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ChartHelper ​


Class ChartHelper

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Public Methods ​

dateRanges()Returns the predefined date ranges with their label, start date and end date.
formats()Returns the short date, decimal, percent and currency D3 formats based on Craft's locale settings
getRunChartDataFromQuery()Returns the data for a run chart, based on a given DB query, start/end dates, and the desired time interval unit.
getRunChartIntervalUnit()Returns the interval unit that should be used in a run chart, based on the given start and end dates.
shortDateFormats()Returns the D3 short date formats based on Yii's short date format

dateRanges() ​

Returns the predefined date ranges with their label, start date and end date.

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Returns ​


formats() ​

Returns the short date, decimal, percent and currency D3 formats based on Craft's locale settings

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Returns ​


getRunChartDataFromQuery() ​

Returns the data for a run chart, based on a given DB query, start/end dates, and the desired time interval unit.

The query’s SELECT clause should already be set to a column aliased as value. The $options array can override the following defaults:

  • intervalUnit - The time interval unit to use ('hour', 'day', 'month', or 'year'). By default, a unit will be decided automatically based on the start/end date duration.
  • categoryLabel - The label to use for the chart categories (times). Defaults to "Date".
  • valueLabel - The label to use for the chart values. Defaults to "Value".
  • valueType - The type of values that are being plotted ('number', 'currency', 'percent', 'time'). Defaults to 'number'.

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Arguments ​

  • $query (craft\db\Query) – The DB query that should be used. It will be executed for each time interval, with additional conditions on the $dateColumn, via craft\db\Query::scalar().
  • $startDate (DateTime) – The start of the time duration to select (inclusive)
  • $endDate (DateTime) – The end of the time duration to select (exclusive)
  • $dateColumn (string) – The column that represents the date
  • $func (string) – The aggregate function to call for each date interval ('count', 'sum', 'average', 'min', or 'max')
  • $q (string) – The column name or expression to pass into the aggregate function (make sure column names are \craft\helpers\quoted)
  • $options (array) – Any customizations that should be made over the default options

Returns ​


Throws ​

getRunChartIntervalUnit() ​

Returns the interval unit that should be used in a run chart, based on the given start and end dates.

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Arguments ​

Returns ​

string – The unit that the chart should use ('hour', 'day', 'month', or 'year')

shortDateFormats() ​

Returns the D3 short date formats based on Yii's short date format

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Returns ​
