- Type
- Class
- Namespace
- craft\web
- Inherits
- craft\web\View » yii\web\View » yii\base\View » yii\base\Component » yii\base\BaseObject
- Implements
- yii\base\Configurable, yii\base\DynamicContentAwareInterface
- Since
- 3.0.0
Public Properties
Property | Description |
allowEval | boolean – Whether to allow evaluateDynamicContent() to be called. |
assetBundles | yii\web\AssetBundle – List of the registered asset bundles. |
assetManager | yii\web\AssetManager – The asset manager. |
behaviors | yii\base\Behavior – List of behaviors attached to this component. |
blocks | array – A list of named output blocks. |
bodyHtml | string – the content to be inserted at the end of the body section |
context | yii\base\ViewContextInterface – The context under which the renderFile() method is being invoked. |
cpTemplateRoots | array – any registered control panel template roots |
css | array – The registered CSS code blocks. |
cssFiles | array – The registered CSS files. |
defaultExtension | string – The default view file extension. |
deltaNames | string[] |
dynamicContents | yii\base\DynamicContentAwareInterface – Class instances supporting dynamic contents. |
dynamicPlaceholders | array – A list of placeholders. |
headHtml | string – the content to be inserted in the head section |
initialDeltaValues | array |
isDeltaRegistrationActive | boolean |
isRenderingPageTemplate | boolean – whether a page template is currently being rendered |
isRenderingTemplate | boolean – whether a template is currently being rendered |
js | array – The registered JS code blocks |
jsFiles | array – The registered JS files. |
linkTags | array – The registered link tags. |
metaTags | array – The registered meta tags. |
minifyCss | boolean – Whether to minify CSS registered with registerCss() |
minifyJs | boolean – Whether to minify JS registered with registerJs() |
modifiedDeltaNames | string[] |
namespace | string, null – the active namespace |
params | array – Custom parameters that are shared among view templates. |
registeredAssetBundles | string[] – the asset bundle names that should be marked as already registered |
registeredJsFiles | string[] – the JS files that should be marked as already registered |
renderers | array, null – A list of available renderers indexed by their corresponding supported file extensions. |
scriptOptions | array – The script tag options. |
siteTemplateRoots | array – any registered site template roots |
templateMode | string – the current template mode (either site or cp ) |
templatesPath | string – the base path that templates should be found in |
theme | yii\base\Theme, array, string, null – The theme object or the configuration for creating the theme object. |
title | string – The page title |
twig | craft\web\twig\Environment – the Twig environment |
viewFile | string, boolean – The view file currently being rendered. |
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
- Since
- 3.5.0
Whether to allow evaluateDynamicContent() to be called.
Don’t enable this unless you have a very good reason to.
- Type
- string
- Default value
the content to be inserted at the end of the body section
- Type
- array
- Default value
any registered control panel template roots
- Type
- string[]
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.4.0
- Type
- string
- Default value
the content to be inserted in the head section
- Type
- array
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 3.7.0
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
- Since
- 3.4.0
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
whether a page template is currently being rendered
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
whether a template is currently being rendered
Deprecated in 3.6.0.
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
- Since
- 3.4.0
Whether to minify CSS registered with registerCss()
Deprecated in 3.6.0
- Type
- boolean
- Default value
- Since
- 3.4.0
Whether to minify JS registered with registerJs()
- Type
- string[]
- Default value
- Access
- Read-only
- Since
- 5.2.1
the active namespace
- Type
- string[]
- Default value
the asset bundle names that should be marked as already registered
- Type
- string[]
- Default value
the JS files that should be marked as already registered
- Type
- array
- Default value
any registered site template roots
- Type
- string
- Default value
the current template mode (either site
or cp
- Type
- string
- Default value
the base path that templates should be found in
- Type
- craft\web\twig\Environment
- Default value
the Twig environment
Protected Properties
Property | Description |
isPageEnded | boolean |
Public Methods
Method | Description |
__call() | Calls the named method which is not a class method. |
__clone() | This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. |
__construct() | Constructor. |
__get() | Returns the value of a component property. |
__isset() | Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. |
__set() | Sets the value of a component property. |
__unset() | Sets a component property to be null. |
addDynamicPlaceholder() | Adds a placeholder for dynamic content. |
afterRender() | This method is invoked right after renderFile() renders a view file. |
afterRenderPageTemplate() | Performs actions after a page template is rendered. |
afterRenderTemplate() | Performs actions after a template is rendered. |
attachBehavior() | Attaches a behavior to this component. |
attachBehaviors() | Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. |
beforeRender() | This method is invoked right before renderFile() renders a view file. |
beforeRenderPageTemplate() | Performs actions before a page template is rendered. |
beforeRenderTemplate() | Performs actions before a template is rendered. |
beginBlock() | Begins recording a block. |
beginBody() | Marks the beginning of an HTML body section. |
beginCache() | Begins fragment caching. |
beginContent() | Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view. |
beginPage() | Marks the beginning of a page. |
behaviors() | Returns a list of behaviors that this component should behave as. |
canGetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. |
canSetProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. |
className() | Returns the fully qualified name of this class. |
clear() | Clears up the registered meta tags, link tags, css/js scripts and files. |
clearAssetBundleBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startAssetBundleBuffer(), returning any asset bundles that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearCssBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startCssBuffer(), returning any <style> tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearCssFileBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startCssFileBuffer(), returning any <link rel="stylesheet"> tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearHtmlBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startHtmlBuffer(), returning any html tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearJsBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsBuffer(), returning any JavaScript code that was registered while the buffer was active. |
clearJsFileBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsFileBuffer(), returning any <script> tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearJsImportBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsImportBuffer(), returning any JavaScript imports that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearMetaTagBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startMetaTagBuffer(), returning any <meta> tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
clearScriptBuffer() | Clears and ends a buffer started via startScriptBuffer(), returning any <script> tags that were registered while the buffer was active. |
createTwig() | Creates a new Twig environment. |
detachBehavior() | Detaches a behavior from the component. |
detachBehaviors() | Detaches all behaviors from the component. |
doesTemplateExist() | Returns whether a template exists. |
endBlock() | Ends recording a block. |
endBody() | Marks the ending of an HTML body section. |
endCache() | Ends fragment caching. |
endContent() | Ends the rendering of content. |
endPage() | Marks the ending of an HTML page. |
ensureBehaviors() | Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. |
evaluateDynamicContent() | Evaluates the given PHP statements. |
formatInputId() | Formats an ID out of an input name. |
getAssetManager() | Registers the asset manager being used by this view object. |
getBehavior() | Returns the named behavior object. |
getBehaviors() | Returns all behaviors attached to this component. |
getBodyHtml() | Returns the content to be inserted at the end of the body section. |
getCpTemplateRoots() | Returns any registered control panel template roots. |
getDeltaNames() | Returns all the registered delta input names. |
getDynamicContents() | Returns a list of currently active dynamic content class instances. |
getDynamicPlaceholders() | Returns a list of placeholders for dynamic content. This method is used internally to implement the content caching feature. |
getHeadHtml() | Returns the content to be inserted in the head section. |
getInitialDeltaValues() | Returns the initial values of delta inputs. |
getIsDeltaRegistrationActive() | Returns whether delta input name registration is currently active |
getIsRenderingPageTemplate() | Returns whether a page template is currently being rendered. |
getIsRenderingTemplate() | Returns whether a template is currently being rendered. |
getModifiedDeltaNames() | Returns all the registered delta input names that should be considered modified. |
getNamespace() | Returns the active namespace. |
getSiteTemplateRoots() | Returns any registered site template roots. |
getTemplateMode() | Returns the current template mode (either site or cp ). |
getTemplatesPath() | Returns the base path that templates should be found in. |
getTwig() | Returns the Twig environment. |
getViewFile() | |
hasEventHandlers() | Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. |
hasMethod() | Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. |
hasProperty() | Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. |
head() | Marks the position of an HTML head section. |
hook() | Queues up a method to be called by a given template hook. |
init() | Initializes the view component. |
invokeHook() | Invokes a template hook. |
namespaceInputId() | Namespaces an input ID. |
namespaceInputName() | Namespaces an input name. |
namespaceInputs() | Renames HTML input names so they belong to a namespace. |
normalizeObjectTemplate() | Normalizes an object template for renderObjectTemplate(). |
off() | Detaches an existing event handler from this component. |
on() | Attaches an event handler to an event. |
popDynamicContent() | Removes a last class instance supporting dynamic contents from a list of currently active dynamic content class instances. |
pushDynamicContent() | Adds a class instance supporting dynamic contents to the end of a list of currently active dynamic content class instances. |
registerAssetBundle() | Registers the named asset bundle. |
registerCpTwigExtension() | Registers a new Twig extension for CP templates. |
registerCsrfMetaTags() | Registers CSRF meta tags. |
registerCss() | Registers a CSS code block. |
registerCssFile() | Registers a CSS file. |
registerDeltaName() | Registers a delta input name. |
registerHtml() | Registers arbitrary HTML to be injected into the final page response. |
registerJs() | Registers a JS code block. |
registerJsFile() | Registers a JS file. |
registerJsImport() | Registers a JavaScript import map entry to be injected into the final page response. |
registerJsVar() | Registers a JS code block defining a variable. The name of variable will be used as key, preventing duplicated variable names. |
registerJsWithVars() | Registers JavaScript code with the given variables, pre-JSON-encoded. |
registerLinkTag() | Registers a link tag. |
registerMetaTag() | Registers a meta tag. |
registerScript() | Registers a generic <script> code block. |
registerScriptWithVars() | Registers a generic <script> tag with the given variables, pre-JSON-encoded. |
registerSiteTwigExtension() | Registers a new Twig extension for site templates. |
registerTranslations() | Translates messages for a given translation category, so they will be available for Craft.t() calls in the control panel. |
registerTwigExtension() | Registers a new Twig extension both CP and site templates. |
render() | Renders a view. |
renderAjax() | Renders a view in response to an AJAX request. |
renderDynamic() | Renders dynamic content returned by the given PHP statements. |
renderFile() | Renders a view file. |
renderObjectTemplate() | Renders an object template. |
renderPageTemplate() | Renders a Twig template that represents an entire web page. |
renderPhpFile() | Renders a view file as a PHP script. |
renderString() | Renders a template defined in a string. |
renderTemplate() | Renders a Twig template. |
resolveTemplate() | Finds a template on the file system and returns its path. |
setAssetManager() | Sets the asset manager. |
setDynamicPlaceholders() | Sets a list of placeholders for dynamic content. This method is used internally to implement the content caching feature. |
setInitialDeltaValue() | Sets the initial value of a delta input name. |
setIsDeltaRegistrationActive() | Sets whether delta input name registration is active. |
setNamespace() | Sets the active namespace. |
setRegisteredAssetBundles() | Sets the asset bundle names that should be marked as already registered. |
setRegisteredJsFiles() | Sets the JS files that should be marked as already registered. |
setTemplateMode() | Sets the current template mode. |
setTemplatesPath() | Sets the base path that templates should be found in. |
setTwig() | Sets the Twig environment for the current template mode. |
startAssetBundleBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any asset bundles registered with registerAssetBundle(). |
startCssBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any <style> tags registered with registerCss(). |
startCssFileBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any <link> tags registered with registerCssFile(). |
startHtmlBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any html tags registered with registerHtml(). |
startJsBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any JavaScript code registered with registerJs(). |
startJsFileBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any <script> tags registered with registerJsFile(). |
startJsImportBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any JavaScript imports registered with registerJsImport(). |
startMetaTagBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any <meta> tags registered with registerMetaTag(). |
startScriptBuffer() | Starts a buffer for any <script> tags registered with registerScript(). |
trigger() | Triggers an event. |
Performs actions after a page template is rendered.
(string) – The name of the template that was rendered$variables
(array) – The variables that were available to the template$templateMode
(string) – The template mode that was used when rendering the template$output
(string) – The template’s rendering result
Performs actions after a template is rendered.
(string) – The name of the template that was rendered$variables
(array) – The variables that were available to the template$templateMode
(string) – The template mode that was used when rendering the template$output
(string) – The template’s rendering result
Performs actions before a page template is rendered.
(string) – The name of the template to render$variables
(array) – The variables that should be available to the template$templateMode
(string) – The template mode to use when rendering the template
boolean – Whether the template should be rendered
Performs actions before a template is rendered.
(string) – The name of the template to render$variables
(array) – The variables that should be available to the template$templateMode
(string) – The template mode to use when rendering the template
boolean – Whether the template should be rendered
- Since
- 5.3.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startAssetBundleBuffer(), returning any asset bundles that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startAssetBundleBuffer()View source
array, false – The asset bundles that were registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 3.7.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startCssBuffer(), returning any <style>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startCssBuffer()View source
array, false – The <style>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 4.0.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startCssFileBuffer(), returning any <link rel="stylesheet">
tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startCssFileBuffer()View source
array, false – The <link rel="stylesheet">
tags that were registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 4.3.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startHtmlBuffer(), returning any html tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
array, false – The html that was registered while the buffer was active or false
if there wasn't an active buffer.
Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsBuffer(), returning any JavaScript code that was registered while the buffer was active.
See also startJsBuffer()View source
(boolean) – Whether the returned JavaScript code should be wrapped in a<script>
(boolean) – Whether the JavaScript code should be returned in a combined blob. (Position and key info will be lost.)
string, array, false – The JavaScript code that was registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 4.0.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsFileBuffer(), returning any <script>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startJsFileBuffer()View source
array, false – The <script>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active (indexed by position), or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 5.6.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startJsImportBuffer(), returning any JavaScript imports that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startAssetBundleBuffer()View source
array, false – The JavaScript imports that were registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 4.5.8
Clears and ends a buffer started via startMetaTagBuffer(), returning any <meta>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startMetaTagBuffer()View source
array, false – The <meta>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active (indexed by position), or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
- Since
- 3.7.0
Clears and ends a buffer started via startScriptBuffer(), returning any <script>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active.
See also startScriptBuffer()View source
array, false – The <script>
tags that were registered while the buffer was active, or false
if there wasn’t an active buffer.
Creates a new Twig environment.
Returns whether a template exists.
Internally, this will just call resolveTemplate() with the given template name, and return whether that method found anything.
(string) – The name of the template.$templateMode
(string, null) – The template mode to use.$publicOnly
(boolean) – Whether to only look for public templates (template paths that don’t start with the private template trigger).
boolean – Whether the template exists.
Marks the ending of an HTML body section.
Marks the ending of an HTML page.
(boolean) – Whether the view is rendering in AJAX mode. If true, the JS scripts registered at POS_READY and POS_LOAD positions will be rendered at the end of the view like normal scripts.
Evaluates the given PHP statements.
This method is mainly used internally to implement dynamic content feature.
(string) – The PHP statements to be evaluated.
– The return value of the PHP statements.
- yii\base\NotSupportedException
unless allowEval has been set totrue
Deprecated in 3.5.0. Use craft\helpers\Html::id() instead.
Formats an ID out of an input name.
This method takes a given input name and returns a valid ID based on it. For example, if given the following input name: foo[bar][title] the following ID would be returned: foo-bar-title
(string) – The input name.
string – The input ID.
Returns the content to be inserted at the end of the body section.
This includes:
- JS code registered with registerJs() with the position set to POS_BEGIN, POS_END, POS_READY, or POS_LOAD
- JS files registered with registerJsFile() with the position set to POS_BEGIN or POS_END
(boolean) – Whether the content should be cleared from the queue (default is true)
string – The rendered content
Returns any registered control panel template roots.
- Since
- 3.4.0
Returns all the registered delta input names.
See also registerDeltaName()View source
Returns the content to be inserted in the head section.
This includes:
- Meta tags registered using registerMetaTag()
- Link tags registered with registerLinkTag()
- CSS code registered with registerCss()
- CSS files registered with registerCssFile()
- JS code registered with registerJs() with the position set to POS_HEAD
- JS files registered with registerJsFile() with the position set to POS_HEAD
(boolean) – Whether the content should be cleared from the queue (default is true)
string – The rendered content
- Since
- 3.7.0
Returns the initial values of delta inputs.
See also setInitialDeltaValue()View source
- Since
- 3.4.0
Returns whether delta input name registration is currently active
See also registerDeltaName()View source
Returns whether a page template is currently being rendered.
boolean – Whether a page template is currently being rendered.
Returns whether a template is currently being rendered.
boolean – Whether a template is currently being rendered.
- Since
- 5.2.1
Returns all the registered delta input names that should be considered modified.
See also registerDeltaName()View source
Returns the active namespace.
This is the default namespaces that will be used when namespaceInputs(), namespaceInputName(), and namespaceInputId() are called, if their $namespace arguments are null.
Returns any registered site template roots.
Returns the current template mode (either site
or cp
string – Either site
or cp
Returns the base path that templates should be found in.
Returns the Twig environment.
Queues up a method to be called by a given template hook.
For example, if you place this in your plugin’s init() method:
Craft::$app->view->hook('myAwesomeHook', function(&$context) {
$context['foo'] = 'bar';
return 'Hey!';
you would then be able to add this to any template:
{% hook "myAwesomeHook" %}
When the hook tag gets invoked, your template hook function will get called. The $context
argument will be the current Twig context array, which you’re free to manipulate. Any changes you make to it will be available to the template following the tag. Whatever your template hook function returns will be output in place of the tag in the template as well.
If you want to prevent additional hook methods from getting triggered, add a second $handled
argument to your callback method, which should be passed by reference, and then set it to true
within the method.
Craft::$app->view->hook('myAwesomeHook', function(&$context, &$handled) {
$context['foo'] = 'bar';
$handled = true;
return 'Hey!';
(string) – The hook name.$method
(callable) – The callback function.$append
(boolean) – Whether to append the method handler to the end of the existing method list for the hook. Iffalse
, the method will be inserted at the beginning of the existing method list.
Initializes the view component.
Invokes a template hook.
This is called by \craft\web\HookNode
string – Whatever the hooks returned.
Namespaces an input ID.
This method applies the same namespacing treatment that namespaceInputs() does to id=
attributes, but only to a single value, which is passed directly into this method.
(string) – The input ID that should be namespaced.$namespace
(string, null) – The namespace. Defaults to the active namespace.
string – The namespaced input ID.
Namespaces an input name.
This method applies the same namespacing treatment that namespaceInputs() does to name=
attributes, but only to a single value, which is passed directly into this method.
(string) – The input name that should be namespaced.$namespace
(string, null) – The namespace. Defaults to the active namespace.
string – The namespaced input name.
Renames HTML input names so they belong to a namespace.
This method will go through the passed-in $html looking for name=
attributes, and renaming their values such that they will live within the passed-in $namespace (or the active namespace). By default, any id=
, for=
, list=
, data-target=
, data-reverse-target=
, and data-target-prefix=
attributes will get namespaced as well, by prepending the namespace and a dash to their values. For example, the following HTML:
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input type="text" name="title" id="title">
would become this, if it were namespaced with “foo”:
<label for="foo-title">Title</label>
<input type="text" name="foo[title]" id="foo-title">
Attributes that are already namespaced will get double-namespaced. For example, the following HTML:
<label for="bar-title">Title</label>
<input type="text" name="bar[title]" id="bar-title">
would become:
<label for="foo-bar-title">Title</label>
<input type="text" name="foo[bar][title]" id="foo-bar-title">
When a callable is passed to $html
(supported as of Craft 3.7), the namespace will be set via setNamespace() before the callable is executed, in time for any JavaScript code that needs to be registered by the callable.
$settingsHtml = Craft::$app->view->namespaceInputs(function() use ($widget) {
return $widget->getSettingsHtml();
}, 'widget-settings');
(callable, string) – The HTML code, or a callable that returns the HTML code$namespace
(string, null) – The namespace. Defaults to the active namespace.$otherAttributes
(boolean) – Whetherid
, and other attributes should be namespaced (in addition toname
(boolean) – Whether class names should be namespaced as well (affects bothclass
attributes and class name CSS selectors within<style>
tags). This will only have an effect if$otherAttributes
string – The HTML with namespaced attributes
Normalizes an object template for renderObjectTemplate().
Registers the named asset bundle.
All dependent asset bundles will be registered.
(string) – The class name of the asset bundle (without the leading backslash)$position
(integer, null) – If set, this forces a minimum position for javascript files. This will adjust depending assets javascript file position or fail if requirement can not be met. If this is null, asset bundles position settings will not be changed. See registerJsFile() for more details on javascript position.
yii\web\AssetBundle – The registered asset bundle instance
- yii\base\InvalidConfigException
if the asset bundle does not exist or a circular dependency is detected
- Since
- 5.5.0
Registers a new Twig extension for CP templates.
- Since
- 3.4.0
Registers a delta input name.
This can be either the name of a single form input, or a prefix used by multiple input names.
The input name will be namespaced with the currently active namespace, if any.
When a form that supports delta updates is submitted, any delta inputs (or groups of inputs) that didn’t change over the lifespan of the page will be omitted from the POST request.
Note that delta input names will only be registered if delta registration is active (see getIsDeltaRegistrationActive()).
(boolean) – Whether the name should be considered modified regardless of the initial form value
- Since
- 3.5.0
Registers arbitrary HTML to be injected into the final page response.
(string) – The HTML code to be registered$position
(integer) – The position at which the HTML code should be inserted in the page. Possible values are:- POS_HEAD: in the head section
- POS_BEGIN: at the beginning of the body section
- POS_END: at the end of the body section
(string, null) – The key that identifies the HTML code. If null, it will use a hash of the HTML as the key. If two HTML code blocks are registered with the same position and key, the latter will overwrite the former.
Registers a JS code block.
(string) – The JS code block to be registered$position
(integer) – The position at which the JS script tag should be inserted in a page. The possible values are:POS_HEAD: in the head section
POS_BEGIN: at the beginning of the body section
POS_END: at the end of the body section
POS_LOAD: enclosed within jQuery(window).load(). Note that by using this position, the method will automatically register the jQuery js file.
POS_READY: enclosed within jQuery(document).ready(). This is the default value. Note that by using this position, the method will automatically register the jQuery js file.
(string, null) – The key that identifies the JS code block. If null, it will use $js as the key. If two JS code blocks are registered with the same key, the latter will overwrite the former.
Registers a JS file.
This method should be used for simple registration of JS files. If you want to use features of craft\web\AssetManager like appending timestamps to the URL and file publishing options, use craft\web\AssetBundle and registerAssetBundle() instead.
(string) – The JS file to be registered.$options
(array) – The HTML attributes for the script tag. The following options are specially handled and are not treated as HTML attributes:depends
: array, specifies the names of the asset bundles that this JS file depends on.position
: specifies where the JS script tag should be inserted in a page. The possible values are:appendTimestamp
: bool whether to append a timestamp to the URL.
Please refer to craft\helpers\Html::jsFile() for other supported options.
(string, null) – The key that identifies the JS script file. If null, it will use $url as the key. If two JS files are registered with the same key at the same position, the latter will overwrite the former. Note that position option takes precedence, thus files registered with the same key, but different position option will not override each other.
- Since
- 5.6.0
Registers a JavaScript import map entry to be injected into the final page response.
(string) – The module specifier.$value
(string) – The URL or path to the resource the key will resolve to.
- Since
- 3.7.31
Registers JavaScript code with the given variables, pre-JSON-encoded.
(callable) – Callback function that returns the JS code to be registered.$vars
(array) – Array of variables that will be JSON-encoded before being passed to$jsFn
(integer) – The position at which the JS script tag should be inserted in a page. The possible values are:POS_HEAD: in the head section
POS_BEGIN: at the beginning of the body section
POS_END: at the end of the body section
POS_LOAD: enclosed within jQuery(window).load(). Note that by using this position, the method will automatically register the jQuery js file.
POS_READY: enclosed within jQuery(document).ready(). This is the default value. Note that by using this position, the method will automatically register the jQuery js file.
(string, null) – The key that identifies the JS code block. If null, it will use $js as the key. If two JS code blocks are registered with the same key, the latter will overwrite the former.
Registers a generic <script>
code block.
(string) – The generic<script>
code block to be registered$position
(integer) – The position at which the generic<script>
code block should be inserted in a page. The possible values are:- POS_HEAD: in the head section
- POS_BEGIN: at the beginning of the body section
- POS_END: at the end of the body section
(array) – The HTML attributes for the<script>
(string, null) – The key that identifies the generic<script>
code block. If null, it will use $script as the key. If two generic<script>
code blocks are registered with the same key, the latter will overwrite the former.
- Since
- 5.6.0
Registers a generic <script>
tag with the given variables, pre-JSON-encoded.
(callable) – Callback function that returns the JS code to be registered.$vars
(array) – Array of variables that will be JSON-encoded before being passed to$scriptFn
(integer) – The position at which the JS script tag should be inserted in a page. The possible values are:- POS_HEAD: in the head section
- POS_BEGIN: at the beginning of the body section
- POS_END: at the end of the body section
(array) – The HTML attributes for the<script>
(string, null) – The key that identifies the generic<script>
code block. If null, it will use $script as the key. If two generic<script>
code blocks are registered with the same key, the latter will overwrite the former.
- Since
- 5.5.0
Registers a new Twig extension for site templates.
Translates messages for a given translation category, so they will be available for Craft.t()
calls in the control panel.
Note this should always be called before any JavaScript is registered that will need to use the translations, unless the JavaScript is registered at yii\web\View::POS_READY.
(string) – The category the messages are in$messages
(string[]) – The messages to be translated
Registers a new Twig extension both CP and site templates.
Renders an object template.
The passed-in $object
will be available to the template as an object
The template will be parsed for “property tags” (e.g. {foo}
), which will get replaced with full Twig output tags (e.g. {{|raw }}
If $object
is an instance of yii\base\Arrayable, any attributes returned by its fields() or extraFields() methods will also be available as variables to the template.
(string) – The source template string$object
) – The object that should be passed into the template$variables
(array) – Any additional variables that should be available to the template$templateMode
(string) – The template mode to use.
string – The rendered template.
- yii\base\Exception
in case of failure - Throwable
in case of failure
Renders a Twig template that represents an entire web page.
(string) – The name of the template to load$variables
(array) – The variables that should be available to the template$templateMode
(string, null) – The template mode to use
string – The rendering result
- yii\base\Exception
if $templateMode is invalid
Renders a template defined in a string.
(string) – The source template string.$variables
(array) – Any variables that should be available to the template.$templateMode
(string) – The template mode to use.$escapeHtml
(boolean) – Whether dynamic HTML should be escaped
string – The rendered template.
Renders a Twig template.
(string) – The name of the template to load$variables
(array) – The variables that should be available to the template$templateMode
(string, null) – The template mode to use
string – The rendering result
- yii\base\Exception
if $templateMode is invalid
Finds a template on the file system and returns its path.
All of the following files will be searched for, in this order:
- TemplateName
- TemplateName.html
- TemplateName.twig
- TemplateName/index.html
- TemplateName/index.twig
If this is a front-end request, the actual list of file extensions and index filenames are configurable via the config5:defaultTemplateExtensions and config5:indexTemplateFilenames config settings.
For example if you set the following in config/general.php:
'defaultTemplateExtensions' => ['htm'],
'indexTemplateFilenames' => ['default'],
then the following files would be searched for instead:
- TemplateName
- TemplateName.htm
- TemplateName/default.htm
The actual directory that those files will depend on the current template mode (probably templates/
if it’s a front-end site request, and vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/
if it’s a Control Panel request).
If this is a front-end site request, a folder named after the current site handle will be checked first.
- templates/SiteHandle/...
- templates/...
And finally, if this is a control panel request and the template name includes multiple segments and the first segment of the template name matches a plugin’s handle, then Craft will look for a template named with the remaining segments within that plugin’s templates/ subfolder.
To put it all together, here’s where Craft would look for a template named “foo/bar”, depending on the type of request it is:
- Front-end site requests:
- templates/SiteHandle/foo/bar
- templates/SiteHandle/foo/bar.html
- templates/SiteHandle/foo/bar.twig
- templates/SiteHandle/foo/bar/index.html
- templates/SiteHandle/foo/bar/index.twig
- templates/foo/bar
- templates/foo/bar.html
- templates/foo/bar.twig
- templates/foo/bar/index.html
- templates/foo/bar/index.twig
- Control panel requests:
- vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/foo/bar
- vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/foo/bar.html
- vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/foo/bar.twig
- vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/foo/bar/index.html
- vendor/craftcms/cms/src/templates/foo/bar/index.twig
- path/to/fooplugin/templates/bar
- path/to/fooplugin/templates/bar.html
- path/to/fooplugin/templates/bar.twig
- path/to/fooplugin/templates/bar/index.html
- path/to/fooplugin/templates/bar/index.twig
(string) – The name of the template.$templateMode
(string, null) – The template mode to use.$publicOnly
(boolean) – Whether to only look for public templates (template paths that don’t start with the private template trigger).
string, false – The path to the template if it exists, or false
- Since
- 3.4.6
Sets the initial value of a delta input name.
See also getInitialDeltaValues()View source
- Since
- 3.4.0
Sets whether delta input name registration is active.
See also registerDeltaName()View source
Sets the active namespace.
This is the default namespaces that will be used when namespaceInputs(), namespaceInputName(), and namespaceInputId() are called, if their|null $namespace arguments are null.
- Since
- 3.0.10
Sets the asset bundle names that should be marked as already registered.
(string[]) – Asset bundle names
- Since
- 3.0.10
Sets the JS files that should be marked as already registered.
Sets the current template mode.
The template mode defines:
- the base path that templates should be looked for in
- the default template file extensions that should be automatically added when looking for templates
- the "index" template filenames that should be checked when looking for templates
(string) – Either 'site' or 'cp'
- yii\base\Exception
if $templateMode is invalid
Sets the base path that templates should be found in.
- Since
- 5.6.0
Sets the Twig environment for the current template mode.
- Since
- 5.3.0
Starts a buffer for any asset bundles registered with registerAssetBundle().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearAssetBundleBuffer().
See also clearAssetBundleBuffer()View source
- Since
- 3.7.0
Starts a buffer for any <style>
tags registered with registerCss().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearCssBuffer().
See also clearCssBuffer()View source
- Since
- 4.0.0
Starts a buffer for any <link>
tags registered with registerCssFile().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearCssFileBuffer().
See also clearCssFileBuffer()View source
- Since
- 4.3.0
Starts a buffer for any html tags registered with registerHtml().
Starts a buffer for any JavaScript code registered with registerJs().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearJsBuffer().
See also clearJsBuffer()View source
- Since
- 4.0.0
Starts a buffer for any <script>
tags registered with registerJsFile().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearJsFileBuffer().
See also clearJsFileBuffer()View source
- Since
- 5.6.0
Starts a buffer for any JavaScript imports registered with registerJsImport().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearJsImportBuffer().
See also clearJsImportBuffer()View source
- Since
- 4.5.8
Starts a buffer for any <meta>
tags registered with registerMetaTag().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearMetaTagBuffer().
See also clearMetaTagBuffer()View source
- Since
- 3.7.0
Starts a buffer for any <script>
tags registered with registerScript().
The buffer’s contents can be cleared and returned later via clearScriptBuffer().
See also clearScriptBuffer()View source
Protected Methods
Method | Description |
findViewFile() | Finds the view file based on the given view name. |
getRequestedViewFile() | |
registerAllAssetFiles() | Registers all files provided by all registered asset bundles, including depending bundles files. |
registerAssetFiles() | Registers all files provided by an asset bundle including depending bundles files. |
registerAssetFlashes() | Registers any asset bundles and JS code that were queued-up in the session flash data. |
renderBodyBeginHtml() | Renders the content to be inserted at the beginning of the body section. |
renderBodyEndHtml() | Renders the content to be inserted at the end of the body section. |
renderHeadHtml() | Renders the content to be inserted in the head section. |
Registers all files provided by all registered asset bundles, including depending bundles files.
Removes a bundle from assetBundles once files are registered.
Registers all files provided by an asset bundle including depending bundles files.
Removes a bundle from assetBundles once files are registered.
(string) – Name of the bundle to register
Registers any asset bundles and JS code that were queued-up in the session flash data.
- yii\base\Exception
if any of the registered asset bundles are not actually asset bundles
Renders the content to be inserted at the beginning of the body section.
The content is rendered using the registered JS code blocks and files.
string – The rendered content
Renders the content to be inserted at the end of the body section.
The content is rendered using the registered JS code blocks and files.
(boolean) – Whether the view is rendering in AJAX mode. If true, the JS scripts registered at POS_READY and POS_LOAD positions will be rendered at the end of the view like normal scripts.
string – The rendered content
Renders the content to be inserted in the head section.
The content is rendered using the registered meta tags, link tags, CSS/JS code blocks and files.
string – The rendered content
Constant | Description |
PH_BODY_BEGIN | This is internally used as the placeholder for receiving the content registered for the beginning of the body section. |
PH_BODY_END | This is internally used as the placeholder for receiving the content registered for the end of the body section. |
PH_HEAD | This is internally used as the placeholder for receiving the content registered for the head section. |
POS_BEGIN | The location of registered JavaScript code block or files. |
POS_END | The location of registered JavaScript code block or files. |
POS_HEAD | The location of registered JavaScript code block or files. |
POS_LOAD | The location of registered JavaScript code block. |
POS_READY | The location of registered JavaScript code block. |
- Type
- craft\events\CreateTwigEvent
- Since
- 4.3.0
The event that is triggered when a Twig environment is created.
See also createTwig()
- Type
- craft\events\AssetBundleEvent
- Since
- 4.5.0
The event that is triggered after an asset bundle is registered
The event that is triggered after a page template gets rendered
The event that is triggered after a template gets rendered
The event that is triggered before a page template gets rendered
The event that is triggered before a template gets rendered
The event that is triggered when registering control panel template roots
The event that is triggered when registering site template roots