- Type
- Class
- Namespace
- craft\test\mockclasses\elements
- Inherits
- craft\test\mockclasses\elements\ExampleElement » craft\base\Element » craft\base\Component » craft\base\Model » yii\base\Model » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
- Implements
- ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, craft\base\ComponentInterface, craft\base\ElementInterface, craft\base\ModelInterface, yii\base\Arrayable, yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\StaticInstanceInterface
- Uses traits
- craft\base\ClonefixTrait, craft\base\ElementTrait, yii\base\ArrayableTrait, yii\base\StaticInstanceTrait
- Since
- 3.2
Class ExampleElement.
Public Properties
Property | Description |
actionMenuItems | |
activeValidators | yii\validators\Validator – The validators applicable to the current scenario. |
additionalButtons | string |
altActions | array |
ancestors | craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface – The element’s ancestors |
archived | boolean – Whether the element is archived |
attributes | array – Attribute values (name => value). |
attributesFromRequest | array – The attribute values |
awaitingFieldValues | boolean – Whether the element is still awaiting its custom field values |
behaviors | yii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component. |
cacheTags | string[] |
canonical | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The canonical element, if one exists for the current site |
canonicalId | integer, null – The element’s canonical ID |
canonicalUid | string – The element’s canonical UID |
cardBodyHtml | string, null |
children | craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface – The element’s children |
chipLabelHtml | string |
cpEditUrl | string, null – The element’s edit URL in the control panel |
cpRevisionsUrl | string, null |
crumbs | array |
currentRevision | self , null |
dateCreated | DateTime, null – The date that the element was created |
dateDeleted | DateTime, null – The date that the element was trashed |
dateLastMerged | DateTime, null – The date that the canonical element was last merged into this one |
dateUpdated | DateTime, null – The date that the element was last updated |
deletedWithOwner | boolean, null – Whether the element was deleted along with its owner |
descendants | craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface – The element’s descendants |
dirtyAttributes | string[] |
dirtyFields | string[] |
draftId | integer, null – The ID of the draft’s row in the drafts table |
duplicateOf | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The element that this element is duplicating. |
eagerLoadInfo | craft\elements\db\EagerLoadInfo, null – Info about the eager loading setup used to query this element. |
editorHtml | string – The HTML for the element’s editor HUD |
elementQueryResult | craft\base\ElementInterface[], null – All elements that the element was queried with. |
enabled | boolean – Whether the element is enabled |
enabledForSite | boolean – Whether the element is enabled for this site |
errors | array – Errors for all attributes or the specified attribute. |
fieldContext | string – The field context this element’s content uses |
fieldLayout | craft\models\FieldLayout, null – The field layout used by this element |
fieldLayoutId | integer, null – The element’s field layout ID |
fieldParamNamespace | array – The namespace used by custom field params on the request |
fieldValues | array – The element’s normalized custom field values, indexed by their handles |
firstErrors | array – The first errors. |
firstSave | boolean – Whether the element is being saved for the first time in a normal state (not as a draft or revision). |
forceSave | boolean – Whether the element should definitely be saved, if it’s a nested element being considered for saving by \craft\base\NestedElementManager . |
gqlTypeName | string |
hardDelete | boolean – Whether the element is being hard-deleted. |
hasDescendants | boolean – Whether the element has descendants |
htmlAttributes | array – Any attributes that should be included in the element’s DOM representation in the control panel |
id | integer, null – The element’s ID |
invalidNestedElementIds | integer[] |
isCanonical | boolean – Whether this is the canonical element |
isCrossSiteCopyable | boolean |
isDerivative | boolean – Whether this is a derivative element, such as a draft or revision |
isDraft | boolean |
isFresh | boolean |
isHomepage | boolean |
isNewForSite | boolean – Whether the element is being saved to the current site for the first time. |
isProvisionalDraft | boolean – Whether this is a provisional draft. |
isRevision | boolean |
isSlugTranslatable | boolean |
isTitleTranslatable | boolean |
isUnpublishedDraft | boolean |
iterator | ArrayIterator – An iterator for traversing the items in the list. |
language | string |
lazyEagerLoadedElements | string – The handle that was used to eager-load the elements |
level | integer, null – The element’s level within its structure |
lft | integer, null – The element’s left position within its structure |
link | \Twig\Markup , null – An anchor pre-filled with this element’s URL and title |
localized | craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface, craft\elements\ElementCollection |
mergingCanonicalChanges | boolean – Whether recent changes to the canonical element are being merged into this element. |
metadata | array – The data, with keys representing the labels. |
modifiedAttributes | string[] |
modifiedFields | string[] |
newSiteIds | integer[] – The site IDs that the element was just propagated to for the first time. |
next | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The next element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria |
nextSibling | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The element’s next sibling |
outdatedAttributes | string[] |
outdatedFields | string[] |
parent | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The element’s parent |
parentId | integer, null – The element’s parent’s ID |
parentUri | string, null |
postEditUrl | string, null |
prev | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The previous element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria |
prevSibling | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The element’s previous sibling |
previewTargets | array |
previewing | boolean – Whether the element is currently being previewed. |
propagateAll | boolean – Whether all element attributes should be propagated across all its supported sites, even if that means overwriting existing site-specific values. |
propagating | boolean – Whether the element is being saved in the context of propagating another site's version of the element. |
propagatingFrom | craft\base\ElementInterface, null – The element that this element is being propagated from. |
ref | string, null – The reference string to this element |
resaving | boolean – Whether the element is being resaved by a ResaveElement job or a resave console command. |
revisionId | integer, null – The ID of the revision’s row in the revisions table |
rgt | integer, null – The element’s right position within its structure |
root | integer, null – The element’s structure’s root ID |
rootOwner | self |
route | mixed – The route that should be used when the element’s URI is requested |
scenario | string – The scenario that this model is in. |
searchScore | integer, null – The element’s search score, if the craft\elements\db\ElementQuery::search() parameter was used when querying for the element |
serializedFieldValues | array – Array of the element’s serialized custom field values, indexed by their handles |
siblings | craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface – All of the element’s siblings |
site | craft\models\Site – Site the element is associated with |
siteId | integer, null – The site ID the element is associated with |
siteSettingsId | integer, null – The ID of the element’s record in the elements_sites table |
slug | string, null – The element’s slug |
slugTranslationDescription | string, null |
slugTranslationKey | string – The translation key |
someField | mixed |
sourceId | integer, null |
sourceUid | string |
status | string, null – The element’s status |
structureId | integer, null – The element’s structure ID |
supportedSites | integer[], array – The sites this element is associated with |
tempId | string, null – The element’s temporary ID (only used if the element’s URI format contains {id}) |
title | string, null – The element’s title |
titleTranslationDescription | string, null |
titleTranslationKey | string – The translation key |
totalDescendants | integer – The total number of descendants that the element has |
trashed | boolean – Whether the element has been soft-deleted. |
uiLabel | |
uiLabelPath | string[] |
uid | string, null – The element’s UID |
updatingFromDerivative | boolean – Whether the element is being updated from a derivative element, such as a draft or revision. |
uri | string, null – The element’s URI |
uriFormat | string, null |
url | string, null – The element’s full URL |
validators | ArrayObject, yii\validators\Validator – All the validators declared in the model. |
viewMode | string, null – The view mode used to show this element (e.g. structure , table , thumbs , cards ). |
- Type
- Default value
Protected Properties
Property | Description |
revisionCreatorId | integer, null – Revision creator ID to be saved |
revisionNotes | string, null – Revision notes to be saved |
Public Methods
Method | Description |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. |
__clone() | |
__construct() | |
__get() | Returns the value of a component property. |
__isset() | Checks if a property is set. |
__set() | Sets the value of a component property. |
__toString() | Returns the string representation of the element. |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. |
actions() | Returns the available bulk element actions for a given source. |
activeAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario. |
addError() | Adds a new error to the specified attribute. |
addErrors() | Adds a list of errors. |
addInvalidNestedElementIds() | Registers invalid nested element IDs with the element, so an error class can be added on their cards. |
addModelErrors() | Adds errors from another model, with a given attribute name prefix. |
afterDelete() | Performs actions after an element is deleted. |
afterDeleteForSite() | Performs actions after an element is deleted for a site. |
afterMoveInStructure() | Performs actions after an element is moved within a structure. |
afterPropagate() | Performs actions after an element is fully saved and propagated to other sites. |
afterRestore() | Performs actions after an element is restored. |
afterSave() | Performs actions after an element is saved. |
afterValidate() | This method is invoked after validation ends. |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. |
attributeHints() | Returns the attribute hints. |
attributeLabels() | Returns the attribute labels. |
attributePreviewHtml() | Return HTML for the attribute in the card preview. |
attributes() | Returns the list of attribute names. |
beforeDelete() | Performs actions before an element is deleted. |
beforeDeleteForSite() | Performs actions before an element is deleted for a site. |
beforeMoveInStructure() | Performs actions before an element is moved within a structure. |
beforeRestore() | Performs actions before an element is restored. |
beforeSave() | Performs actions before an element is saved. |
beforeValidate() | This method is invoked before validation starts. |
behaviors() | Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. |
canCreateDrafts() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to create drafts for this element. |
canDelete() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to delete this element. |
canDeleteForSite() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to delete this element for its current site. |
canDuplicate() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to duplicate this element. |
canDuplicateAsDraft() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to duplicate this element as an unpublished draft. |
canGetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. |
canSave() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to save this element in its current form. |
canSetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. |
canView() | Returns whether the given user is authorized to view this element’s edit page. |
cardAttributes() | Defines all the available attributes that can be shown in card views. |
className() | Returns the fully qualified name of this class. |
clearErrors() | Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
createAnother() | Creates a new element (without saving it) based on this one. |
createCondition() | Returns an element condition for the element type. |
createValidators() | Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in rules(). |
datetimeAttributes() | Returns the names of any attributes that should hold DateTime values. |
defaultCardAttributes() | Returns the list of card attribute keys that should be shown by default, if the field layout hasn't been customised. |
defaultTableAttributes() | Returns the list of table attribute keys that should be shown by default. |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. |
displayName() | Returns the display name of this class. |
eagerLoadingMap() | Returns an array that maps source-to-target element IDs based on the given sub-property handle. |
ensureBehaviors() | Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. |
exporters() | Returns the available export options for a given source. |
extraFields() | Returns the list of fields that can be expanded further and returned by toArray(). |
fieldLayouts() | Returns all the field layouts associated with elements from the given source. |
fields() | Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified. |
find() | Creates an craft\elements\db\ElementQueryInterface instance for query purpose. |
findAll() | Returns a list of elements that match the specified ID(s) or a set of element criteria parameters. |
findOne() | Returns a single element instance by a primary key or a set of element criteria parameters. |
findSource() | Returns a source definition by a given source key/path and context. |
formName() | Returns the form name that this model class should use. |
generateAttributeLabel() | Generates a user friendly attribute label based on the give attribute name. |
get() | |
getActionMenuItems() | |
getActiveValidators() | Returns the validators applicable to the current scenario. |
getAdditionalButtons() | Returns additional buttons that should be shown at the top of the element’s edit page. |
getAltActions() | Returns alternative form actions for the element. |
getAncestors() | Returns the element’s ancestors. |
getAttributeHint() | Returns the text hint for the specified attribute. |
getAttributeHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in table and card views. |
getAttributeLabel() | Returns the text label for the specified attribute. |
getAttributeStatus() | Returns the status of a given attribute. |
getAttributes() | Returns attribute values. |
getBehavior() | Returns the named behavior object. |
getBehaviors() | Returns all behaviors attached to this component. |
getCacheTags() | Returns the cache tags that should be cleared when this element is saved. |
getCanonical() | Returns the canonical version of the element. |
getCanonicalId() | Returns the element’s canonical ID. |
getCanonicalUid() | Returns the element’s canonical UUID. |
getCardBodyHtml() | Returns the body HTML for element cards. |
getChildren() | Returns the element’s children. |
getChipLabelHtml() | Returns the label HTML for element chips. |
getCpEditUrl() | |
getCpRevisionsUrl() | Returns the element’s revisions index URL in the control panel. |
getCrumbs() | Returns the breadcrumbs that lead up to the element. |
getCurrentRevision() | Returns the element’s current revision, if one exists. |
getDescendants() | Returns the element’s descendants. |
getDirtyAttributes() | Returns a list of attribute names that have changed since the element was first loaded. |
getDirtyFields() | Returns a list of custom field handles that have changed since the element was first loaded. |
getEagerLoadedElementCount() | Returns the count of eager-loaded elements for a given handle. |
getEagerLoadedElements() | Returns the eager-loaded elements for a given handle. |
getEnabledForSite() | Returns whether the element is enabled for the current site. |
getErrorSummary() | Returns the errors for all attributes as a one-dimensional array. |
getErrors() | Returns the errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
getFieldContext() | Returns the field context this element’s content uses. |
getFieldLayout() | Returns the field layout used by this element. |
getFieldParamNamespace() | Returns the namespace used by custom field params on the request. |
getFieldValue() | Returns the value for a given field. |
getFieldValues() | Returns the element’s normalized custom field values, indexed by their handles. |
getFirstError() | Returns the first error of the specified attribute. |
getFirstErrors() | Returns the first error of every attribute in the model. |
getGqlTypeName() | Returns the GraphQL type name for this element type. |
getHasDescendants() | Returns whether the element has descendants. |
getHtmlAttributes() | Returns any attributes that should be included in the element’s chips and cards. |
getId() | |
getInlineAttributeInputHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute's inline editing input. |
getInvalidNestedElementIds() | Returns the element’s invalid nested element IDs. |
getIsCanonical() | Returns whether this is the canonical element. |
getIsCrossSiteCopyable() | Return if the element is copyable between sites. |
getIsDerivative() | Returns whether this is a derivative element, such as a draft or revision. |
getIsDraft() | Returns whether this is a draft. |
getIsFresh() | Returns whether the element is "fresh" (not yet explicitly saved, and without validation errors). |
getIsHomepage() | Returns whether this element represents the site homepage. |
getIsRevision() | Returns whether this is a revision. |
getIsSlugTranslatable() | Returns whether the Slug field should be shown as translatable in the UI. |
getIsTitleTranslatable() | Returns whether the Title field should be shown as translatable in the UI. |
getIsUnpublishedDraft() | Returns whether the element is an unpublished draft. |
getIterator() | Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model. |
getLanguage() | Returns the language of the element. |
getLink() | Returns an anchor pre-filled with this element’s URL and title. |
getLocalized() | Returns the same element in other locales. |
getMetadata() | Returns element metadata that should be shown within the editor sidebar. |
getModifiedAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that have changed for this element. |
getModifiedFields() | Returns the field handles that have changed for this element. |
getNext() | Returns the next element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria. |
getNextSibling() | Returns the element’s next sibling. |
getOutdatedAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that have been updated on the canonical element since the last time it was merged into this element. |
getOutdatedFields() | Returns the field handles that have been updated on the canonical element since the last time it was merged into this element. |
getParent() | Returns the element’s parent. |
getParentId() | Returns the parent ID. |
getParentUri() | Returns the parent element’s URI, if there is one. |
getPostEditUrl() | Returns the URL that users should be redirected to after editing the element. |
getPrev() | Returns the previous element relative to this one, from a given set of criteria. |
getPrevSibling() | Returns the element’s previous sibling. |
getPreviewTargets() | Returns the additional locations that should be available for previewing the element, besides its primary URL. |
getRef() | Returns the reference string to this element. |
getRootOwner() | Returns the root owner element. |
getRoute() | Returns the route that should be used when the element’s URI is requested. |
getScenario() | Returns the scenario that this model is used in. |
getSearchKeywords() | Returns the search keywords for a given search attribute. |
getSerializedFieldValues() | Returns an array of the element’s serialized custom field values, indexed by their handles. |
getSiblings() | Returns all of the element’s siblings. |
getSidebarHtml() | Returns the HTML for any fields/info that should be shown within the editor sidebar. |
getSite() | Returns the site the element is associated with. |
getSlugTranslationDescription() | Returns the description of the Slug field’s translation support. |
getSlugTranslationKey() | Returns the Slug’s translation key. |
getSourceId() | Returns the element’s canonical ID. |
getSourceUid() | Returns the element’s canonical UID. |
getStatus() | |
getSupportedSites() | Returns the sites this element is associated with. |
getThumbHtml() | |
getTitleTranslationDescription() | Returns the description of the Title field’s translation support. |
getTitleTranslationKey() | Returns the Title’s translation key. |
getTotalDescendants() | Returns the total number of descendants that the element has. |
getUiLabel() | |
getUiLabelPath() | Returns any path segment labels that should be prepended to the element’s UI label. |
getUriFormat() | Returns the URI format used to generate this element’s URI. |
getUrl() | Returns the element’s full URL. |
getValidators() | Returns all the validators declared in rules(). |
gqlScopesByContext() | Returns the GraphQL scopes required by element’s context. |
hasDrafts() | Returns whether element indexes should show the “Drafts” status option. |
hasEagerLoadedElements() | Returns whether elements have been eager-loaded with a given handle. |
hasErrors() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error. |
hasEventHandlers() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. |
hasMethod() | Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. |
hasProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. |
hasRevisions() | Returns whether revisions should be created when this element is saved. |
hasStatuses() | Returns whether elements of this type have statuses. |
hasThumbs() | Returns whether element indexes should include a thumbnail view by default. |
hasTitles() | Returns whether elements of this type have traditional titles. |
hasUris() | Returns whether elements of this type can have their own slugs and URIs. |
indexElementCount() | Returns the total number of elements that will be shown on an element index, for the given element query. |
indexHtml() | Returns the element index HTML. |
indexViewModes() | Returns the view modes available for the element type. |
init() | Initializes the object. |
instance() | Returns static class instance, which can be used to obtain meta information. |
isAncestorOf() | Returns whether this element is an ancestor of another one. |
isAttributeActive() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario. |
isAttributeDirty() | Returns whether an attribute has changed since the element was first loaded. |
isAttributeModified() | Returns whether an attribute value has changed for this element. |
isAttributeOutdated() | Returns whether an attribute value has fallen behind the canonical element’s value. |
isAttributeRequired() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required. |
isAttributeSafe() | Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments. |
isChildOf() | Returns whether this element is a direct child of another one. |
isDescendantOf() | Returns whether this element is a descendant of another one. |
isFieldDirty() | Returns whether a custom field value has changed since the element was first loaded. |
isFieldEmpty() | Returns whether a field is empty. |
isFieldModified() | Returns whether a field value has changed for this element. |
isFieldOutdated() | Returns whether a field value has fallen behind the canonical element’s value. |
isLocalized() | Returns whether elements of this type store content on a per-site basis. |
isNextSiblingOf() | Returns whether this element is the direct next sibling of another one. |
isParentOf() | Returns whether this element is a direct parent of another one. |
isPrevSiblingOf() | Returns whether this element is the direct previous sibling of another one. |
isSelectable() | Returns whether the component should be selectable in component Type selects. |
isSiblingOf() | Returns whether this element is a sibling of another one. |
load() | Populates the model with input data. |
loadMultiple() | Populates a set of models with the data from end user. |
lowerDisplayName() | Returns the lowercase version of displayName(). |
markAsClean() | Resets the record of dirty attributes and fields. |
markAsDirty() | Marks all fields and attributes as dirty. |
mergeCanonicalChanges() | Merges changes from the canonical element into this one. |
modifyCustomSource() | Modifies a custom source’s config, before it’s returned by craft\services\ElementSources::getSources() |
off() | Detaches an existing event handler from this component. |
offsetExists() | Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset. |
offsetGet() | Returns the element at the specified offset. |
offsetSet() | Sets the element at the specified offset. |
offsetUnset() | Sets the element value at the specified offset to null. |
on() | Attaches an event handler to an event. |
onUnsafeAttribute() | This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned. |
pluralDisplayName() | Returns the plural version of displayName(). |
pluralLowerDisplayName() | Returns the plural, lowercase version of displayName(). |
prepareEditScreen() | Prepares the response for the element’s Edit screen. |
refHandle() | Returns the handle that should be used to refer to this element type from reference tags. |
render() | Renders the element using its partial template. |
rules() | Returns the validation rules for attributes. |
safeAttributes() | Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario. |
scenarios() | Returns a list of scenarios and the corresponding active attributes. |
searchableAttributes() | Defines which element attributes should be searchable. |
setAttributes() | Sets the attribute values in a massive way. |
setAttributesFromRequest() | Sets the element’s attributes from an element editor submission. |
setCanonical() | Sets the canonical version of the element. |
setCanonicalId() | Sets the element’s canonical ID. |
setDirtyAttributes() | Sets the list of dirty attribute names. |
setDirtyFields() | Sets the list of dirty field handles. |
setEagerLoadedElementCount() | Sets the count of eager-loaded elements for a given handle. |
setEagerLoadedElements() | Sets some eager-loaded elements on a given handle. |
setEnabledForSite() | Sets whether the element is enabled for the current site. |
setFieldParamNamespace() | Sets the namespace used by custom field params on the request. |
setFieldValue() | Sets the value for a given field. |
setFieldValueFromRequest() | Sets the value for a given field. The value should have originated from post data. |
setFieldValues() | Sets the element’s custom field values. |
setFieldValuesFromRequest() | Sets the element’s custom field values, when the values have come from post data. |
setIsFresh() | Sets whether the element is "fresh" (not yet explicitly saved, and without validation errors). |
setLazyEagerLoadedElements() | Sets whether the given eager-loaded element handles were eager-loaded lazily. |
setNext() | Sets the default next element. |
setParent() | Sets the element’s parent. |
setParentId() | Sets the parent ID. |
setPrev() | Sets the default previous element. |
setRevisionCreatorId() | Sets the revision creator ID to be saved. |
setRevisionNotes() | Sets the revision notes to be saved. |
setScenario() | Sets the scenario for the model. |
setUiLabel() | Defines what the element should be called within the control panel. |
setUiLabelPath() | Defines any path segment labels that should be prepended to the element’s UI label. |
showStatusIndicator() | Returns whether chips and cards for this element should include a status indicator. |
sortOptions() | Returns the sort options for the element type. |
sourcePath() | Returns the source path for a given source key, step key, and context. |
sources() | Returns the source definitions that elements of this type may belong to. |
statuses() | |
tableAttributes() | Defines all of the available columns that can be shown in table views. |
toArray() | Converts the model into an array. |
trackChanges() | Returns whether Craft should keep track of attribute and custom field changes made to this element type, including when the last time they were changed, and who was logged-in at the time. |
trigger() | Triggers an event. |
validate() | Performs the data validation. |
validateCustomFieldAttribute() | Calls a custom validation function on a custom field. |
validateMultiple() | Validates multiple models. |
Returns the URI format used to generate this element’s URI.
Note that element types that can have URIs must return true
from hasUris().
Protected Methods
Method | Description |
attributeHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute in table and card views. |
cacheTags() | Returns the cache tags that should be cleared when this element is saved. |
cpEditUrl() | Returns the element’s edit URL in the control panel. |
cpRevisionsUrl() | Returns the element’s revisions index URL in the control panel. |
crumbs() | Returns the breadcrumbs that lead up to the element. |
defineActions() | Defines the available bulk element actions for a given source. |
defineBehaviors() | Returns the behaviors to attach to this class. |
defineCardAttributes() | Defines all the available attributes that can be shown in card views along with their default placeholder values. |
defineDefaultCardAttributes() | Returns the list of card attribute keys that should be shown by default. |
defineDefaultTableAttributes() | Returns the list of table attribute keys that should be shown by default. |
defineExporters() | Defines the available element exporters for a given source. |
defineFieldLayouts() | Defines the field layouts associated with elements for a given source. |
defineRules() | Returns the validation rules for attributes. |
defineSearchableAttributes() | Defines which element attributes should be searchable. |
defineSortOptions() | Returns the sort options for the element type. |
defineSources() | Defines the sources that elements of this type may belong to. |
defineTableAttributes() | Defines all of the available columns that can be shown in table views. |
destructiveActionMenuItems() | Returns destructive action menu items for the element’s edit screens. |
extractFieldsFor() | Extract nested fields from a fields collection for a given root field Nested fields are separated with dots (.). e.g: "item.id" The previous example would extract "id". |
extractRootFields() | Extracts the root field names from nested fields. |
fieldByHandle() | Returns the field with a given handle. |
fieldLayoutFields() | Returns each of this element’s fields. |
findByCondition() | Finds Element instance(s) by the given condition. |
hasCheckeredThumb() | Returns whether the element’s thumbnail should have a checkered background. |
hasFieldLayout() | Returns whether the element has a field layout with at least one tab. |
hasNewParent() | Returns whether the element has been assigned a new parent. |
hasRoundedThumb() | Returns whether the element’s thumbnail should be rounded. |
htmlAttributes() | Returns any attributes that should be included in the element’s chips and cards. |
includeSetStatusAction() | Returns whether the Set Status action should be included in actions() automatically. |
indexElements() | Returns the resulting elements for an element index. |
inlineAttributeInputHtml() | Returns the HTML that should be shown for a given attribute’s inline input. |
metaFieldsHtml() | Returns the HTML for any meta fields that should be shown within the editor sidebar. |
metadata() | Returns element metadata that should be shown within the editor sidebar. |
normalizeFieldValue() | Normalizes a field’s value. |
notesFieldHtml() | Returns the notes field HTML for the sidebar. |
prepElementQueryForTableAttribute() | Prepares an element query for an element index that includes a given table attribute. |
previewTargets() | Returns the additional locations that should be available for previewing the element, besides its primary URL. |
resolveFields() | Determines which fields can be returned by toArray(). |
route() | Returns the route that should be used when the element’s URI is requested. |
safeActionMenuItems() | Returns action menu items for the element’s edit screens. |
searchKeywords() | Returns the search keywords for a given search attribute. |
shouldValidateTitle() | Returns whether the element’s title attribute should be validated |
showStatusField() | Returns whether the Status field should be shown for this element. |
slugFieldHtml() | Returns the HTML for the element’s Slug field. |
statusFieldHtml() | Returns the status field HTML for the sidebar. |
thumbAlt() | Returns alt text for the element’s thumbnail. |
thumbSvg() | Returns the element’s thumbnail SVG contents, which should be used as a fallback when \craft\base\getThumbUrl() returns null . |
thumbUrl() | Returns the URL to the element’s thumbnail, if it has one. |
uiLabel() | Returns what the element should be called within the control panel. |
Constant | Description |
SCENARIO_DEFAULT | The name of the default scenario. |