- Type
- Abstract Class
- Namespace
- craft\base
- Inherits
- craft\base\Field » craft\base\SavableComponent » craft\base\ConfigurableComponent » craft\base\Component » craft\base\Model » yii\base\Model » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
- Implements
- ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, craft\base\Actionable, craft\base\ComponentInterface, craft\base\ConfigurableComponentInterface, craft\base\FieldInterface, craft\base\Iconic, craft\base\ModelInterface, craft\base\SavableComponentInterface, yii\base\Arrayable, yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface
- Uses traits
- craft\base\ClonefixTrait, craft\base\FieldTrait, craft\base\SavableComponentTrait, yii\base\ArrayableTrait, yii\base\StaticInstanceTrait
- Extended by
- craft\fields\Addresses, craft\fields\Assets, craft\fields\BaseOptionsField, craft\fields\BaseRelationField, craft\fields\Categories, craft\fields\Checkboxes, craft\fields\Color, craft\fields\Country, craft\fields\Date, craft\fields\Dropdown, craft\fields\Email, craft\fields\Entries, craft\fields\Icon, craft\fields\Lightswitch, craft\fields\Link, craft\fields\Matrix, craft\fields\MissingField, craft\fields\Money, craft\fields\MultiSelect, craft\fields\Number, craft\fields\PlainText, craft\fields\RadioButtons, craft\fields\Table, craft\fields\Tags, craft\fields\Time, craft\fields\Users
- Since
- 3.0.0
Field is the base class for classes representing fields in terms of objects.
Public Properties
Property | Description |
actionMenuItems | array |
activeValidators | yii\validators\Validator – The validators applicable to the current scenario. |
attributes | array – Attribute values (name => value). |
behaviors | yii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component. |
columnSuffix | string, null – The field’s content column suffix |
contentGqlMutationArgumentType | \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type , array |
contentGqlQueryArgumentType | \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type , array |
contentGqlType | \GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type , array |
context | string, null – The field’s context |
cpEditUrl | |
dateCreated | DateTime, null – The date that the component was created |
dateDeleted | DateTime, null – The date that the field was trashed |
dateUpdated | DateTime, null – The date that the component was last updated |
describedBy | string, null – The aria-describedby attribute value that should be set on the focusable input(s). |
eagerLoadingGqlConditions | |
elementConditionRuleType | string, array, null |
elementValidationRules | array |
errors | array – Errors for all attributes or the specified attribute. |
firstErrors | array – The first errors. |
handle | string, null – The field’s handle |
icon | string, null |
id | integer, string, null – The component’s ID (could be a temporary one: "new:X") |
inputId | string |
instructions | string, null – The field’s instructions |
isNew | boolean – Whether the component is new (unsaved) |
iterator | ArrayIterator – An iterator for traversing the items in the list. |
labelId | string |
layoutElement | craft\fieldlayoutelements\CustomField, null – The field layout element |
name | string, null – The field’s name |
oldHandle | string, null – The field’s previous handle |
oldSettings | array, null – The field’s previous settings |
required | boolean, null – Whether the field is required in the field layout it was fetched from |
scenario | string – The scenario that this model is in. |
searchable | boolean – Whether the field's values should be registered as search keywords on the elements. |
settings | array – The component’s settings |
settingsHtml | string, null |
sortOption | |
translationKeyFormat | string, null – The field’s translation key format, if translationMethod is "custom" |
translationMethod | string – The field’s translation method |
uiLabel | |
uid | string, null – The field's UID |
validateHandleUniqueness | boolean – Whether the field handle’s uniqueness should be validated. |
validators | ArrayObject, yii\validators\Validator – All the validators declared in the model. |
valueSql | string, null |
- Type
- array
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Type
, array- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.5.0
- Type
, array- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.5.0
- Type
, array- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.3.0
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.3.0
- Type
- array
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Type
- string
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.7.32
- Type
- string
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 4.1.0
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.2.0
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
- Since
- 5.0.0
Whether the field handle’s uniqueness should be validated.
Public Methods
Method | Description |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. |
__clone() | This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. |
__construct() | Constructor |
__get() | Returns the value of a component property. |
__isset() | Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. |
__set() | Sets the value of a component property. |
__toString() | Use the translated field name as the string representation. |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. |
activeAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario. |
addError() | Adds a new error to the specified attribute. |
addErrors() | Adds a list of errors. |
addModelErrors() | Adds errors from another model, with a given attribute name prefix. |
afterDelete() | Performs actions after a component is deleted. |
afterElementDelete() | Performs actions after the element has been deleted. |
afterElementDeleteForSite() | Performs actions after the element has been deleted. |
afterElementPropagate() | Performs actions after the element has been fully saved and propagated to other sites. |
afterElementRestore() | Performs actions after the element has been restored. |
afterElementSave() | Performs actions after the element has been saved. |
afterMergeFrom() | |
afterMergeInto() | |
afterSave() | Performs actions after a component is saved. |
afterValidate() | This method is invoked after validation ends. |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. |
attributeHints() | Returns the attribute hints. |
attributeLabels() | Returns the attribute labels. |
attributes() | Returns the list of attribute names. |
beforeApplyDelete() | Performs actions before a component delete is applied to the database. |
beforeDelete() | Performs actions before a component is deleted. |
beforeElementDelete() | Performs actions before an element is deleted. |
beforeElementDeleteForSite() | Performs actions before an element is deleted for a site. |
beforeElementRestore() | Performs actions before an element is restored. |
beforeElementSave() | Performs actions before an element is saved. |
beforeSave() | Performs actions before a component is saved. |
beforeValidate() | This method is invoked before validation starts. |
behaviors() | Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. |
canGetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. |
canMergeFrom() | |
canMergeInto() | |
canSetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. |
className() | Returns the fully qualified name of this class. |
clearErrors() | Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
copyValue() | Copies the field’s value from one element to another. |
createValidators() | Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in rules(). |
datetimeAttributes() | Returns the names of any attributes that should hold DateTime values. |
dbType() | Returns the DB data type(s) that this field will store within the elements_sites.content column. |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. |
displayName() | Returns the display name of this class. |
ensureBehaviors() | Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. |
extraFields() | Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by toArray(). |
fields() | Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified. |
formName() | Returns the form name that this model class should use. |
generateAttributeLabel() | Generates a user friendly attribute label based on the give attribute name. |
get() | |
getActionMenuItems() | Returns action menu items for the component. |
getActiveValidators() | Returns the validators applicable to the current scenario. |
getAttributeHint() | Returns the text hint for the specified attribute. |
getAttributeLabel() | Returns the text label for the specified attribute. |
getAttributes() | Returns attribute values. |
getBehavior() | Returns the named behavior object. |
getBehaviors() | Returns all behaviors attached to this component. |
getContentGqlMutationArgumentType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in mutations for this field type. |
getContentGqlQueryArgumentType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in queries for this field type. |
getContentGqlType() | Returns the GraphQL type to be used for this field type. |
getCpEditUrl() | |
getEagerLoadingGqlConditions() | |
getElementConditionRuleType() | Returns the element condition rule class that should be used for this field. |
getElementValidationRules() | Returns the validation rules for an element with this field. |
getErrorSummary() | Returns the errors for all attributes as a one-dimensional array. |
getErrors() | Returns the errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
getFirstError() | Returns the first error of the specified attribute. |
getFirstErrors() | Returns the first error of every attribute in the model. |
getHandle() | |
getIcon() | Returns the component’s icon, if it has one. |
getId() | |
getInlineInputHtml() | |
getInputHtml() | Returns the field’s input HTML. |
getInputId() | Returns the input’s ID, which the <label> ’s for attribute should reference. |
getIsNew() | Returns whether the component is new (unsaved). |
getIsTranslatable() | Returns whether the field should be shown as translatable in the UI. |
getIterator() | Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model. |
getLabelId() | Returns the input’s label ID. |
getOrientation() | Returns the orientation the field should use (ltr or rtl ). |
getPreviewHtml() | |
getScenario() | Returns the scenario that this model is used in. |
getSearchKeywords() | Returns the search keywords that should be associated with this field. |
getSettings() | Returns an array of the component’s settings. |
getSettingsHtml() | Returns the component’s settings HTML. |
getSortOption() | |
getStaticHtml() | Returns a static (non-editable) version of the field’s input HTML. |
getStatus() | Returns the status of the field for a given element. |
getTranslationDescription() | Returns the description of this field’s translation support. |
getTranslationKey() | Returns the field’s translation key, based on a given element. |
getUiLabel() | |
getValidators() | Returns all the validators declared in rules(). |
getValueSql() | Returns a SQL expression which extracts the field’s value from the elements_sites.content column. |
hasErrors() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error. |
hasEventHandlers() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. |
hasMethod() | Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. |
hasProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. |
icon() | Returns the field type’s SVG icon. |
includeInGqlSchema() | Returns whether the field should be included in the given GraphQL schema. |
init() | Initializes the object. |
instance() | Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information. |
isAttributeActive() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario. |
isAttributeRequired() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required. |
isAttributeSafe() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments. |
isMultiInstance() | Returns whether the field can be included multiple times within a field layout. |
isRequirable() | Returns whether the field can be marked as required. |
isSelectable() | Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects. |
isValueEmpty() | Returns whether the given value should be considered “empty” to a validator. |
load() | Populates the model with input data. |
loadMultiple() | Populates a set of models with the data from end user. |
modifyElementIndexQuery() | Modifies an element index query. |
normalizeValue() | Normalizes the field’s value for use. |
normalizeValueFromRequest() | Normalizes a posted field value for use. |
off() | Detaches an existing event handler from this component. |
offsetExists() | Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset. |
offsetGet() | Returns the element at the specified offset. |
offsetSet() | Sets the element at the specified offset. |
offsetUnset() | Sets the element value at the specified offset to null. |
on() | Attaches an event handler to an event. |
onUnsafeAttribute() | This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned. |
phpType() | Returns the PHPDoc type this field’s values will have. |
queryCondition() | Returns a query builder-compatible condition for the given field instances, for a user-provided param value. |
rules() | Returns the validation rules for attributes. |
safeAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario. |
scenarios() | Returns a list of scenarios and the corresponding active attributes. |
serializeValue() | Prepares the field’s value to be stored somewhere, like the content table. |
setAttributes() | Sets the attribute values in a massive way. |
setIsFresh() | Sets whether the field is fresh. |
setScenario() | Sets the scenario for the model. |
settingsAttributes() | Returns the list of settings attribute names. |
supportedTranslationMethods() | Returns which translation methods the field supports. |
toArray() | Converts the model into an array. |
trigger() | Triggers an event. |
useFieldset() | Returns whether the field should use a <fieldset> + <legend> instead of a <div> + <label> . |
validate() | Performs the data validation. |
validateMultiple() | Validates multiple models. |
Use the translated field name as the string representation.
Performs actions after the element has been deleted.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that was just deleted
- Since
- 4.7.0
Performs actions after the element has been deleted.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that was just deleted for a site
- Since
- 3.2.0
Performs actions after the element has been fully saved and propagated to other sites.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that was just saved and propagated$isNew
(boolean) – Whether the element is brand new
- Since
- 3.1.0
Performs actions after the element has been restored.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that was just restored
Performs actions after the element has been saved.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that was just saved$isNew
(boolean) – Whether the element is brand new
- Since
- 5.3.0
See also craft\base\MergeableFieldInterface::afterMergeFrom()View source
- Since
- 5.3.0
See also craft\base\MergeableFieldInterface::afterMergeInto()View source
Returns the attribute labels.
Attribute labels are mainly used for display purpose. For example, given an attribute firstName
, we can declare a label First Name
which is more user-friendly and can be displayed to end users.
By default an attribute label is generated using generateAttributeLabel(). This method allows you to explicitly specify attribute labels.
Note, in order to inherit labels defined in the parent class, a child class needs to merge the parent labels with child labels using functions such as array_merge()
array – Attribute labels (name => label)
Returns the list of attribute names.
By default, this method returns all public non-static properties of the class. You may override this method to change the default behavior.
string[] – List of attribute names.
Performs actions before an element is deleted.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that is about to be deleted
boolean – Whether the element should be deleted
- Since
- 4.7.0
Performs actions before an element is deleted for a site.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that is about to be deleted
boolean – Whether the element should be deleted for a site
- Since
- 3.1.0
Performs actions before an element is restored.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that is about to be restored
boolean – Whether the element should be restored
Performs actions before an element is saved.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element that is about to be saved$isNew
(boolean) – Whether the element is brand new
boolean – Whether the element should be saved
Performs actions before a component is saved.
(boolean) – Whether the component is brand new
boolean – Whether the component should be saved
- Since
- 5.3.0
See also craft\base\MergeableFieldInterface::canMergeFrom()View source
- Since
- 5.3.0
See also craft\base\MergeableFieldInterface::canMergeInto()View source
- Since
- 3.7.0
Copies the field’s value from one element to another.
Returns the DB data type(s) that this field will store within the elements_sites.content
return \yii\db\Schema::TYPE_STRING;
Specifying the DB type isn’t strictly necessary, but it enables individual field values to be targeted by functional indexes.
If field values will consist of an associative array, each of the array keys can be specified here, so the nested values can receive their own functional indexes.
return [
'date' => \yii\db\Schema::TYPE_DATETIME,
'tz' => \yii\db\Schema::TYPE_STRING,
If null
is returned, the field’s values won’t be stored in the elements_sites.content
column at all. In that case, the field will be solely responsible for storing and retrieving its own values from normalizeValue() and afterElementSave()/afterElementPropagate().
string, string[], null – The column type(s).
Returns action menu items for the component.
See craft\helpers\Cp::disclosureMenu() for documentation on supported item properties.
By default, all non-destructive items will be included in chips and cards. Individual items can explicitly opt into/out of being shown within chips and cards by including a showInChips
'showInChips' => false,
- Since
- 3.5.0
Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in mutations for this field type.
, array
- Since
- 3.5.0
Returns the GraphQL type to be used as an argument in queries for this field type.
, array
- Since
- 3.3.0
Returns the GraphQL type to be used for this field type.
, array
- Since
- 3.3.0
See also craft\base\EagerLoadingFieldInterface::getEagerLoadingGqlConditions()View source
Returns the element condition rule class that should be used for this field.
The rule class must be an instance of craft\fields\conditions\FieldConditionRuleInterface.
Returns the validation rules for an element with this field.
Rules should be defined in the array syntax required by yii\base\Model::rules(), with one difference: you can skip the first argument (the attribute list).
// explicitly specify the field attribute
[$this->handle, 'string', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 12],
// skip the field attribute
['string', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 12],
// you can only pass the validator class name/handle if not setting any params
To register validation rules that should only be enforced for live elements, set the rule scenario to live
['string', 'min' => 3, 'max' => 12, 'on' => \craft\base\Element::SCENARIO_LIVE],
Returns the component’s icon, if it has one.
The returned icon can be a system icon’s name (e.g. 'whiskey-glass-ice'
), the path to an SVG file, or raw SVG markup.
System icons can be found in src/icons/solid/.
- Since
- 5.0.0
See also craft\base\InlineEditableFieldInterface::getInlineInputHtml()View source
Returns the field’s input HTML.
An extremely simple implementation would be to directly return some HTML:
return '<textarea name="'.$name.'">'.$value.'</textarea>';
For more complex inputs, you might prefer to create a template, and render it via craft\web\View::renderTemplate(). For example, the following code would render a template located at path/to/myplugin/templates/_fieldinput.html
, passing the $name
and $value
variables to it:
return Craft::$app->view->renderTemplate('myplugin/_fieldinput', [
'name' => $name,
'value' => $value
If you need to tie any JavaScript code to your input, it’s important to know that any name
and id
attributes within the returned HTML will probably get namespaced, however your JavaScript code will be left untouched. For example, if getInputHtml() returns the following HTML:
<textarea id="foo" name="foo"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
var textarea = document.getElementById('foo');
…then it might actually look like this before getting output to the browser:
<textarea id="namespace-foo" name="namespace[foo]"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
var textarea = document.getElementById('foo');
As you can see, that JavaScript code will not be able to find the textarea, because the textarea’s id
attribute was changed from foo
to namespace-foo
. Before you start adding namespace-
to the beginning of your element ID selectors, keep in mind that the actual namespace is going to change depending on the context. Often they are randomly generated. So it’s not quite that simple.
Thankfully, Craft provides a couple handy methods that can help you deal with this:
- craft\helpers\Html::id() will generate a valid element ID from an input name.
- craft\web\View::namespaceInputId() will give you the namespaced version of a given ID.
- craft\web\View::namespaceInputName() will give you the namespaced version of a given input name.
So here’s what a getInputHtml() method that includes field-targeting JavaScript code might look like:
public function getInputHtml($value, $element): string
// Generate a valid ID based on the input name
$id = craft\helpers\Html::id($name);
// Figure out what that ID is going to be namespaced into
$namespacedId = Craft::$app->view->namespaceInputId($id);
// Render and return the input template
return Craft::$app->view->renderTemplate('myplugin/_fieldinput', [
'name' => $name,
'id' => $id,
'namespacedId' => $namespacedId,
'value' => $value,
And the _fieldinput.html template might look like this:
<textarea id="{{ id }}" name="{{ name }}">{{ value }}</textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
var textarea = document.getElementById('{{ namespacedId }}');
The same principles also apply if you’re including your JavaScript code with craft\web\View::registerJs().
) – The field’s value. This will either be the normalized value, raw POST data (i.e. if there was a validation error), or null$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
string – The input HTML.
- Since
- 3.7.32
Returns the input’s ID, which the <label>
’s for
attribute should reference.
Returns whether the field should be shown as translatable in the UI.
Note this method has no effect on whether the field’s value will get copied over to other sites when the element is actually getting saved. That is determined by getTranslationKey().
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element being edited
- Since
- 4.1.0
Returns the input’s label ID.
- Since
- 3.7.5
Returns the orientation the field should use (ltr
or rtl
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element being edited
- Since
- 5.0.0
See also craft\base\PreviewableFieldInterface::getPreviewHtml()View source
Returns the search keywords that should be associated with this field.
The keywords can be separated by commas and/or whitespace; it doesn’t really matter. craft\services\Search will be able to find the individual keywords in whatever string is returned, and normalize them for you.
) – The field’s value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
string – A string of search keywords.
- Since
- 3.2.0
See also craft\base\SortableFieldInterface::getSortOption()View source
Returns a static (non-editable) version of the field’s input HTML.
This function is called to output field values when viewing element drafts.
) – The field’s value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element the field is associated with
string – The static version of the field’s input HTML
- Since
- 3.7.0
Returns the status of the field for a given element.
If the field has a known status, an array should be returned with two elements:
- A
case - The status label
For example:
return [AttributeStatus::Modified, 'The field has been modified.');
- Since
- 3.4.0
Returns the description of this field’s translation support.
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element being edited
Returns the field’s translation key, based on a given element.
When saving an element on a multi-site Craft install, if $propagate
is true
for craft\services\Elements::saveElement(), then getTranslationKey()
will be called for each custom field and for each site the element should be propagated to. If the method returns the same value as it did for the initial site, then the initial site’s value will be copied over to the target site.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element being saved
string – The translation key
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns a SQL expression which extracts the field’s value from the elements_sites.content
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns the field type’s SVG icon.
The returned icon can be a system icon’s name (e.g. 'whiskey-glass-ice'
), the path to an SVG file, or raw SVG markup.
System icons can be found in src/icons/solid/.
- Since
- 3.6.0
Returns whether the field should be included in the given GraphQL schema.
Initializes the object.
This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns whether the field can be included multiple times within a field layout.
- Since
- 4.0.0
Returns whether the field can be marked as required.
Returns whether the given value should be considered “empty” to a validator.
) – The field’s value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
boolean – Whether the value should be considered “empty”
- Since
- 3.0.9
Modifies an element index query.
This method will be called whenever an element index is being loaded, which contains a column for this field.
(craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface) – The element query
Normalizes the field’s value for use.
This method is called when the field’s value is first accessed from the element. For example, the first time element.myFieldHandle
is called from a template, or right before getInputHtml() is called. Whatever this method returns is what element.myFieldHandle
will likewise return, and what getInputHtml()’s and serializeValue()’s $value arguments will be set to.
The value passed into this method will vary depending on the context.
- If a new, unsaved element is being edited for the first time (such as an entry within a Quick Post widget on the Dashboard), the value will be
. - If an element is currently being saved, the value will be the field’s POST data.
- If an existing element was retrieved from the database, the value will be whatever is stored in the field’s
table column. (Or if the field doesn’t have acontent
table column per\craft\base\hasContentColumn()
, the value will benull
.) - If the field is being cleared out (e.g. via the
command with--to :empty:
), the value will be an empty string (''
There are cases where a pre-normalized value could be passed in as well, so be sure to account for that.
) – The raw field value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
– The prepared field value
- Since
- 4.5.0
Normalizes a posted field value for use.
This should call normalizeValue() by default, unless there are any special considerations that need to be made for posted values.
) – The serialized value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
– The prepared field value
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns the PHPDoc type this field’s values will have.
It will be used by the generated CustomFieldBehavior
If the values can be of more than one type, return multiple types separated by |
public static function valueType(): string
return 'int|string';
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns a query builder-compatible condition for the given field instances, for a user-provided param value.
If false
is returned, an always-false condition will be used.
) – The field instances to search$value
) – The user-supplied param value$params
(array) – Additional parameters that should be bound to the query via yii\db\Query::addParams()
array, string, yii\db\ExpressionInterface, false, null
Prepares the field’s value to be stored somewhere, like the content table.
Data types that are JSON-encodable are safe (arrays, integers, strings, booleans, etc). Whatever this returns should be something normalizeValue() can handle.
) – The raw field value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
– The serialized field value
Sets whether the field is fresh.
Returns which translation methods the field supports.
This method should return an array with at least one of the following values:
- 'none' (values will always be copied to other sites)
- 'language' (values will be copied to other sites with the same language)
- 'site' (values will never be copied to other sites)
- 'custom' (values will be copied/not copied depending on a custom translation key)
- Since
- 3.6.0
Returns whether the field should use a <fieldset>
+ <legend>
instead of a <div>
+ <label>
Protected Methods
Method | Description |
defineBehaviors() | Returns the behaviors to attach to this class. |
defineRules() | Returns the validation rules for attributes. |
extractFieldsFor() | Extract nested fields from a fields collection for a given root field Nested fields are separated with dots (.). e.g: "" The previous example would extract "id". |
extractRootFields() | Extracts the root field names from nested fields. |
inputHtml() | Returns the field’s input HTML. |
isFresh() | Returns whether this is the first time the element’s content has been edited. |
requestParamName() | Returns the field’s param name on the request. |
resolveFields() | Determines which fields can be returned by toArray(). |
searchKeywords() | Returns the search keywords that should be associated with this field. |
valueSql() | Returns a coalescing value SQL expression for the given field instances. |
- Since
- 3.4.0
Returns the validation rules for attributes.
See rules() for details about what should be returned.
Models should override this method instead of rules() so EVENT_DEFINE_RULES handlers can modify the class-defined rules.
- Since
- 3.5.0
Returns the field’s input HTML.
See also getInputHtml()View source
) – The field’s value. This will either be the normalized value, raw POST data (i.e. if there was a validation error), or null$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one$inline
(boolean) – Whether this is for an inline edit form.
string – The input HTML.
Returns whether this is the first time the element’s content has been edited.
(craft\base\ElementInterface, null)
Returns the field’s param name on the request.
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element this field is associated with
string, null – The field’s param name on the request
- Since
- 3.5.0
Returns the search keywords that should be associated with this field.
The keywords can be separated by commas and/or whitespace; it doesn’t really matter. craft\services\Search will be able to find the individual keywords in whatever string is returned, and normalize them for you.
) – The field’s value$element
(craft\base\ElementInterface) – The element the field is associated with, if there is one
string – A string of search keywords.
- Since
- 5.0.0
Returns a coalescing value SQL expression for the given field instances.
(string, null) – The data key to fetch, if this field stores multiple values
Constant | Description |
SCENARIO_DEFAULT | The name of the default scenario. |
The event that is triggered after the element is deleted.
- Type
- craft\events\FieldElementEvent
- Since
- 3.2.0
The event that is triggered after the element is fully saved and propagated to other sites.
- Type
- craft\events\FieldElementEvent
- Since
- 3.1.0
The event that is triggered after the element is restored.
The event that is triggered after the element is saved.
- Type
- craft\events\FieldEvent
- Since
- 5.3.0
The event that is triggered after another field has been merged into this one.
See also afterMergeFrom()
- Type
- craft\events\FieldEvent
- Since
- 5.3.0
The event that is triggered after the field has been merged into another.
See also afterMergeInto()
The event that is triggered before the element is deleted.
You may set yii\base\ModelEvent::$isValid to false
to prevent the element from getting deleted.
- Type
- craft\events\FieldElementEvent
- Since
- 3.1.0
The event that is triggered before the element is restored.
You may set yii\base\ModelEvent::$isValid to false
to prevent the element from getting restored.
The event that is triggered before the element is saved.
You may set yii\base\ModelEvent::$isValid to false
to prevent the element from getting saved.
- Type
- craft\events\DefineFieldHtmlEvent
- Since
- 3.5.0
The event that is triggered when defining the field’s input HTML.
- Type
- craft\events\DefineFieldKeywordsEvent
- Since
- 3.5.0
The event that is triggered when defining the field’s search keywords for an element.
Note that you must set craft\base\Event::$handled to true
if you want the field to accept your custom $keywords value.
function(craft\events\DefineFieldKeywordsEvent $e
) {
// @var craft\fields\Lightswitch $field
$field = $e->sender;
if ($field->handle === 'fooOrBar') {
// Override the keywords depending on whether the lightswitch is enabled or not
$e->keywords = $e->value ? 'foo' : 'bar';
$e->handled = true;