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DateTimeHelper ​


Class DateTimeHelper

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Public Methods ​

currentTimeStamp()Returns the current Unix time stamp (factoring in whether time is paused).
currentUTCDateTime()Returns a DateTime object set to the current time (factoring in whether time is paused), in the UTC time zone.
firstWeekDay()Returns the index of the first day of the week (0-6), according to the user’s preferences.
humanDuration()Returns a human-friendly duration string for the given date interval or number of seconds.
humanDurationFromInterval()Returns the interval in a human-friendly string.
intervalToSeconds()Returns the number of seconds that a given DateInterval object spans.
isInThePast()Returns true if the specified date was in the past, otherwise false.
isIso8601()Determines whether the given value is an ISO-8601-formatted date, as formatted by either DateTime::ATOM or DateTime::ISO8601 (with or without the colon between the hours and minutes of the timezone).
isThisMonth()Returns true if given date is in this month
isThisWeek()Returns true if given date is in this week
isThisYear()Returns true if given date is in this year
isToday()Returns true if given date is today.
isValidIntervalString()Returns true if interval string is a valid interval.
isWithinLast()Returns true if specified datetime was within the interval specified, else false.
isYesterday()Returns true if given date was yesterday
lastMonth()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last month (factoring in whether time is paused).
lastWeek()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).
lastYear()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last year (factoring in whether time is paused).
nextMonth()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next month (factoring in whether time is paused).
nextWeek()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).
nextYear()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next year (factoring in whether time is paused).
normalizeTimeZone()Normalizes a timezone string to a PHP timezone identifier.
now()Returns a DateTime object set to the current time (factoring in whether time is paused).
pause()Pauses time for any subsequent calls to other DateTimeHelper methods, until resume() is called.
relativeTimeStatement()Returns a relative time statement based on the given number and unit.
relativeTimeToSeconds()Converts a relative time (number and unit) to seconds.
resume()Resumes time, if it was paused via pause().
secondsToInterval()Creates a DateInterval object based on a given number of seconds.
thisMonth()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this month (factoring in whether time is paused).
thisWeek()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).
thisYear()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this year (factoring in whether time is paused).
timeZoneAbbreviation()Returns the timezone abbreviation for a given timezone name.
timeZoneOffset()Returns a given timezone’s offset from UTC (e.g. '+10:00' or '-06:00').
toDateInterval()Converts a value into a DateInterval object.
toDateTime()Converts a value into a DateTime object.
toIso8601()Converts a date to an ISO-8601 string.
today()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the current day (factoring in whether time is paused).
tomorrow()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the following day (factoring in whether time is paused).
yesterday()Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the previous day (factoring in whether time is paused).

currentTimeStamp() ​

Returns the current Unix time stamp (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Returns ​


currentUTCDateTime() ​

Returns a DateTime object set to the current time (factoring in whether time is paused), in the UTC time zone.

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Returns ​


firstWeekDay() ​


Returns the index of the first day of the week (0-6), according to the user’s preferences.

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Returns ​


humanDuration() ​


Returns a human-friendly duration string for the given date interval or number of seconds.

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Arguments ​

  • $dateInterval (mixed) – The value, represented as either a DateInterval object, an interval duration string, or a number of seconds.
  • $showSeconds (boolean, null) – Whether the duration string should include the number of seconds

Returns ​


humanDurationFromInterval() ​


Deprecated in 4.2.0. humanDuration() should be used instead.

Returns the interval in a human-friendly string.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


intervalToSeconds() ​

Returns the number of seconds that a given DateInterval object spans.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


isInThePast() ​

Returns true if the specified date was in the past, otherwise false.

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if the specified date was in the past, false otherwise.

isIso8601() ​

Determines whether the given value is an ISO-8601-formatted date, as formatted by either DateTime::ATOM or DateTime::ISO8601 (with or without the colon between the hours and minutes of the timezone).

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Arguments ​

  • $value (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – Whether the value is an ISO-8601 date string

isThisMonth() ​

Returns true if given date is in this month

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if date is in this month, false otherwise.

isThisWeek() ​

Returns true if given date is in this week

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if date is in this week, false otherwise.

isThisYear() ​

Returns true if given date is in this year

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if date is in this year, false otherwise.

isToday() ​

Returns true if given date is today.

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if date is today, false otherwise.

isValidIntervalString() ​

Returns true if interval string is a valid interval.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


isValidTimeStamp() ​

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Arguments ​

  • $timestamp (mixed)

Returns ​


isWithinLast() ​

Returns true if specified datetime was within the interval specified, else false.

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check
  • $timeInterval (mixed) – The numeric value with space then time type. Example of valid types: '6 hours', '2 days', '1 minute'.

Returns ​

boolean – Whether the $dateString was within the specified $timeInterval.

Throws ​

isYesterday() ​

Returns true if given date was yesterday

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The timestamp to check

Returns ​

boolean – True if date was yesterday, false otherwise.

lastMonth() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last month (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


lastWeek() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


lastYear() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of last year (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


nextMonth() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next month (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


nextWeek() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


nextYear() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of next year (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


normalizeTimeZone() ​

Normalizes a timezone string to a PHP timezone identifier.

Supports the following formats:

  • Time zone abbreviation (EST, MDT)
  • Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours, with/without a colon between the hours and minutes (+0200, -0200, +02:00, -02:00)
  • A PHP timezone identifier (UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores)

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (string) – The timezone to be normalized

Returns ​

string, false – The PHP timezone identifier, or false if it could not be determined

now() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to the current time (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


pause() ​


Pauses time for any subsequent calls to other DateTimeHelper methods, until resume() is called.

If this method is called multiple times, resume() will need to be called an equal number of times before time is actually resumed.

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Arguments ​

  • $now (DateTime, null) – A DateTime object that should represent the current time for the duration of the pause

relativeTimeStatement() ​


Returns a relative time statement based on the given number and unit.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


relativeTimeToSeconds() ​


Converts a relative time (number and unit) to seconds.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


resume() ​


Resumes time, if it was paused via pause().

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secondsToHumanTimeDuration() ​


Deprecated in 4.2.0. humanDuration() should be used instead.

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Arguments ​

  • $seconds (integer) – The number of seconds
  • $showSeconds (boolean) – Whether to output seconds or not

Returns ​


secondsToInterval() ​


Deprecated in 4.2.1. toDateInterval() should be used instead.

Creates a DateInterval object based on a given number of seconds.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


thisMonth() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this month (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


thisWeek() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this week, according to the user’s preferences (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


thisYear() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the first day of this year (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


timeZoneAbbreviation() ​


Deprecated in 4.3.7

Returns the timezone abbreviation for a given timezone name.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


timeZoneOffset() ​


Deprecated in 4.3.7

Returns a given timezone’s offset from UTC (e.g. '+10:00' or '-06:00').

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


toDateInterval() ​


Converts a value into a DateInterval object.

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Arguments ​

  • $value (mixed) – The value, represented as either a DateInterval object, an interval duration string, or a number of seconds.

Returns ​

DateInterval, false

Throws ​

toDateTime() ​

Converts a value into a DateTime object.

$value can be in the following formats:

  • All W3C date and time formats (
  • MySQL DATE and DATETIME formats (
  • Relaxed versions of W3C and MySQL formats (single-digit months, days, and hours)
  • Unix timestamps
  • now/today/tomorrow/yesterday (midnight of the specified relative date)
  • An array with at least one of these keys defined: datetime, date, or time. Supported keys include:
    • date – A date string in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.MU formats or the current locale’s short date format.
    • time – A time string in HH:MM or HH:MM:SS (24-hour) format or the current locale’s short time format.
    • datetime – A timestamp in any of the non-array formats supported by this method
    • locale – The locale ID that the date and time were formatted in. Defaults to the app’s current formatting locale.
    • timezone – A valid PHP timezone. If set, this will override the assumed timezone per $assumeSystemTimeZone.

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Arguments ​

  • $value (string, integer, array, DateTimeInterface, null) – The value that should be converted to a DateTime object.
  • $assumeSystemTimeZone (boolean) – Whether it should be assumed that the value was set in the system timezone if the timezone was not specified. If this is false, UTC will be assumed.
  • $setToSystemTimeZone (boolean) – Whether to set the resulting DateTime object to the system timezone.

Returns ​

DateTime, false – The DateTime object, or false if $object could not be converted to one

Throws ​

toIso8601() ​

Converts a date to an ISO-8601 string.

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Arguments ​

  • $date (mixed) – The date, in any format that toDateTime() supports.

Returns ​

string, false – The date formatted as an ISO-8601 string, or false if $date was not a valid date

today() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the current day (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


tomorrow() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the following day (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


yesterday() ​


Returns a DateTime object set to midnight of the previous day (factoring in whether time is paused).

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Arguments ​

  • $timeZone (DateTimeZone, null) – The time zone to return the DateTime object in. (Defaults to the system time zone.)

Returns ​


Constants ​
