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WidgetInterface ​

Implemented by
craft\base\Widget, craft\widgets\CraftSupport, craft\widgets\Feed, craft\widgets\MissingWidget, craft\widgets\MyDrafts, craft\widgets\NewUsers, craft\widgets\QuickPost, craft\widgets\RecentEntries, craft\widgets\Updates

WidgetInterface defines the common interface to be implemented by dashboard widget classes.

A class implementing this interface should also use craft\base\SavableComponentTrait and craft\base\WidgetTrait.

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Public Methods ​

afterDelete()Performs actions after a component is deleted.
afterSave()Performs actions after a component is saved.
beforeApplyDelete()Performs actions before a component delete is applied to the database.
beforeDelete()Performs actions before a component is deleted.
beforeSave()Performs actions before a component is saved.
displayName()Returns the display name of this class.
extraFields()Returns the list of additional fields that can be returned by toArray() in addition to those listed in fields().
fields()Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified.
getBodyHtml()Returns the widget's body HTML.
getIsNew()Returns whether the component is new (unsaved).
getReadOnlySettingsHtml()Returns a read-only version of the component’s settings HTML.
getSettings()Returns an array of the component’s settings.
getSettingsHtml()Returns the component’s settings HTML.
getSubtitle()Returns the widget’s subtitle.
getTitle()Returns the widget’s title.
icon()Returns the widget’s SVG icon, if it has one.
instance()Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information.
isSelectable()Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects.
maxColspan()Returns the widget’s maximum colspan.
settingsAttributes()Returns the list of settings attribute names.
toArray()Converts the object into an array.

getBodyHtml() ​

Returns the widget's body HTML.

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Returns ​

string, null – The widget’s body HTML, or null if the widget should not be visible. (If you don’t want the widget to be selectable in the first place, use isSelectable().)

getSubtitle() ​


Returns the widget’s subtitle.

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Returns ​

string, null – The widget’s subtitle

getTitle() ​

Returns the widget’s title.

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Returns ​

string, null – The widget’s title.

icon() ​


Returns the widget’s SVG icon, if it has one.

The returned icon can be a system icon’s name (e.g. 'whiskey-glass-ice'), the path to an SVG file, or raw SVG markup.

System icons can be found in src/icons/solid/.

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Returns ​

string, null

maxColspan() ​

Returns the widget’s maximum colspan.

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Returns ​

integer, null – The widget’s maximum colspan, if it has one