- Type
- Interface
- Namespace
- craft\base
- Extends
- craft\base\PreviewableFieldInterface
- Implemented by
- craft\fields\Assets, craft\fields\BaseRelationField, craft\fields\Categories, craft\fields\Color, craft\fields\Country, craft\fields\Date, craft\fields\Dropdown, craft\fields\Email, craft\fields\Entries, craft\fields\Icon, craft\fields\Lightswitch, craft\fields\Link, craft\fields\Money, craft\fields\Number, craft\fields\PlainText, craft\fields\Range, craft\fields\Tags, craft\fields\Time, craft\fields\Users
- Since
- 5.0.0
InlineEditableFieldInterface defines the common interface to be implemented by field classes that wish to be editable via inline edit forms.
Public Methods
Method | Description |
afterDelete() | Performs actions after a component is deleted. |
afterElementDelete() | Performs actions after the element has been deleted. |
afterElementDeleteForSite() | Performs actions after the element has been deleted. |
afterElementPropagate() | Performs actions after the element has been fully saved and propagated to other sites. |
afterElementRestore() | Performs actions after the element has been restored. |
afterElementSave() | Performs actions after the element has been saved. |
afterSave() | Performs actions after a component is saved. |
beforeApplyDelete() | Performs actions before a component delete is applied to the database. |
beforeDelete() | Performs actions before a component is deleted. |
beforeElementDelete() | Performs actions before an element is deleted. |
beforeElementDeleteForSite() | Performs actions before an element is deleted for a site. |
beforeElementRestore() | Performs actions before an element is restored. |
beforeElementSave() | Performs actions before an element is saved. |
beforeSave() | Performs actions before a component is saved. |
copyValue() | Copies the field’s value from one element to another. |
dbType() | Returns the DB data type(s) that fields of this type will store within the elements_sites.content column. |
displayName() | Returns the display name of this class. |
extraFields() | Returns the list of additional fields that can be returned by toArray() in addition to those listed in fields(). |
fields() | Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified. |
get() | Returns a component by its ID. |
getContentGqlMutationArgumentType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in mutations for this field type. |
getContentGqlQueryArgumentType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in queries for this field type. |
getContentGqlType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used for this field type. |
getCpEditUrl() | Returns the URL to the component’s edit page in the control panel. |
getElementConditionRuleType() | Returns the element condition rule class that should be used for this field. |
getElementValidationRules() | Returns the validation rules for an element with this field. |
getHandle() | Returns the handle of the component. |
getId() | Returns the ID of the component, which should be used as the value of hidden inputs. |
getInlineInputHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for this field’s inline inputs. |
getInputHtml() | Returns the field’s input HTML. |
getInputId() | Returns the input’s ID, which the <label> ’s for attribute should reference. |
getIsNew() | Returns whether the component is new (unsaved). |
getIsTranslatable() | Returns whether the field should be shown as translatable in the UI. |
getLabelId() | Returns the input’s label ID. |
getOrientation() | Returns the orientation the field should use (ltr or rtl ). |
getPreviewHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for this field in table and card views. |
getReadOnlySettingsHtml() | Returns a read-only version of the component’s settings HTML. |
getSearchKeywords() | Returns the search keywords that should be associated with this field. |
getSettings() | Returns an array of the component’s settings. |
getSettingsHtml() | Returns the component’s settings HTML. |
getStaticHtml() | Returns a read-only version of the field’s input HTML. |
getStatus() | Returns the status of the field for a given element. |
getTranslationDescription() | Returns the description of this field’s translation support. |
getTranslationKey() | Returns the field’s translation key, based on a given element. |
getUiLabel() | Returns what the component should be called within the control panel. |
getValueSql() | Returns a SQL expression which extracts the field’s value from the elements_sites.content column. |
icon() | Returns the field type’s SVG icon. |
includeInGqlSchema() | Returns whether the field should be included in the given GraphQL schema. |
instance() | Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information. |
isMultiInstance() | Returns whether the field can be included multiple times within a field layout. |
isRequirable() | Returns whether the field can be marked as required. |
isSelectable() | Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects. |
isValueEmpty() | Returns whether the given value should be considered “empty” to a validator. |
modifyElementIndexQuery() | Modifies an element index query. |
normalizeValue() | Normalizes the field’s value for use. |
normalizeValueFromRequest() | Normalizes a posted field value for use. |
phpType() | Returns the PHPDoc type this field’s values will have. |
previewPlaceholderHtml() | Return the HTML that should be shown for the field in the card preview. |
queryCondition() | Returns a query builder-compatible condition for the given field instances, for a user-provided param value. |
serializeValue() | Prepares the field’s value to be stored somewhere, like the content table. |
setIsFresh() | Sets whether the field is fresh. |
settingsAttributes() | Returns the list of settings attribute names. |
supportedTranslationMethods() | Returns which translation methods the field supports. |
toArray() | Converts the object into an array. |
useFieldset() | Returns whether the field should use a <fieldset> + <legend> instead of a <div> + <label> . |
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns the HTML that should be shown for this field’s inline inputs.
) – The field’s value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with
string – The HTML that should be shown for this field’s inline input