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Number ​


Class Number

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Public Methods ​

lowerAlpha()Returns the lowercase alphabetic version of a number
lowerRoman()Returns the lowercase roman numeral version of a number
makeNumeric()Returns the numeric value of a variable.
upperAlpha()Returns the uppercase alphabetic version of a number
upperRoman()Returns the uppercase roman numeral version of a number
word()Returns the "word" version of a number

lowerAlpha() ​

Returns the lowercase alphabetic version of a number

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The alphabetic version of the number

lowerRoman() ​

Returns the lowercase roman numeral version of a number

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The roman numeral version of the number

makeNumeric() ​

Returns the numeric value of a variable.

If the variable is an object with a __toString() method, the numeric value of its string representation will be returned.

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Arguments ​

  • $var (mixed)

Returns ​


upperAlpha() ​

Returns the uppercase alphabetic version of a number

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The alphabetic version of the number

upperRoman() ​

Returns the uppercase roman numeral version of a number

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The roman numeral version of the number

word() ​

Returns the "word" version of a number

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The number word, or the original number if it's >= 10