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Volume ​

craft\models\Volume » craft\base\Model » yii\base\Model » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, craft\base\BaseFsInterface, craft\base\FieldLayoutProviderInterface, craft\base\ModelInterface, yii\base\Arrayable, yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface
Uses traits
craft\base\ClonefixTrait, yii\base\ArrayableTrait, yii\base\StaticInstanceTrait

Volume model class.

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Public Properties ​

activeValidatorsyii\validators\Validator – The validators applicable to the current scenario.
attributesarray – Attribute values (name => value).
behaviorsyii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component.
errorsarray – Errors for all attributes or the specified attribute.
fieldLayoutIdinteger, null – Field layout ID
firstErrorsarray – The first errors.
handlestring, null – Handle
idinteger, null – ID
iteratorArrayIterator – An iterator for traversing the items in the list.
namestring, null – Name
rootUrlstring, null
scenariostring – The scenario that this model is in.
sortOrderinteger, null – Sort order
titleTranslationKeyFormatstring, null – Title translation key format
titleTranslationMethodstring – Title translation method
transformFsHandlestring, null
transformSubpathstring – The subpath to use in the transform filesystem
uidstring, null – UID
validatorsArrayObject, yii\validators\Validator – All the validators declared in the model.

config ​

Default value

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fieldLayout ​

Default value

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fieldLayoutId ​

integer, null
Default value

Field layout ID

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fileList ​

Default value

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fs ​

Default value

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fsHandle ​

Default value

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handle ​

string, null
Default value


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id ​

integer, null
Default value


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name ​

string, null
Default value


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rootUrl ​

string, null
Default value

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sortOrder ​

integer, null
Default value

Sort order

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titleTranslationKeyFormat ​

string, null
Default value

Title translation key format

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titleTranslationMethod ​

Default value

Title translation method

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transformFs ​

Default value

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transformFsHandle ​

string, null
Default value

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transformSubpath ​

Default value

The subpath to use in the transform filesystem

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uid ​

string, null
Default value


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Public Methods ​

__call()Calls the named method which is not a class method.
__clone()This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one.
__get()Returns the value of a component property.
__isset()Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null.
__set()Sets the value of a component property.
__unset()Sets a component property to be null.
activeAttributes()Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario.
addError()Adds a new error to the specified attribute.
addErrors()Adds a list of errors.
addModelErrors()Adds errors from another model, with a given attribute name prefix.
afterValidate()This method is invoked after validation ends.
attachBehavior()Attaches a behavior to this component.
attachBehaviors()Attaches a list of behaviors to the component.
attributeHints()Returns the attribute hints.
attributeLabels()Returns the attribute labels.
attributes()Returns the list of attribute names.
beforeValidate()This method is invoked before validation starts.
behaviors()Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as.
canGetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read.
canSetProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set.
className()Returns the fully qualified name of this class.
clearErrors()Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute.
copyFile()Copies a file.
createDirectory()Creates a directory.
createValidators()Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in rules().
datetimeAttributes()Returns the names of any attributes that should hold DateTime values.
deleteDirectory()Deletes a directory.
deleteFile()Deletes a file.
detachBehavior()Detaches a behavior from the component.
detachBehaviors()Detaches all behaviors from the component.
directoryExists()Returns whether a directory exists at the given path.
ensureBehaviors()Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component.
extraFields()Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by toArray().
fields()Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.
fileExists()Returns whether a file exists.
formName()Returns the form name that this model class should use.
generateAttributeLabel()Generates a user friendly attribute label based on the give attribute name.
getActiveValidators()Returns the validators applicable to the current scenario.
getAttributeHint()Returns the text hint for the specified attribute.
getAttributeLabel()Returns the text label for the specified attribute.
getAttributes()Returns attribute values.
getBehavior()Returns the named behavior object.
getBehaviors()Returns all behaviors attached to this component.
getConfig()Returns the volume’s config.
getDateModified()Returns the last time the file was modified.
getErrorSummary()Returns the errors for all attributes as a one-dimensional array.
getErrors()Returns the errors for all attributes or a single attribute.
getFieldLayout()Returns the field layout defined by this component.
getFileList()List files.
getFileSize()Return the file size.
getFileStream()Gets a stream ready for reading by a file's URI.
getFirstError()Returns the first error of the specified attribute.
getFirstErrors()Returns the first error of every attribute in the model.
getFs()Returns the volume’s filesystem.
getFsHandle()Returns the filesystem handle.
getIterator()Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model.
getRootUrl()Returns the root URL for a filesystem, if it has one.
getScenario()Returns the scenario that this model is used in.
getTransformFs()Returns the volume’s transform filesystem.
getTransformFsHandle()Returns the transform filesystem handle. If none set, will return the current fs handle.
getValidators()Returns all the validators declared in rules().
hasErrors()Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error.
hasEventHandlers()Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event.
hasMethod()Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined.
hasProperty()Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component.
init()Initializes the object.
instance()Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information.
isAttributeActive()Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario.
isAttributeRequired()Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required.
isAttributeSafe()Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments.
load()Populates the model with input data.
loadMultiple()Populates a set of models with the data from end user.
off()Detaches an existing event handler from this component.
offsetExists()Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset.
offsetGet()Returns the element at the specified offset.
offsetSet()Sets the element at the specified offset.
offsetUnset()Sets the element value at the specified offset to null.
on()Attaches an event handler to an event.
onUnsafeAttribute()This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned.
read()Reads contents of a file to a string.
renameDirectory()Renames a directory.
renameFile()Renames a file.
rules()Returns the validation rules for attributes.
safeAttributes()Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario.
scenarios()Returns a list of scenarios and the corresponding active attributes.
setAttributes()Sets the attribute values in a massive way.
setFs()Set the filesystem.
setFsHandle()Sets the filesystem handle.
setScenario()Sets the scenario for the model.
setTransformFs()Set the transform filesystem.
setTransformFsHandle()Sets the transform filesystem handle.
toArray()Converts the model into an array.
trigger()Triggers an event.
validate()Performs the data validation.
validateFieldLayout()Validates the field layout.
validateMultiple()Validates multiple models.
write()Writes a string to a file.
writeFileFromStream()Writes a file to a fs from a given stream.

__construct() ​


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Arguments ​

attributeLabels() ​

Returns the attribute labels.

Attribute labels are mainly used for display purpose. For example, given an attribute firstName, we can declare a label First Name which is more user-friendly and can be displayed to end users.

By default an attribute label is generated using generateAttributeLabel(). This method allows you to explicitly specify attribute labels.

Note, in order to inherit labels defined in the parent class, a child class needs to merge the parent labels with child labels using functions such as array_merge().

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Returns ​

array – Attribute labels (name => label)

copyFile() ​

Copies a file.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file, relative to the source’s root
  • $newPath (string) – The path of the new file, relative to the source’s root

Throws ​

createDirectory() ​

Creates a directory.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the directory, relative to the source’s root
  • $config (array) – The config to use

Throws ​

deleteDirectory() ​

Deletes a directory.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the directory, relative to the source’s root

Throws ​

deleteFile() ​

Deletes a file.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file, relative to the source’s root

directoryExists() ​

Returns whether a directory exists at the given path.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The directory path to check

Returns ​


Throws ​

fileExists() ​

Returns whether a file exists.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file, relative to the source’s root

Returns ​


Throws ​

getConfig() ​

Returns the volume’s config.

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Returns ​


getDateModified() ​

Returns the last time the file was modified.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


Throws ​

getFieldLayout() ​

Returns the field layout defined by this component.

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Returns ​


getFileList() ​

List files.

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Arguments ​

  • $directory (string) – The path of the directory to list files of
  • $recursive (boolean) – Whether to fetch file list recursively, defaults to true

Returns ​


Throws ​

getFileSize() ​

Return the file size.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


Throws ​

getFileStream() ​

Gets a stream ready for reading by a file's URI.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


Throws ​

getFs() ​

Returns the volume’s filesystem.

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Returns ​


Throws ​

getFsHandle() ​

Returns the filesystem handle.

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Arguments ​

  • $parse (boolean) – Whether to parse the name for an alias or environment variable

Returns ​

string, null

getRootUrl() ​

Returns the root URL for a filesystem, if it has one.

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Returns ​

string, null

getTransformFs() ​

Returns the volume’s transform filesystem.

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Returns ​


Throws ​

getTransformFsHandle() ​

Returns the transform filesystem handle. If none set, will return the current fs handle.

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Arguments ​

  • $parse (boolean) – Whether to parse the name for an alias or environment variable

Returns ​

string, null

read() ​

Reads contents of a file to a string.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file

Returns ​


renameDirectory() ​

Renames a directory.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the directory, relative to the source’s root
  • $newName (string) – The new path of the directory, relative to the source’s root

Throws ​

renameFile() ​

Renames a file.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The old path of the file, relative to the source’s root
  • $newPath (string) – The new path of the file, relative to the source’s root

Throws ​

setFs() ​

Set the filesystem.

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Arguments ​

setFsHandle() ​

Sets the filesystem handle.

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Arguments ​

setTransformFs() ​

Set the transform filesystem.

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Arguments ​

  • $fs (?\craft\base\FsInterface)

setTransformFsHandle() ​

Sets the transform filesystem handle.

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Arguments ​

validateFieldLayout() ​

Validates the field layout.

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write() ​

Writes a string to a file.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file
  • $contents (string) – The file contents to write
  • $config (array) – Additional config options to pass on

Throws ​

writeFileFromStream() ​

Writes a file to a fs from a given stream.

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Arguments ​

  • $path (string) – The path of the file, relative to the source’s root
  • $stream (resource) – The new contents of the file as a stream
  • $config (array) – Additional config options to pass on

Throws ​

Protected Methods ​

defineBehaviors()Returns the behaviors to attach to this class.
defineRules()Returns the validation rules for attributes.
extractFieldsFor()Extract nested fields from a fields collection for a given root field Nested fields are separated with dots (.). e.g: "" The previous example would extract "id".
extractRootFields()Extracts the root field names from nested fields.
resolveFields()Determines which fields can be returned by toArray().

defineBehaviors() ​


Returns the behaviors to attach to this class.

See behaviors() for details about what should be returned.

Models should override this method instead of behaviors() so EVENT_DEFINE_BEHAVIORS handlers can modify the class-defined behaviors.

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Returns ​


defineRules() ​


Returns the validation rules for attributes.

See rules() for details about what should be returned.

Models should override this method instead of rules() so EVENT_DEFINE_RULES handlers can modify the class-defined rules.

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Returns ​


Constants ​

SCENARIO_DEFAULTThe name of the default scenario.