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Console ​

craft\helpers\Console » yii\helpers\Console » yii\helpers\BaseConsole

Console helper

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Public Methods ​

ansiColorizedSubstr()Returns the portion with ANSI color codes of string specified by the start and length parameters.
ansiFormat()Will return a string formatted with the given ANSI style.
ansiFormatCode()Returns the ANSI format code.
ansiStrlen()Returns the length of the string without ANSI color codes.
ansiStrwidth()Returns the width of the string without ANSI color codes.
ansiToHtml()Converts an ANSI formatted string to HTML.
beginAnsiFormat()Echoes an ANSI format code that affects the formatting of any text that is printed afterwards.
clearLine()Clears the line, the cursor is currently on by sending ANSI control code EL with argument 2 to the terminal.
clearLineAfterCursor()Clears text from cursor position to the end of the line by sending ANSI control code EL with argument 0 to the terminal.
clearLineBeforeCursor()Clears text from cursor position to the beginning of the line by sending ANSI control code EL with argument 1 to the terminal.
clearScreen()Clears entire screen content by sending ANSI control code ED with argument 2 to the terminal.
clearScreenAfterCursor()Clears text from cursor to the end of the screen by sending ANSI control code ED with argument 0 to the terminal.
clearScreenBeforeCursor()Clears text from cursor to the beginning of the screen by sending ANSI control code ED with argument 1 to the terminal.
confirm()Asks user to confirm by typing y or n.
endAnsiFormat()Resets any ANSI format set by previous method beginAnsiFormat() Any output after this will have default text format.
endProgress()Ends a progress bar that has been started by startProgress().
ensureProjectConfigFileExists()Ensures that the project config YAML files exist if they’re supposed to
error()Prints text to STDERR appended with a carriage return (PHP_EOL).
errorSummary()Generates a summary of the validation errors.
escape()Escapes % so they don't get interpreted as color codes when the string is parsed by renderColoredString().
getScreenSize()Returns terminal screen size.
hideCursor()Hides the cursor by sending ANSI DECTCEM code ?25l to the terminal.
input()Asks the user for input. Ends when the user types a carriage return (PHP_EOL). Optionally, It also provides a prompt.
isColorEnabled()Returns whether color is enabled.
isRunningOnWindows()Returns true if the console is running on windows.
markdownToAnsi()Converts Markdown to be better readable in console environments by applying some ANSI format.
moveCursorBackward()Moves the terminal cursor backward by sending ANSI control code CUB to the terminal.
moveCursorDown()Moves the terminal cursor down by sending ANSI control code CUD to the terminal.
moveCursorForward()Moves the terminal cursor forward by sending ANSI control code CUF to the terminal.
moveCursorNextLine()Moves the terminal cursor to the beginning of the next line by sending ANSI control code CNL to the terminal.
moveCursorPrevLine()Moves the terminal cursor to the beginning of the previous line by sending ANSI control code CPL to the terminal.
moveCursorTo()Moves the cursor to an absolute position given as column and row by sending ANSI control code CUP or CHA to the terminal.
moveCursorUp()Moves the terminal cursor up by sending ANSI control code CUU to the terminal.
output()Prints text to STDOUT appended with a carriage return (PHP_EOL).
outputCommand()Outputs a terminal command.
outputWarning()Outputs a warning.
prompt()Prompts the user for input and validates it.
renderColoredString()Converts a string to ansi formatted by replacing patterns like %y (for yellow) with ansi control codes.
restoreCursorPosition()Restores the cursor position saved with saveCursorPosition() by sending ANSI control code RCP to the terminal.
saveCursorPosition()Saves the current cursor position by sending ANSI control code SCP to the terminal.
scrollDown()Scrolls whole page down by sending ANSI control code SD to the terminal.
scrollUp()Scrolls whole page up by sending ANSI control code SU to the terminal.
select()Gives the user an option to choose from. Giving '?' as an input will show a list of options to choose from and their explanations.
showCursor()Will show a cursor again when it has been hidden by hideCursor() by sending ANSI DECTCEM code ?25h to the terminal.
startProgress()Starts display of a progress bar on screen.
stderr()Prints a string to STDERR.
stdin()Gets input from STDIN and returns a string right-trimmed for EOLs.
stdout()Prints a string to STDOUT.
streamSupportsAnsiColors()Returns true if the stream supports colorization. ANSI colors are disabled if not supported by the stream.
stripAnsiFormat()Strips ANSI control codes from a string.
table()Outputs a table.
updateProgress()Updates a progress bar that has been started by startProgress().
wrapText()Word wrap text with indentation to fit the screen size.
xtermBgColor()Returns the ansi format code for xterm background color.
xtermFgColor()Returns the ansi format code for xterm foreground color.

ensureProjectConfigFileExists() ​


Ensures that the project config YAML files exist if they’re supposed to

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isColorEnabled() ​


Returns whether color is enabled.

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Returns ​


outputCommand() ​


Outputs a terminal command.

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Arguments ​

  • $command (string) – The command to output
  • $withScriptName (boolean) – Whether the current script name (e.g. craft) should be prepended to the command.

outputWarning() ​


Outputs a warning.

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Arguments ​

stdout() ​

Prints a string to STDOUT.

You may optionally format the string with ANSI codes by passing additional parameters using the constants defined in yii\helpers\Console. Example:

Console::stdout('This will be red and underlined.', Console::FG_RED, Console::UNDERLINE);

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Arguments ​

  • $string (string) – The string to print

Returns ​

integer, boolean – Number of bytes printed or false on error

table() ​


Outputs a table.

$data should be set to an array of nested arrays. Each nested array should contain values for the same keys found in $headers.

Header and data values can be expressed as a string (the raw value), or an array that begins with the raw value, followed by any of the following keys:

  • align – either left, right, or center (defaults to left).
  • format – an array that should be passed to ansiFormat().

$options supports the following:

  • maxSize – The maximum number of characters to show within each cell (defaults to 80).
  • rowPrefix - any characters that should be output before each row (defaults to four spaces)
  • `rowSuffix – any characters that should be output after each row
  • colors – Whether to format cells per their format keys (defaults to streamSupportsAnsiColors()).

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Arguments ​

  • $headers (string[], array[]) – The table headers
  • $data (array[]) – The table data
  • $options (array)

Throws ​

Constants ​
