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CustomField ​

craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField » craft\fieldlayoutelements\BaseField » craft\base\FieldLayoutElement » yii\base\BaseObject
craft\base\FieldLayoutElementInterface, yii\base\Configurable
Uses traits

CustomField represents a custom field that can be included in field layouts.

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Public Properties ​

fieldcraft\base\FieldInterface – The custom field this layout field is based on
fieldUidstring – The UID of the field this layout field is based on
instructionsstring, null – The field’s instructions
labelstring, null – The field’s label
requiredboolean – Whether the field is required.
tipstring, null – The field’s tip text
warningstring, null – The field’s warning text
widthinteger – The width (%) of the field

field ​

Default value

The custom field this layout field is based on

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fieldUid ​

Default value

The UID of the field this layout field is based on

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Public Methods ​

__call()Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__get()Returns the value of an object property.
__isset()Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
__set()Sets value of an object property.
__unset()Sets an object property to null.
attribute()Returns the element attribute this field is for.
canGetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className()Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
extraFields()Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by toArray().
fields()Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.
formHtml()Returns the element’s form HTMl.
getField()Returns the custom field this layout field is based on.
getFieldUid()Returns the UID of the field this layout field is based on.
hasCustomWidth()Returns whether the element can have a custom width.
hasMethod()Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined.
init()Initializes the object.
keywords()Returns the search keywords for this layout element.
label()Returns the field’s label.
mandatory()Returns whether the field must be present within the layout.
requirable()Returns whether the field can optionally be marked as required.
selectorHtml()Returns the selector HTML that should be displayed within field layout designers.
setField()Sets the custom field this layout field is based on.
setFieldUid()Sets the UID of the field this layout field is based on.
settingsHtml()Returns the settings HTML for the layout element.
toArray()Converts the model into an array.

__construct() ​


The default implementation does two things:

  • Initializes the object with the given configuration $config.
  • Call init().

If this method is overridden in a child class, it is recommended that

  • the last parameter of the constructor is a configuration array, like $config here.
  • call the parent implementation at the end of the constructor.

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Arguments ​

attribute() ​

Returns the element attribute this field is for.

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Returns ​


fields() ​

Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.

A field is a named element in the returned array by toArray().

This method should return an array of field names or field definitions. If the former, the field name will be treated as an object property name whose value will be used as the field value. If the latter, the array key should be the field name while the array value should be the corresponding field definition which can be either an object property name or a PHP callable returning the corresponding field value. The signature of the callable should be:

function ($model, $field) {
    // return field value

For example, the following code declares four fields:

  • email: the field name is the same as the property name email;
  • firstName and lastName: the field names are firstName and lastName, and their values are obtained from the first_name and last_name properties;
  • fullName: the field name is fullName. Its value is obtained by concatenating first_name and last_name.
return [
    'firstName' => 'first_name',
    'lastName' => 'last_name',
    'fullName' => function () {
        return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

In this method, you may also want to return different lists of fields based on some context information. For example, depending on the privilege of the current application user, you may return different sets of visible fields or filter out some fields.

The default implementation of this method returns the public object member variables indexed by themselves.

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Returns ​

array – The list of field names or field definitions.

formHtml() ​

Returns the element’s form HTMl.

Return null if the element should not be present within the form.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

getField() ​

Returns the custom field this layout field is based on.

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Returns ​


getFieldUid() ​

Returns the UID of the field this layout field is based on.

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Returns ​


requirable() ​

Returns whether the field can optionally be marked as required.

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Returns ​


setField() ​

Sets the custom field this layout field is based on.

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Arguments ​

setFieldUid() ​

Sets the UID of the field this layout field is based on.

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Arguments ​

Throws ​

Protected Methods ​

containerAttributes()Returns the element container HTML attributes.
defaultInstructions()Returns the field’s default instructions, which will be used if instructions() is null.
defaultLabel()Returns the field’s default label, which will be used if label() is null.
describedBy()Returns the aria-describedby attribute value that should be set on the focusable input(s).
errors()Returns the field’s validation errors.
errorsId()Returns the id of the field errors.
extractFieldsFor()Extract nested fields from a fields collection for a given root field Nested fields are separated with dots (.). e.g: "" The previous example would extract "id".
extractRootFields()Extracts the root field names from nested fields.
id()Returns the id of the input.
inputContainerAttributes()Returns input container HTML attributes.
inputHtml()Returns the field’s input HTML.
instructions()Returns the field’s instructions.
instructionsId()Returns the id of the field instructions.
labelAttributes()Returns label HTML attributes.
orientation()Returns the field’s orientation (ltr or rtl).
resolveFields()Determines which fields can be returned by toArray().
selectorAttributes()Returns HTML attributes that should be added to the selector container.
selectorInnerHtml()Returns the selector’s inner HTML.
showLabel()Returns whether the label should be shown in form inputs.
statusClass()Returns the field’s status class.
statusId()Returns the id if the field status message.
statusLabel()Returns the field’s status label.
tip()Returns the field’s tip text.
tipId()Returns the id of the field tip.
translatable()Returns whether the field is translatable.
translationDescription()Returns the descriptive text for how this field is translatable.
useFieldset()Returns whether the element’s form HTML should use a <fieldset> + <legend> instead of a <div> + <label>.
value()Returns the field’s value.
warning()Returns the field’s warning text.
warningId()Returns the id of the field warning.

containerAttributes() ​

Returns the element container HTML attributes.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


defaultInstructions() ​

Returns the field’s default instructions, which will be used if instructions() is null.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

defaultLabel() ​

Returns the field’s default label, which will be used if label() is null.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

id() ​

Returns the id of the input.

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Returns ​


inputHtml() ​

Returns the field’s input HTML.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

orientation() ​

Returns the field’s orientation (ltr or rtl).

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


selectorAttributes() ​

Returns HTML attributes that should be added to the selector container.

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Returns ​


showLabel() ​


Returns whether the label should be shown in form inputs.

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Returns ​


statusClass() ​

Returns the field’s status class.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

statusLabel() ​

Returns the field’s status label.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

translatable() ​

Returns whether the field is translatable.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


translationDescription() ​

Returns the descriptive text for how this field is translatable.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string, null

useFieldset() ​


Returns whether the element’s form HTML should use a <fieldset> + <legend> instead of a <div> + <label>.

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Returns ​


value() ​


Returns the field’s value.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​
