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ElementResolver ​

Abstract Class
craft\gql\base\ElementResolver » craft\gql\base\Resolver
Extended by
craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Asset, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Category, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Entry, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\GlobalSet, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\MatrixBlock, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\Tag, craft\gql\resolvers\elements\User

Class ElementResolver

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Protected Properties ​

eagerLoadableFieldsByContextarray – Cache fields by context.

Public Methods ​

getArrayableArguments()Returns a list of all the arguments that can be accepted as arrays.
prepareArguments()Prepare arguments for use, converting to array where applicable.
resolve()Resolve a field to its value.
resolveCount()Resolve an element query to a total count of elements.
resolveOne()Resolve an element query to a single result.

resolve() ​

Resolve a field to its value.

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Arguments ​

  • $source (mixed) – The parent data source to use for resolving this field
  • $arguments (array) – Arguments for resolving this field.
  • $context (mixed) – The context shared between all resolvers
  • $resolveInfo (\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo) – The resolve information

resolveCount() ​

Resolve an element query to a total count of elements.

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Arguments ​

  • $source (mixed)
  • $arguments (array)
  • $context (mixed)
  • $resolveInfo (\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo)

Returns ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null, mixed

resolveOne() ​

Resolve an element query to a single result.

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Arguments ​

  • $source (mixed)
  • $arguments (array)
  • $context (mixed)
  • $resolveInfo (\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo)

Returns ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null, mixed

Protected Methods ​

extractEagerLoadCondition()Extract eager load conditions for a given resolve information. Preferably at the very top of the query.
prepareElementQuery()Prepare an element query for given resolution argument set.
prepareQuery()Prepare an element Query based on the source, arguments and the field name on the source.

prepareElementQuery() ​

Prepare an element query for given resolution argument set.

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Arguments ​

  • $source (mixed)
  • $arguments (array)
  • $context (mixed)
  • $resolveInfo (\GraphQL\Type\Definition\ResolveInfo)

Returns ​

craft\elements\db\ElementQuery, array

prepareQuery() ​

Prepare an element Query based on the source, arguments and the field name on the source.

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Arguments ​

  • $source (mixed) – The source. Null if top-level field being resolved.
  • $arguments (array) – Arguments to apply to the query.
  • $fieldName (null) – Field name to resolve on the source, if not a top-level resolution.

Returns ​
