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ProviderInterface ​

Implemented by
craft\auth\sso\BaseExternalProvider, craft\auth\sso\BaseProvider, craft\auth\sso\CraftProvider

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Public Methods ​

displayName()Returns the display name of this class.
extraFields()Returns the list of additional fields that can be returned by toArray() in addition to those listed in fields().
fields()Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.
getCpLoginHtml()HTML that we present an unauthenticated user to log in to the admin panel. Typically, this would b a button or form
getHandle()Get the unique handle for the provider
getSiteLoginHtml()HTML that we present an unauthenticated user to log in to the site. Typically, this would b a button or form
handleRequest()Handle a request to authenticate against an identity provider
handleResponse()Handle the response from an identity provider
instance()Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information.
isSelectable()Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects.
toArray()Converts the object into an array.

getCpLoginHtml() ​

HTML that we present an unauthenticated user to log in to the admin panel. Typically, this would b a button or form

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Returns ​

string, null – The admin login HTML

getHandle() ​

Get the unique handle for the provider

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Returns ​


getSiteLoginHtml() ​

HTML that we present an unauthenticated user to log in to the site. Typically, this would b a button or form

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Returns ​

string, null – The site login HTML

handleRequest() ​

Handle a request to authenticate against an identity provider

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


Throws ​

handleResponse() ​

Handle the response from an identity provider

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Arguments ​

Returns ​


Throws ​