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NestedElementTrait ​

Implemented by
craft\elements\Address, craft\elements\Entry


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Public Properties ​

fieldcraft\base\ElementContainerFieldInterface, null – the element’s field
fieldIdinteger, null – Field ID
ownercraft\base\ElementInterface, null – the owner element
ownerIdinteger, null – the owner element’s ID
primaryOwnercraft\base\ElementInterface, null – the primary owner element
primaryOwnerIdinteger, null – the primary owner element’s ID
saveOwnershipboolean – Whether to save the element’s row in the elements_owners table from afterSave().
sortOrderinteger, null – Sort order
updateSearchIndexForOwnerboolean – Whether the search index should be updated for the owner element, alongside this element.

field ​

craft\base\ElementContainerFieldInterface, null
Default value

the element’s field

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fieldId ​

integer, null
Default value

Field ID

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owner ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null
Default value

the owner element

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ownerId ​

integer, null
Default value

the owner element’s ID

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primaryOwner ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null
Default value

the primary owner element

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primaryOwnerId ​

integer, null
Default value

the primary owner element’s ID

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saveOwnership ​

Default value

Whether to save the element’s row in the elements_owners table from afterSave().

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sortOrder ​

integer, null
Default value

Sort order

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updateSearchIndexForOwner ​

Default value

Whether the search index should be updated for the owner element, alongside this element.

This will only be checked if fieldId is set, and false isn’t passed to the updateSearchIndex argument of craft\services\Elements::saveElement().

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Public Methods ​

attributes()Returns the list of attribute names.
eagerLoadingMap()Returns an array that maps source-to-target element IDs based on the given sub-property handle.
extraFields()Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by \craft\base\toArray().
getField()Returns the field that contains the element.
getOwner()Returns the owner element, if the element has one.
getOwnerId()Returns the owner element’s ID, if the element has one.
getPrimaryOwner()Returns the primary owner element, if the element has one.
getPrimaryOwnerId()Returns the primary owner element’s ID, if the element has one.
getSortOrder()Returns the element’s sort order, if it has one.
setEagerLoadedElements()Sets some eager-loaded elements on a given handle.
setOwner()Sets the owner element, if the element has one.
setOwnerId()Sets the owner element’s ID, if the element has one.
setPrimaryOwner()Sets the primary owner element, if the element has one.
setPrimaryOwnerId()Sets the primary owner element’s ID, if the element has one.
setSaveOwnership()Sets whether the element’s ownership should be saved when the element is saved.
setSortOrder()Sets the element’s sort order.

attributes() ​

Returns the list of attribute names.

By default, this method returns all public non-static properties of the class. You may override this method to change the default behavior.

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Returns ​

string[] – List of attribute names.

eagerLoadingMap() ​

Returns an array that maps source-to-target element IDs based on the given sub-property handle.

This method aids in the eager-loading of elements when performing an element query. The returned array should contain the following keys:

  • elementType – the fully qualified class name of the element type that should be eager-loaded
  • map – an array of element ID mappings, where each element is a sub-array with source and target keys
  • criteria (optional) – any criteria parameters that should be applied to the element query when fetching the eager-loaded elements
  • createElement (optional) - an element factory function, which will be passed the element query, the current query result data, and the first source element that the result was eager-loaded for
use craft\base\ElementInterface;
use craft\db\Query;

public static function eagerLoadingMap(array $sourceElements, string $handle)
    switch ($handle) {
        case 'author':
            $bookIds = array_map(fn(ElementInterface $element) => $element->id, $sourceElements);
            $map = (new Query)
                ->select(['source' => 'id', 'target' => 'authorId'])
                ->where(['id' => $bookIds)
            return [
                'elementType' => \my\plugin\Author::class,
                'map' => $map,
        case 'bookClubs':
            $bookIds = array_map(fn(ElementInterface $element) => $element->id, $sourceElements);
            $map = (new Query)
                ->select(['source' => 'bookId', 'target' => 'clubId'])
                ->where(['bookId' => $bookIds)
            return [
                'elementType' => \my\plugin\BookClub::class,
                'map' => $map,
            return parent::eagerLoadMap($sourceElements, $handle);

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Arguments ​

  • $sourceElements (self[]) – An array of the source elements
  • $handle (string) – The property handle used to identify which target elements should be included in the map

Returns ​

array, null, false – The eager-loading element ID mappings, false if no mappings exist, or null if the result should be ignored

extraFields() ​

Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by \craft\base\toArray().

This method is similar to \craft\base\fields() except that the list of fields returned by this method are not returned by default by \craft\base\toArray(). Only when field names to be expanded are explicitly specified when calling \craft\base\toArray(), will their values be exported.

The default implementation returns an empty array.

You may override this method to return a list of expandable fields based on some context information (e.g. the current application user).

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Returns ​

array – The list of expandable field names or field definitions. Please refer to \craft\base\fields() on the format of the return value.

getField() ​

Returns the field that contains the element.

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Returns ​

craft\base\ElementContainerFieldInterface, null

Throws ​

getOwner() ​

Returns the owner element, if the element has one.

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Returns ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null

Throws ​

getOwnerId() ​

Returns the owner element’s ID, if the element has one.

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Returns ​

integer, null

Throws ​

getPrimaryOwner() ​

Returns the primary owner element, if the element has one.

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Returns ​

craft\base\ElementInterface, null

Throws ​

getPrimaryOwnerId() ​

Returns the primary owner element’s ID, if the element has one.

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Returns ​

integer, null

Throws ​

getSortOrder() ​

Returns the element’s sort order, if it has one.

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Returns ​

integer, null

setEagerLoadedElements() ​

Sets some eager-loaded elements on a given handle.

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Arguments ​

  • $handle (string) – The handle that was used to eager-load the elements
  • $elements (self[]) – The eager-loaded elements
  • $plan (craft\elements\db\EagerLoadPlan) – The eager-loading plan

setOwner() ​

Sets the owner element, if the element has one.

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Arguments ​

setOwnerId() ​

Sets the owner element’s ID, if the element has one.

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Arguments ​

setPrimaryOwner() ​

Sets the primary owner element, if the element has one.

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Arguments ​

setPrimaryOwnerId() ​

Sets the primary owner element’s ID, if the element has one.

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Arguments ​

setSaveOwnership() ​

Sets whether the element’s ownership should be saved when the element is saved.

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Arguments ​

setSortOrder() ​

Sets the element’s sort order.

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Arguments ​