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Application ​

craft\console\Application » yii\console\Application » yii\base\Application » yii\base\Module » yii\di\ServiceLocator » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
Uses traits

Craft Console Application class

An instance of the Console Application class is globally accessible to console requests in Craft via \Craft::$app.

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Public Properties ​

addressescraft\services\Addresses – The addresses service
aliasesarray – List of path aliases to be defined.
announcementscraft\services\Announcements – The announcements service
apicraft\services\Api – The API service
assetIndexercraft\services\AssetIndexer – The asset indexer service
assetManagercraft\web\AssetManager – The asset manager component
assetscraft\services\Assets – The assets service
authManageryii\rbac\ManagerInterface, null – The auth manager application component or null if it's not configured.
basePathstring – The root directory of the application.
behaviorsyii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component.
bootstraparray – List of components that should be run during the application bootstrapping process.
cacheyii\caching\CacheInterface, null – The cache application component.
canTestEditionsboolean – Whether Craft is running on a domain that is eligible to test out the editions
canUpgradeEditionboolean – Whether Craft is eligible to be upgraded to a different edition
categoriescraft\services\Categories – The categories service
charsetstring – The charset currently used for the application.
componentsarray – The list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances (ID => definition or instance).
composercraft\services\Composer – The Composer service
conditionscraft\services\Conditions – The conditions service
configcraft\services\Config – The config service
containerarray – Values given in terms of name-value pairs.
contentcraft\services\Content – The content service
contentMigratorcraft\db\MigrationManager – The content migration manager
controlleryii\console\Controller – The currently active controller instance
controllerMaparray – Mapping from controller ID to controller configurations.
controllerNamespacestring – The namespace that controller classes are located in.
controllerPathstring – The directory that contains the controller classes.
dashboardcraft\services\Dashboard – The dashboard service
dbcraft\db\Connection – The database connection component
defaultRoutestring – The default route of this application.
deprecatorcraft\services\Deprecator – The deprecator service
draftscraft\services\Drafts – The drafts service
editioninteger – The active Craft edition
elementSourcescraft\services\ElementSources – The element sources service
elementscraft\services\Elements – The elements service
enableCoreCommandsboolean – Whether to enable the commands provided by the core framework.
entriescraft\services\Entries – The entries service
envstring, null – The environment ID Craft is currently running in.
errorHandleryii\console\ErrorHandler – The error handler application component.
extensionsarray, null – List of installed Yii extensions.
fieldscraft\services\Fields – The fields service
formattercraft\i18n\Formatter – The formatter component
formattingLocalecraft\i18n\Locale – The Locale object that should be used to define the formatter
fscraft\services\Fs – The filesystems service
gccraft\services\Gc – The garbage collection service
globalscraft\services\Globals – The globals service
gqlcraft\services\Gql – The GraphQl service
hasWrongEditionboolean – Whether Craft is running with the wrong edition
i18ncraft\i18n\I18N – The internationalization (i18n) component
idstring – An ID that uniquely identifies this module among other modules which have the same parent.
imageTransformscraft\services\ImageTransforms – The image transforms service
imagescraft\services\Images – The images service
installedSchemaVersionstring – The installed schema version
isInMaintenanceModeboolean – Whether someone is currently performing a system update
isInitializedboolean – Whether Craft is fully initialized
isInstalledboolean – Whether Craft is installed
isMultiSiteboolean – Whether this site has multiple sites
isSystemLiveboolean – Whether the system is live
languagestring – The language that is meant to be used for end users.
layoutstring, boolean – The layout that should be applied for views in this application.
layoutPathstring – The root directory of layout files.
licensedEditioninteger, null
licensedEditionNamestring, null
loadedModulesarray – List of loaded modules indexed by their class names.
localecraft\i18n\Locale – The Locale object for the target language
logyii\log\Dispatcher – The log dispatcher application component.
mailercraft\mail\Mailer – The mailer component
matrixcraft\services\Matrix – The matrix service
migratorcraft\db\MigrationManager – The application’s migration manager
minVersionRequiredstring – The minimum Craft build number required to update to this build.
moduleyii\base\Module, null – The parent module of this module.
modulesarray – The modules (indexed by their IDs).
mutexyii\mutex\Mutex – The application’s mutex service
namestring – The application name.
paramsarray – Custom module parameters (name => value).
pathcraft\services\Path – The path service
pluginStorecraft\services\PluginStore – The plugin store service
pluginscraft\services\Plugins – The plugins service
projectConfigcraft\services\ProjectConfig – The project config service
queueyii\queue\Queue, craft\queue\QueueInterface – The job queue
relationscraft\services\Relations – The relations service
requestcraft\console\Request – The request component
requestedActionyii\base\Action, null – The requested Action.
requestedParamsarray – The parameters supplied to the requested action.
requestedRoutestring – The requested route
responseyii\console\Response – The response component.
revisionscraft\services\Revisions – The revisions service
routescraft\services\Routes – The routes service
runtimePathstring – The directory that stores runtime files.
schemaVersionstring – Craft’s schema version number.
searchcraft\services\Search – The search service
sectionscraft\services\Sections – The sections service
securitycraft\services\Security – The security component
sitescraft\services\Sites – The sites service
sourceLanguagestring – The language that the application is written in.
stateinteger – The current application state during a request handling life cycle.
structurescraft\services\Structures – The structures service
systemMessagescraft\services\SystemMessages – The system email messages service
systemUidstring, null
tagscraft\services\Tags – The tags service
templateCachescraft\services\TemplateCaches – The template caches service
timeZonestring – The time zone used by this application.
tokenscraft\services\Tokens – The tokens service
uniqueIdstring – The unique ID of the module.
updatescraft\services\Updates – The updates service
urlManageryii\web\UrlManager – The URL manager for this application.
usercraft\console\User – The user component
userGroupscraft\services\UserGroups – The user groups service
userPermissionscraft\services\UserPermissions – The user permissions service
userscraft\services\Users – The users service
utilitiescraft\services\Utilities – The utilities service
vendorPathstring – The directory that stores vendor files.
versionstring – The version of this module.
viewcraft\web\View – The view component
viewPathstring – The root directory of view files.
volumescraft\services\Volumes – The volumes service
webpackcraft\services\Webpack – The webpack service

request ​

Default value

The request component

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session ​

Default value

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user ​

Default value

The user component

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Public Methods ​

__call()Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__clone()This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.
__get()Getter magic method.
__isset()Checks if a property value is null.
__set()Sets the value of a component property.
__unset()Sets a component property to be null.
afterAction()This method is invoked right after an action within this module is executed.
attachBehavior()Attaches a behavior to this component.
attachBehaviors()Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
beforeAction()This method is invoked right before an action within this module is executed.
behaviors()Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
bootstrap()Initializes extensions and executes bootstrap components.
canGetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className()Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
clear()Removes the component from the locator.
coreCommands()Returns the configuration of the built-in commands.
coreComponents()Returns the configuration of core application components.
createController()Creates a controller instance based on the given route.
createControllerByID()Creates a controller based on the given controller ID.
detachBehavior()Detaches a behavior from the component.
detachBehaviors()Detaches all behaviors from the component.
disableMaintenanceMode()Disables Maintenance Mode.
enableMaintenanceMode()Enables Maintenance Mode.
end()Terminates the application.
ensureBehaviors()Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.
get()Returns the component instance with the specified ID.
getAddresses()Returns the addresses service.
getAnnouncements()Returns the announcements service.
getApi()Returns the API service.
getAssetIndexer()Returns the asset indexing service.
getAssetManager()Returns the asset manager component.
getAssets()Returns the assets service.
getAuthManager()Returns the auth manager for this application.
getBasePath()Returns the root directory of the module.
getBehavior()Returns the named behavior object.
getBehaviors()Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
getCache()Returns the cache component.
getCanUpgradeEdition()Returns whether Craft is eligible to be upgraded to a different edition.
getCategories()Returns the categories service.
getComponents()Returns the list of the component definitions or the loaded component instances.
getComposer()Returns the Composer service.
getConditions()Returns the conditions service.
getConfig()Returns the config service.
getContent()Returns the content service.
getContentMigrator()Returns the content migration manager.
getControllerPath()Returns the directory that contains the controller classes according to controllerNamespace.
getDashboard()Returns the dashboard service.
getDb()Returns the database connection component.
getDeprecator()Returns the deprecator service.
getDrafts()Returns the drafts service.
getDumper()Returns the variable dumper.
getEdition()Returns the Craft edition.
getEditionHandle()Returns the handle of the Craft edition.
getEditionName()Returns the name of the Craft edition.
getElementSources()Returns the element indexes service.
getElements()Returns the elements service.
getEntries()Returns the entries service.
getErrorHandler()Returns the error handler component.
getFields()Returns the fields service.
getFormatter()Returns the formatter component.
getFormattingLocale()Returns the locale that should be used to define the formatter.
getFs()Returns the filesystems service.
getGc()Returns the garbage collection service.
getGlobals()Returns the globals service.
getGql()Returns the GraphQL service.
getHasWrongEdition()Returns whether Craft is running with the wrong edition.
getI18n()Returns the internationalization (i18n) component.
getImageTransforms()Returns the image transforms service.
getImages()Returns the images service.
getInfo()Returns the info model, or just a particular attribute.
getInstalledSchemaVersion()Returns the installed schema version.
getInstance()Returns the currently requested instance of this module class.
getIsInMaintenanceMode()Returns whether someone is currently performing a system update.
getIsInitialized()Returns whether Craft has been fully initialized.
getIsInstalled()Returns whether Craft is installed.
getIsLive()Returns whether the system is currently live.
getIsMultiSite()Returns whether this Craft install has multiple sites.
getLayoutPath()Returns the directory that contains layout view files for this module.
getLicensedEdition()Returns the edition Craft is actually licensed to run in.
getLicensedEditionName()Returns the name of the edition Craft is actually licensed to run in.
getLocale()Returns a Locale object for the target language.
getLog()Returns the log dispatcher component.
getMailer()Returns the current mailer.
getMatrix()Returns the matrix service.
getMigrator()Returns the application’s migration manager.
getModule()Retrieves the child module of the specified ID.
getModules()Returns the sub-modules in this module.
getMutex()Returns the application’s mutex service.
getPath()Returns the path service.
getPluginStore()Returns the plugin store service.
getPlugins()Returns the plugins service.
getProjectConfig()Returns the system config service.
getQueue()Returns the queue service.
getRelations()Returns the relations service.
getRequest()Returns the request component.
getResponse()Returns the response component.
getRevisions()Returns the revisions service.
getRoutes()Returns the routes service.
getRuntimePath()Returns the directory that stores runtime files.
getSearch()Returns the search service.
getSections()Returns the sections service.
getSecurity()Returns the security component.
getSites()Returns the sites service.
getStructures()Returns the structures service.
getSystemMessages()Returns the system email messages service.
getSystemName()Returns the system name.
getSystemUid()Returns the system's UID.
getTags()Returns the tags service.
getTargetLanguage()Returns the target app language.
getTemplateCaches()Returns the template cache service.
getTimeZone()Returns the time zone used by this application.
getTokens()Returns the tokens service.
getUniqueId()Returns an ID that uniquely identifies this module among all modules within the current application.
getUpdates()Returns the updates service.
getUrlManager()Returns the URL manager for this application.
getUser()Returns the user component.
getUserGroups()Returns the user groups service.
getUserPermissions()Returns the user permissions service.
getUsers()Returns the users service.
getUtilities()Returns the utilities service.
getVendorPath()Returns the directory that stores vendor files.
getVersion()Returns current module version.
getView()Returns the view component.
getViewPath()Returns the directory that contains the view files for this module.
getVolumes()Returns the volumes service.
getWebpack()Returns the webpack service.
getYiiVersion()Returns the Yii framework version.
handleRequest()Handles the specified request.
has()Returns a value indicating whether the locator has the specified component definition or has instantiated the component.
hasEventHandlers()Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
hasMethod()Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasModule()Checks whether the child module of the specified ID exists.
hasProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.
init()Initialize the application.
off()Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
on()Attaches an event handler to an event.
onAfterRequest()Invokes a callback function at the end of the request.
onInit()Invokes a callback function when Craft is fully initialized.
preInit()Pre-initializes the application.
requireEdition()Requires that Craft is running an equal or better edition than what's passed in
run()Runs the application.
runAction()Runs a controller action specified by a route.
saveInfo()Updates the info row.
saveInfoAfterRequest()Updates the info row at the end of the request.
set()Registers a component definition with this locator.
setAliases()Defines path aliases.
setBasePath()Sets the root directory of the application and the @app alias.
setComponents()Registers a set of component definitions in this locator.
setContainer()Configures Yii::$container with the $config.
setControllerPath()Sets the directory that contains the controller classes.
setEdition()Sets the Craft edition.
setInstance()Sets the currently requested instance of this module class.
setIsInstalled()Sets Craft's record of whether it's installed
setLayoutPath()Sets the directory that contains the layout files.
setModule()Adds a sub-module to this module.
setModules()Registers sub-modules in the current module.
setRuntimePath()Sets the directory that stores runtime files.
setTimeZone()Sets the time zone used by this application.
setVendorPath()Sets the directory that stores vendor files.
setVersion()Sets current module version.
setViewPath()Sets the directory that contains the view files.
trigger()Triggers an event.
updateTargetLanguage()Sets the target application language.

bootstrap() ​

Initializes extensions and executes bootstrap components.

This method is called by init() after the application has been fully configured. If you override this method, make sure you also call the parent implementation.

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coreCommands() ​

Returns the configuration of the built-in commands.

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Returns ​

array – The configuration of the built-in commands.

get() ​

Returns the component instance with the specified ID.

See also:

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Arguments ​

  • $id (string) – Component ID (e.g. db).
  • $throwException (boolean) – Whether to throw an exception if $id is not registered with the locator before.

Returns ​

object, null – The component of the specified ID. If $throwException is false and $id is not registered before, null will be returned.

Throws ​

getRequest() ​

Returns the request component.

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Returns ​

craft\console\Request –

getResponse() ​

Returns the response component.

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Returns ​

yii\console\Response –

getSession() ​

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Throws ​

getUser() ​

Returns the user component.

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Returns ​


handleRequest() ​

Handles the specified request.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

yii\console\Response – The resulting response

init() ​

Initialize the application.

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runAction() ​

Runs a controller action specified by a route.

This method parses the specified route and creates the corresponding child module(s), controller and action instances. It then calls craft\console\Controller::runAction() to run the action with the given parameters. If the route is empty, the method will use defaultRoute.

For example, to run public function actionTest($a, $b) assuming that the controller has options the following code should be used:

\Yii::$app->runAction('controller/test', ['option' => 'value', $a, $b]);

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Arguments ​

  • $route (string) – The route that specifies the action.
  • $params (array) – The parameters to be passed to the action

Returns ​

integer, yii\console\Response, null – The result of the action. This can be either an exit code or Response object. Exit code 0 means normal, and other values mean abnormal. Exit code of null is treated as 0 as well.

Throws ​

setTimeZone() ​

Sets the time zone used by this application.

This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_set(). Refer to the php manual for available timezones.

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Arguments ​

  • $value (string) – The time zone used by this application.

Protected Methods ​

defaultVersion()Returns default module version.
loadConfig()Loads the configuration.
registerErrorHandler()Registers the errorHandler component as a PHP error handler.

Constants ​

OPTION_APPCONFIGThe option name for specifying the application configuration file path.
STATE_AFTER_REQUESTApplication state used by state: application is triggering EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST.
STATE_BEFORE_REQUESTApplication state used by state: application is triggering EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST.
STATE_BEGINApplication state used by state: application just started.
STATE_ENDApplication state used by state: application has ended.
STATE_HANDLING_REQUESTApplication state used by state: application is handling the request.
STATE_INITApplication state used by state: application is initializing.
STATE_SENDING_RESPONSEApplication state used by state: application is about to send response.