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StreamLogTarget ​

craft\log\StreamLogTarget » yii\log\Target » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
Uses traits

Class StreamLogTarget

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Public Properties ​

behaviorsyii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component.
categoriesarray – List of message categories that this target is interested in.
disableTimestampboolean – Whether to disable the timestamp.
enableLockingboolean – Whether to use flock() to lock/unlock the stream before/after writing.
enabledboolean – Indicates whether this log target is enabled.
exceptarray – List of message categories that this target is NOT interested in.
exportIntervalinteger – How many messages should be accumulated before they are exported.
includeUserIpboolean – Whether the user IP should be included in the default log prefix.
levelsinteger – The message levels that this target is interested in.
logVarsarray – List of the PHP predefined variables that should be logged in a message.
maskVarsarray – List of the PHP predefined variables that should NOT be logged "as is" and should always be replaced with a mask *** before logging, when exist.
messagesarray – The messages that are retrieved from the logger so far by this log target.
microtimeboolean – Whether to log time with microseconds.
prefixcallable, null – A PHP callable that returns a string to be prefixed to every exported message.
prefixStringstring – A string to prepend to all messages.
replaceNewlinestring, null – A string that should replace all newline characters in a log message.
urlstring – The URL to use.

disableTimestamp ​

Default value

Whether to disable the timestamp. The default is false which will prepend every message with a timestamp created with [yii\log\Target::getTime()].

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enableLocking ​

Default value

Whether to use flock() to lock/unlock the stream before/after writing. This can be used to ensure that the stream is written by 2 processes simultaneously. Note though, that not all stream types support locking. The default is false.

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prefixString ​

Default value

A string to prepend to all messages. The string will be added to the very beginning (even before the timestamp).

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replaceNewline ​

string, null
Default value

A string that should replace all newline characters in a log message. Default is null for no replacement.

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url ​

Default value

The URL to use. See for details. This gets ignored if fp is configured.

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Protected Properties ​


fp ​

Default value

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openedFp ​

Default value

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Public Methods ​

__call()Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__clone()This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.
__get()Returns the value of a component property.
__isset()Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
__set()Sets the value of a component property.
__unset()Sets a component property to be null.
attachBehavior()Attaches a behavior to this component.
attachBehaviors()Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
behaviors()Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
canGetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className()Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
closeFp()Close the file handle if it was opened by this class
collect()Processes the given log messages.
detachBehavior()Detaches a behavior from the component.
detachBehaviors()Detaches all behaviors from the component.
ensureBehaviors()Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.
export()Writes a log message to the given target URL
filterMessages()Filters the given messages according to their categories and levels.
formatMessage()Formats a log message for display as a string.
getBehavior()Returns the named behavior object.
getBehaviors()Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
getEnabled()Check whether the log target is enabled.
getMessagePrefix()Returns a string to be prefixed to the given message.
hasEventHandlers()Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
hasMethod()Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.
init()Initializes the object.
off()Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
on()Attaches an event handler to an event.
setEnabled()Sets a value indicating whether this log target is enabled.
setLevels()Sets the message levels that this target is interested in.
trigger()Triggers an event.

__destruct() ​

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closeFp() ​

Close the file handle if it was opened by this class

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export() ​

Writes a log message to the given target URL

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Throws ​

formatMessage() ​

Formats a log message for display as a string.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The formatted message

getFp() ​

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Returns ​

resource – The stream resource to write messages to

Throws ​

init() ​

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

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setFp() ​

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Arguments ​

  • $value (resource) – An open and writeable resource. This can also be one of PHP's pre-defined resources like STDIN or STDERR, which are available in CLI context.

Throws ​

Protected Methods ​

getContextMessage()Generates the context information to be logged.
getTime()Returns formatted ('Y-m-d H:i:s') timestamp for message.

getTime() ​

Returns formatted ('Y-m-d H:i:s') timestamp for message.

If microtime is configured to true it will return format 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​
