

Returns ​

\craft\base\T – The first matching value, or null if no match is found

getArrayCopy() ​

Creates a copy of the ArrayObject.

See also source

getFlags() ​

Gets the behavior flags.

See also source

getIterator() ​

Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance

See also source

getIteratorClass() ​

Gets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.

See also source

ksort() ​

Sort the entries by key

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $sort_flags

natcasesort() ​

Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm

See also source

natsort() ​

Sort entries using a "natural order" algorithm

See also source

offsetExists() ​

Returns whether the requested index exists

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $offset

offsetGet() ​

Returns the value at the specified index

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $offset

offsetSet() ​

Sets the value at the specified index to newval

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $offset
  • $value

offsetUnset() ​

Unsets the value at the specified index

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $offset

serialize() ​

Serialize an ArrayObject

See also source

setFlags() ​

Sets the behavior flags.

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $flags

setIteratorClass() ​

Sets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $iteratorClass

uasort() ​

Sort the entries with a user-defined comparison function and maintain key association

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $cmp_function

uksort() ​

Sort the entries by keys using a user-defined comparison function

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $cmp_function

unserialize() ​

Unserialize an ArrayObject

See also source

Arguments ​

  • $data

where() ​

Filters the array to only the values where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to a given value.

Array keys are preserved by default.

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Arguments ​

  • $key (string) – The column name whose result will be used to index the array
  • $value (mixed) – The value that $key should be compared with
  • $strict (boolean) – Whether a strict type comparison should be used when checking array element values against $value

Returns ​

self – The filtered array

whereIn() ​

Filters the array to only the values where a given key (the name of a sub-array key or sub-object property) is set to one of a given range of values.

Array keys are preserved by default.

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Arguments ​

  • $key (string) – The column name whose result will be used to index the array
  • $values (array) – The value that $key should be compared with
  • $strict (boolean) – Whether a strict type comparison should be used when checking array element values against $values

Returns ​

self – The filtered array