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Message ​

craft\mail\Message » yii\symfonymailer\Message

Represents an email message.

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Public Properties ​

error\Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface, null – The caught error object, if the message failed to send
keystring, null – The key of the message that should be loaded
languagestring, null – The language that the email should be sent in, based on the first craft\elements\User model passed into setTo() with a preferred language
variablesarray, null – Any variables that should be applied to the template when it is rendered

error ​

\Symfony\Component\Mailer\Exception\TransportExceptionInterface, null
Default value

The caught error object, if the message failed to send

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key ​

string, null
Default value

The key of the message that should be loaded

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language ​

string, null
Default value

The language that the email should be sent in, based on the first craft\elements\User model passed into setTo() with a preferred language

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variables ​

array, null
Default value

Any variables that should be applied to the template when it is rendered

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Public Methods ​

setBcc()Sets the BCC (hidden copy receiver) addresses of this message.
setCc()Sets the CC (additional copy receiver) addresses of this message.
setFrom()Sets the message sender.
setReplyTo()Sets the Reply-To email.
setTo()Sets the message recipient(s).

setBcc() ​

Sets the BCC (hidden copy receiver) addresses of this message.

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Arguments ​

  • $bcc (string, (\craft\elements\User|string)[], craft\elements\User, null) – The hidden copied receiver’s email address, or their user model(s). You may pass an array of addresses if multiple recipients should receive this message. You may also specify receiver name in addition to email address using format: [email => name].

Returns ​

self – Self reference

setCc() ​

Sets the CC (additional copy receiver) addresses of this message.

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Arguments ​

  • $cc (string, (\craft\elements\User|string)[], craft\elements\User) – The copied receiver’s email address, or their user model(s). You may pass an array of addresses if multiple recipients should receive this message. You may also specify receiver name in addition to email address using format: [email => name].

Returns ​

self – Self reference

setFrom() ​

Sets the message sender.

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Arguments ​

  • $from (string, (\craft\elements\User|string)[], craft\elements\User) – The sender’s email address, or their user model(s). You may pass an array of addresses if this message is from multiple people. You may also specify sender name in addition to email address using format: [email => name].

Returns ​

self – Self reference

setReplyTo() ​


Sets the Reply-To email.

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Arguments ​

  • $replyTo (string, (\craft\elements\User|string)[], craft\elements\User) – The Reply-To email address, or their user model(s). You may pass an array of addresses if this message is from multiple people. You may also specify Reply-To name in addition to email address using format: [email => name].

Returns ​

self – Self reference

setTo() ​

Sets the message recipient(s).

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Arguments ​

  • $to (string, (\craft\elements\User|string)[], craft\elements\User) – The receiver’s email address, or their user model(s). You may pass an array of addresses if multiple recipients should receive this message. You may also specify receiver name in addition to email address using format: [email => name].

Returns ​

self – Self reference