
craft\events\FormActionsEvent » yii\base\Event (opens new window) » yii\base\BaseObject (opens new window)
yii\base\Configurable (opens new window)

Form Actions Event class.

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# Public Properties

Property Description
data (opens new window) mixed – The data that is passed to yii\base\Component::on() (opens new window) when attaching an event handler.
formActions array (opens new window) – The form actions that will be displayed for the current page.
handled (opens new window) boolean (opens new window) – Whether the event is handled.
name (opens new window) string (opens new window) – The event name.
sender (opens new window) object (opens new window), null (opens new window) – The sender of this event.

# formActions

array (opens new window)
Default value

The form actions that will be displayed for the current page.

Each action should be defined by an array with any of the following keys:

  • label – The human-facing label for the action.
  • action – The controller action path that should be requested when the action is selected.
  • redirect – The redirect param that should be passed to the controller action if the action is selected. Note that this value should be hashed via Craft::$app->security->hashData().
  • confirm – A confirmation message that should be displayed when the action is selected.
  • params – An array of param names/values that should be passed to the controller action if the action is selected.
  • destructivetrue or false depending on whether the action should be considered destructive.
  • shortcuttrue or false depending on whether the action should be triggered by the Command/Ctrl + S keyboard shortcut.
  • shifttrue or false depending on whether the keyboard shortcut requires the Shift key to be pressed.

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# Public Methods

Method Description
__call() (opens new window) Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__construct() (opens new window) Constructor.
__get() (opens new window) Returns the value of an object property.
__isset() (opens new window) Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
__set() (opens new window) Sets value of an object property.
__unset() (opens new window) Sets an object property to null.
canGetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className() (opens new window) Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
hasHandlers() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the specified class-level event.
hasMethod() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty() (opens new window) Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined.
init() (opens new window) Initializes the object.
off() (opens new window) Detaches an event handler from a class-level event.
offAll() (opens new window) Detaches all registered class-level event handlers.
on() (opens new window) Attaches an event handler to a class-level event.
trigger() (opens new window) Triggers a class-level event.