
Abstract Class
craft\test\fixtures\elements\BaseContentFixture » yii\test\DbFixture (opens new window) » yii\test\Fixture (opens new window) » yii\base\Component (opens new window) » yii\base\BaseObject (opens new window)
yii\base\Configurable (opens new window)
Uses traits
yii\test\FileFixtureTrait (opens new window)

BaseContentFixture is a base class for setting up fixtures for populating existing elements.

Fixture classes that extend this class should set elementType to the class name of an element type, and dataFile (opens new window) to the path to a data file.

The data file should return an array, where each item is a sub-array containing the following keys:

  • criteria – an array of element query param names/values that should be used to locate the element
  • attributes – an array of attribute names/values that should be set on the element
  • fields – an array of custom field handles/values that should be set on the element

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# Public Properties

Property Description
behaviors (opens new window) yii\base\Behavior (opens new window) – List of behaviors attached to this component.
dataDirectory (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The directory path or path alias that contains the fixture data
dataFile (opens new window) string (opens new window), boolean (opens new window) – The file path or path alias of the data file that contains the fixture data to be returned by \yii\test\getData().
db (opens new window) yii\db\Connection (opens new window), array (opens new window), string (opens new window) – The DB connection object or the application component ID of the DB connection.
depends (opens new window) array (opens new window) – The fixtures that this fixture depends on.
elementType string (opens new window) – The element type this is for
skipMissingElements boolean (opens new window) – Whether to skip elements that can’t be found per the criteria in the data file (opens new window).

# elementType

string (opens new window)
Default value

The element type this is for

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# skipMissingElements

boolean (opens new window)
Default value

Whether to skip elements that can’t be found per the criteria in the data file (opens new window).

If this is set to false, an exception will be thrown.

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# Public Methods

Method Description
__call() (opens new window) Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__clone() (opens new window) This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.
__construct() (opens new window) Constructor.
__get() (opens new window) Returns the value of a component property.
__isset() (opens new window) Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
__set() (opens new window) Sets the value of a component property.
__unset() (opens new window) Sets a component property to be null.
afterLoad() (opens new window) This method is called AFTER all fixture data have been loaded for the current test.
afterUnload() (opens new window) This method is called AFTER all fixture data have been unloaded for the current test.
attachBehavior() (opens new window) Attaches a behavior to this component.
attachBehaviors() (opens new window) Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
beforeLoad() (opens new window) This method is called BEFORE any fixture data is loaded for the current test.
beforeUnload() (opens new window) This method is called BEFORE any fixture data is unloaded for the current test.
behaviors() (opens new window) Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
canGetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className() (opens new window) Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
detachBehavior() (opens new window) Detaches a behavior from the component.
detachBehaviors() (opens new window) Detaches all behaviors from the component.
ensureBehaviors() (opens new window) Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() (opens new window) are attached to this component.
getBehavior() (opens new window) Returns the named behavior object.
getBehaviors() (opens new window) Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
getElement() Get element model.
hasEventHandlers() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
hasMethod() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.
init() Initializes the object.
load() Loads the fixture.
off() (opens new window) Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
on() (opens new window) Attaches an event handler to an event.
trigger() (opens new window) Triggers an event.
unload() Unloads the fixture.

# getElement()

Get element model.

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craft\base\ElementInterface, null (opens new window)

# init()

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

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# load()

Loads the fixture.

This method is called before performing every test method. You should override this method with concrete implementation about how to set up the fixture.

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# unload()

Unloads the fixture.

This method is called after every test method finishes. You may override this method to perform necessary cleanup work for the fixture.

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# Protected Methods

Method Description
findElement() Finds an element with the given criteria.
loadData() (opens new window) Returns the fixture data.
populateElement() Populates an element with the given attributes/custom field values.
saveElement() Saves an element.

# findElement()

Finds an element with the given criteria.

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craft\base\ElementInterface, null (opens new window)

# populateElement()

Populates an element with the given attributes/custom field values.

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# saveElement()

Saves an element.

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boolean (opens new window) – Whether the save was successful